Hairy's 1st AeroGarden grow!


Well-Known Member
I am getting very impatient. It's so hard now since I'm outta smoke. I have been drying and smoking the trimmings and I do get a buz from them..ha!!!!!!!!

Ur wasting ur time cutting and trimmin. U need to let the buds dry for at least a week and a half. Then cure for about a week and a half also. I did the same thing was pheening to smoke so i cut off some buds. U get a lil buzz but not much. If u wait the 3 weeks of dryin and curing u will see a huge difference in taste and potency. The grow before this was my first and i did the same u are doin. U are wasting ur hard earned grow time. Dont pik or trim and wait until the buds are cured im tellin u. On top of that it tastes like ur smoking a live tree from being so fresh and i dont know about u but freshly piked buds when smoked tastes like ur smoking vapor. And it doesnt even taset like weed. I kept some in a jar for 2 weeks after being dried and went to smoke it. Shit smelled like blueberries and it was the best dro i have smoked since i was a teenager. U have been growin for a few months dont screw urself and wait a lil longer and u will be surprized on how good it comes out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input. I can use all the help I can get. This is my first water grow, ever. It'll be interesting to see if I can keep 6 midgets alive in there. I still have plenty of room for the roots so we'll see.

6 can be done but they will be dwarf and u will get a small harvest. In august or septembers high times it shows some1 growin 6 dwarfs. But they are extremely small and they said he got a lil over an ounce outtta all 6. The best bet is to go with 2-3 tops and vegg them 24/0 light schedule for a month and a half to 2 months tops then flower. I have read vegging 24/0 can cut up to almost a month off ur grow time. I will plant 2 Violator Kush next grow and thats it. U seen how bushy that ho has gotten.


Well-Known Member
Ur wasting ur time cutting and trimmin. U need to let the buds dry for at least a week and a half. Then cure for about a week and a half also. I did the same thing was pheening to smoke so i cut off some buds. U get a lil buzz but not much. If u wait the 3 weeks of dryin and curing u will see a huge difference in taste and potency. The grow before this was my first and i did the same u are doin. U are wasting ur hard earned grow time. Dont pik or trim and wait until the buds are cured im tellin u. On top of that it tastes like ur smoking a live tree from being so fresh and i dont know about u but freshly piked buds when smoked tastes like ur smoking vapor. And it doesnt even taset like weed. I kept some in a jar for 2 weeks after being dried and went to smoke it. Shit smelled like blueberries and it was the best dro i have smoked since i was a teenager. U have been growin for a few months dont screw urself and wait a lil longer and u will be surprized on how good it comes out.
I hear you. The buds & leaves and branches I'm trimming arer lower ones I need to get rid of anyway. You're right about the taste and it's harsh as well. Prolly due to the nutes not being flushed. I'm just going to have to wait.


Well-Known Member
6 can be done but they will be dwarf and u will get a small harvest. In august or septembers high times it shows some1 growin 6 dwarfs. But they are extremely small and they said he got a lil over an ounce outtta all 6. The best bet is to go with 2-3 tops and vegg them 24/0 light schedule for a month and a half to 2 months tops then flower. I have read vegging 24/0 can cut up to almost a month off ur grow time. I will plant 2 Violator Kush next grow and thats it. U seen how bushy that ho has gotten.
Thats bad news. I may try the 24/0 veg cycle next grow to cut off some time. I thought I'd have some males so that's why I planted 6. I was hoping to get 2 or 3 ladies but they all turned out female so that's why I have been pruning.

I hate to pull a couple. You think at this point it would make a difference.

Thanks for the insight.


Well-Known Member
Thats bad news. I may try the 24/0 veg cycle next grow to cut off some time. I thought I'd have some males so that's why I planted 6. I was hoping to get 2 or 3 ladies but they all turned out female so that's why I have been pruning.

I hate to pull a couple. You think at this point it would make a difference.

Thanks for the insight.

Usually if they are feminized they are usually female unless u stress them out somehow. But u are lucky to get all 6 females. Good job. The taste being harsh is the same i got 2. Just hold out man another week or 2 u will be alot happier with the taste and quality of the smoke. Ur just wasting the pot smokin it cause u barely get high and it actually brings ur motivation down because u say to urself that ive been waitin this long for this crap.. But im tellin u the longer u let it dry and cure the better smelling and tasting and the better high ur gonna get. U need to be patient my man. Ive learned from my mistake just tryin to pass on the info. Its up 2 u 2 listen. And i wouldnt trim ne leaves cuttings on the bottom nothin. The leaves and stems have nutrients that the plant uses. I dont prune not 1 leave. And i let all dieing leaves fall off by them selevs. Thats when i know the plant has used all the nutes up. Let em grow dont touch a thing man.


