My grow tent


Well-Known Member
Ok, here's what I'm working with. I have a 3.28ft x 3.28ft x 6.56ft tent. 600 watt air cooled mh/hps light. 4 inch can fan for air intake. Two 6 inch inline fans for exhuast, one is attached to a carbon filter. My plants are recovering from nute lockout due to tap water with a ph of 7.8. I am using oceanforest soil and fox farm nutes. Currently feeding at half strenght. Plants are almost 4 weeks old, and are undersized. Please don't comment on how shitty the plant looks, because I already know. It is in a recovery stage.



Well-Known Member
I started off with just a tent and some cfl's, then I added a 400 watt mh/hps with an open wing reflector. My temps with the cfl's and tent open 83 degrees I turned my 400 on for 10 minutes and I was up to 90 and climbing, so I added the can fan and a fan blowing directly on the light temps at 82 with tent wide open. Then I bought the 600 watt light (christmas for me) and added the extra exhuast fans and now my temps are at 80 with the tent closed. Also I ordered seeds from bc seeds they were just an indoor mix.


Well-Known Member
The setup looks good. I don't know if your tent is in a closet or what, but if you can have your intake fan pulling air from outside the closet, you tent will stay much cooler. I am just guessing its in a closet from the first pic. Also, make sure you stop feeding those plants for a while. I think that pH and nute burn are the issue with the plants in the pics. With seedlings and clones, using Ocean Forest soil, you shouldn't have to feed for at least 2 weeks and a lot of times it closer to 3 or 4 weeks, especially with seedlings.

Good luck with the grow



Well-Known Member
The setup looks good. I don't know if your tent is in a closet or what, but if you can have your intake fan pulling air from outside the closet, you tent will stay much cooler. I am just guessing its in a closet from the first pic. Also, make sure you stop feeding those plants for a while. I think that pH and nute burn are the issue with the plants in the pics. With seedlings and clones, using Ocean Forest soil, you shouldn't have to feed for at least 2 weeks and a lot of times it closer to 3 or 4 weeks, especially with seedlings.

Good luck with the grow

Thanks Bob, Its in a closet, I have ducting that runs directly into my ac vent for intake and the exhuast is also running outside the closet. I get my portable ac unit monday and am hoping that I can keep my closet and tent around 75. I will lay off the nutes for a while. I noticed that the areas where I trimed off the dead leaves theres alot of new growth and its nice and green, so hopefully its on its way back.


Well-Known Member
Also I just wanted to add that if anyone is considering one of these grow tents, be prepared to drop a couple hundred on a good intake/exhuast set up. Can't stress this enough.