first time - is this a good set up


Active Member
o yea i have way more space then that. the light can go up way more.. i am about 5'8'' and my head hits the roof


Well-Known Member
but can you grow good weed from shwag seeds idk im trying that right now ive got 8 shwwag seeds going about two weeks old not doing a whiole lot i have to say but then i have " " bagseed from some dank stuff and one of those seeds has taken right the fuck off about 6 inches tall lots of green and all started at tsame time although not the shwag that was about two weeks later. any ways where to find bag seed heres what you do you buy soe chronic maybe an 8th quater if you can afford it where im from shits pricy and you sift trhough your bag chances are theres not going to be any seeds but there are the rare occasion you find gold in your batch and an FYI to noobs out there PEOPLE DONT TAKE SEEDS OUT B$ THEY SELL TO YOU most of the tiem its seni ie meaning no seeds thats why finding one or two is better then buying the sac!!!! not another senario is this if you know some one who knows some one or you jsut know some one who moves some weight could be a zone could be qp(quarter ound) or more w,e i garuntee you they have seeds i have yet to find a batch that has zero seeds in it and thats not to say that its not out there but consider this out of oh i duno say off one plant you may get 2-3 seeds and so you need to think there not common any ways back on track ask that some one if hey you get some seeds can i have them you can offer to pay but i dont as no one really cares much for them unless there a grower in which case you may have just either made a mortal enemy or a new best freidns either way be cautious about it and best of luck also i hear nirvana is a good place to get some seeds but then again i dont buy seeds so directions take a whith a grain of salt


Well-Known Member
you cant say that every bag has at least a seed i seen like 8 pounds harvested and every time i was getting rid of it and never ever seen a seed