Well-Known Member

haha i kno, mine are already staring to smell like buds, i love wakin up to it :leaf:[/quote]
ha....yeah, I know what you mean. Lets bottle it:
Stoners Air Freshner


Well-Known Member
Usually if they are feminized they are usually female unless u stress them out somehow. But u are lucky to get all 6 females. Good job. The taste being harsh is the same i got 2. Just hold out man another week or 2 u will be alot happier with the taste and quality of the smoke. Ur just wasting the pot smokin it cause u barely get high and it actually brings ur motivation down because u say to urself that ive been waitin this long for this crap.. But im tellin u the longer u let it dry and cure the better smelling and tasting and the better high ur gonna get. U need to be patient my man. Ive learned from my mistake just tryin to pass on the info. Its up 2 u 2 listen. And i wouldnt trim ne leaves cuttings on the bottom nothin. The leaves and stems have nutrients that the plant uses. I dont prune not 1 leave. And i let all dieing leaves fall off by them selevs. Thats when i know the plant has used all the nutes up. Let em grow dont touch a thing man.
No, I didnt order femmed seeds. That's why I expected a 50/50 ratio or so. I think they wont be ready to harvest until the end of Jan at the earliest. These strains (WW & BB) flower in 8/10 weeks outdoors and I heard it takes longer indoors, maybe 10/12 weeks, but I'm not sure using the hps.

As I mentioned in a previous post way back somewhere, I'm going to try and keep all 6 females. In order to do that, I had to change my grow strategy. I'm not pruning them in the strict since of the word. I'm lollipopping them all. I know if you take lots of fan's, etc from the entire plant you'll stunt the growth. I've done that in the past. I'm not trimming anything from the top 1/3 of the plant, but I need to thin out the bottoms. I should get bigger buds and it should use less nutes. I don't want to run that little 1 gal tank dry every day. I've read a lot about lollipopping and looks like it works fine. We shall see.


Well-Known Member
Yea im with the lollipopping, im sure that will work, especailly with the HPS, gonna get some good results!


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1845820]Yea im with the lollipopping, im sure that will work, especailly with the HPS, gonna get some good results![/quote]

Looks like it's working so far. The buds are really blowing up now. I can see the hps really does help a lot.


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1856689]thats good to hear, i told you things would work out :leaf:[/quote]

Thanks. Hope so anyway. Lots of info on this site and lots of helpful folks like you made it all possible!


Well-Known Member
U have nice fucking grow man they look awesome man never really heard of lollipop only read about it once .. But now I understand what it is that's a pretty kool teknique


Well-Known Member
U have nice fucking grow man they look awesome man never really heard of lollipop only read about it once .. But now I understand what it is that's a pretty kool teknique
Thanks! I learned how to do it on this site. This is the very best site for information and support for growing MJ. Lots of great threads and helpful folks.


Well-Known Member
hg hairy and others....check out my plants in the ag w/ 250w hps. Made a new grow box with diy everything (cooltube, scrubber, mufflers etc) actually took me a while to get it all down.

These ladies are fem blue cheese and into their 11th day of flowering. Im a little nervous about the lady on the right...she has had a ball or two pop up with no hairs so im hoping she doesnt herm out on me. We'll see...time will tell. Let me know what yall think
Ya'know, I think you can start your own thread instead of hijacking my grow thread. Please delete your post.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I learned how to do it on this site. This is the very best site for information and support for growing MJ. Lots of great threads and helpful folks.
Yeah I know been on here learning for a couple months it's a bomb ass site still u have the ass holes that don't to help others..
Still your shit rocks!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
whoa...all i was doing was sharing my pics with you as you apologies

::deletes previous post::
It's all good man. I meant for you to start your own thread with your own grow info & pix like eveybody else here does. Hope you understand my point. This is how I am tracking my personal grow, getting feedback and help when I need it. If everyone posted pix on others threads, noone could keep track of their grow. You can do the same on your own thread.