Some people have posted on here that salvia does nothing for them, just a little 'high'. These people are hard heads, and you have to smoke a lot of strong extract to get an effect (or chew a bunch of the leaves).
I am not one of these people, my first time I took one bong hit of 20x with a butane lighter. I held it in for only a few second because I began to feel it as soon as it hit my lungs. I immediately realized I was not ready for this. I felt a strong wave, and every object in the room jumped out of itself like a blue energy flame smeared the room in a 3-dimensional rotation about me. Sort of like doing a flip under water. And I was back, but only by force of my own will. The second time was much stronger, and I was forced to accept that I would not be able to stop this, but I brought myself back one last time, before "VOOM" and I was spun into nothing, somewhere. I remember some things, but they aren't in much of an order. Things were not linear, time did not exist to me.
So this progression is just my imagined reconstruction of events, but these things did not happen in any order. I was in some kind of slanted parking garage. I only use that name because there was only the ceiling and the floor, and they were not exactly parrallel, while at the same time being parrallel. And a stranger cloaked in shadows was approaching me. It was a complete fear, and I've come to understand the situation as representing the alienated self. Another scene...half of my body did not exist, my right half. I had sunk into a floor on the side of my bed (if you are thinking this does not make sense spatially, you understand my description). I used to hang off the side of my bed when i was younger, and it would concern my mom/grandmother. This was a return to this scene, they were both there, my mother and grandmother, in an etheral spirit blue, and the were calling me to get up.
The most clear scene I remember, and I think the one approaching understanding a real truth... felt a vine, thick and brown through my chest/abdomen. It was through me in a spiritual sense, very much something I could feel. And it ran off to infinity, with the future like leaves spiralling down it. And there were to more vines, running next to me to each side, that were also me but distinct. I've come to believe that in some sense this concept of three people was due to the two friends in the room with me. In this swirl of colors, I was trying to get my friend to shut off the Cream Farewell concert video, but only managed to communicate by picking up the dvd case and moving it (which I couldn't even see at the time).
It is very strange because I was seemingly running on several, and perhaps all these tracks at once. Although I was able to coherently communicate something along the lines of 'the vines' in awe, mostly I was just saying 'holy shit' and looking around me. I don't remember that at all.
When I finally snapped together enough to recognize my friends as interactable observing entities, I asked them how long it had been, and what I had been doing. I felt like I hadn't known them in a long, long time. Like I had gone on a voyage out to sea for months and just returned. I wanted to talk about what I had been through, and reconnect with my friends...even if they had no interest in hearing it and were just creeped out by someone so far gone.
Second notable experience:
Very large hit, accidentally cleared a bowl of salvia extract and some white rhino. I was on some adderall. My friend primed the chamber, I cleared it and drained the bowl. He was showing off this bong he had made, and I felt bad because I was the weedmiester at the time and felt obligated to direct the ceremony, and pack another bowl and get everyone else blazed. As I bend over to pull out the bowl, I recognize that I am losing touch with my body, and accidentally crack the vase thin glass of the bong. Immediately sit down and put my head in my hands, and everyone except my friend that knows salvia thinks I'm just remorseful. I am, but it is only like that moment is a lasting flash, repeating and soon to subsided, the farewell kick on another voyage. I tried in vein to communicate. Eventually my very kind friend who was probably pissed at me, cleared people out of the room and shut off the lights, and later brought me a soda

Anyway, I sat down on a nearby bed and covered my eyes. I felt a force pulling me to let go of my body, and all my senses, to be mapped on to this shape. Someone who has done salvia or other psychedelics probably understands 'feeling' an object with proprioception. My eyes were the hardest to let go of, as I was seeing the object without them. Finally it was complete, and I have drawn this shape countless times, and I use it often for the seed of spatial metaphors/analogies. It was large than anything I have ever experienced. Absolutely cosmic/galactic.