Well-Known Member
I just finished reading every post of this thread and went and purchased everything for my cloner. I had to order some of the parts like timer, pump, EZ cloner sprayers, etc. but I went to Lowes Home Improvement and look what I saw when I went to look for my 18 gallon Roughneck. Those are all 18 gallon. I am sorry Stink but that is FUNNY! Thank you so much for everything you have shared and continue to share here and in life in general. I too will pass it on. I just will eventually build them all but for now the cloner will be a welcome addition. I can't wait to get my issue of HT in May. Is there some way I could get you to sign my copy? Seriously! Thanks again and sorry about the totes! LMAO
that pic is how it was at Menards store when I went but all 14gal roughneck