Recipe for Easy Canna-Cookies

Last night I was with some friends at a bar listening to a band play. We went outside to toke, and I gave everyone a green choc. chip cookie. Six people ate one, I had already eaten two, and as the evening went on, it became clear that 1 girl had overdone it. She sat elbow on the bar chin on hand, staring catatonic-like, for about 90 minutes. She was OK, but didn't feel very good, and was obviously overwhelmed. I told her to ride it out, and that it would pass. A while later, she had something to eat, and felt fine, and was able to drive home.

Although I'll bet she was still high today...:blsmoke:
It was on the old, old CW that I started using the Betty Crocker recipe Vi posted a couple of years ago...
I like to use a full stick of butter instead of any vegetable oil.
I use from 8 to 12 grams of bud that has been run thru the coffee grinder.
These cookies will get you wickedly high so use caution and treat with respect!
I'm gonna make another batch tomorrow!
Overdose on pot? You have got to be kidding me! Never! Well, maybe just one time I did! But that was only one time! :)
OD'ing on nug sucks. I did it quite a bit smoking with my friends who had been avidly smoking for a year or so, when I had just started. It made me not like smoking it for a while, then i started again, and we've been in love ever since. lol.
about 7 or 8 years ago when i was in highschool me and a friend picked up an oz from my neighboor and after we had smoked a blunt i dont know how but the conversation came up about eating a 20 out of it (10 grams) next thing i remember we split it half and half and just started eating it with some grape soda to wash it down.(it is really really hard to eat pot by itself,trust me.)i sobered upfrom the smoke about an hour later and i didnt feel anything so i thought it was just a waste eating it(this was about 1 or 2 in the morning)so i went to sleep.i woke up at about 6 in the morning and the world was spinning, i felt like i had a hangover from hell.i stumbled my ass to the restroom and threwup and threwup and threwup.i havent ate marijuana since:spew:
Like they say ... "moderation is the key."

Hey, BaconSquishy ...

Did you ever get around to making and eating the cookies? You never got back to us ... are you still kicking?

I made a batch last night i put a half o of white widow... i made 9 big cookies and I ate 3 right off the bat. I kid you not with in 20 min my ass could not get off the couch. I tried to smoke a bowl and couldnt even bring myself to take more than 1 hit and I smoke ALOT! Thumbs up on recipe works great!!

I just made a batch of these cookies.... I ended up with around 52 cookies after I was done... approx 25 semi large ones and around 25 smaller ones.... I just ate one and am waiting for the effects as we speak....

I made the sugar cookies and the taste of them is not what i thought.... Suprisingly, they didnt make me want to chase it as if it were vodka, although having a slightly different taste (you could def taste the maryJ) they were edible.... edible enough I COULD eat quite a few of them w/o geting sick....

Anyways, ill post here later to know how ur recipe did Vi....

Damn.... Not as good as I was hoping.... I ended up using around 3 eighths of KB.... I just ate 2 cookies around an hour ago and I would b higher off a bowl pack.... Idk.... Food just doesnt get me rippd... or maybe I just need to use more/better bud?
Hey V, Maybe your not so twisted after all. Now one question. I just cured my male plants and got about a 1/4 oz of leaf and flowers, Smoked a couple a hits in a little pipe and got a fair buzz. Would it make a decent batch ya thunk? And would it be more potent in cookies?
we use males also, comes out decent it's a mild body high, but still worth the effort of easy cookies/brownies
I've learned that about cookies I make. Damn I'm not feeling anything 5 cookies and three hours later I'm really paranoid and tripping.
My friend and his girlfriend tried this over Christmas break. It turned out to be a nice f*ckin holiday. And the cookies are a great way to transport on the plane (TSA never suspected a thing when my friend's cookies showed up on the X-Ray)

It took my friend about an hour and a half for things to kick in. He ate one cookie, felt nothing after an hour, then ate another. About a half hour after the second, things kicked in. It was a really great buzz that lasted about 3 hours!

Quicker recipe: find your favorite cookie mix; follow those instructions, but mix in 1/4 of finely ground shake (mix into egg/oil for ease of mixing vs. into the flour).

I went out and bought some of that exact peanut butter cookie mix today.

What kind of oil should I use? Will olive be ok? Can I use a stick of butter inplace?
I went out and bought some of that exact peanut butter cookie mix today.

What kind of oil should I use? Will olive be ok? Can I use a stick of butter inplace?

Just use whatever you normally would to make cookies - up to your taste. Also might want to add extra peanut butter (a Tablespoon or so) to cover up the ganja taste. Might want to also add 2 Tablespoons of sugar/spenda to cover up taste as well - all depends on your taste. Good luck!
i think wat your saying is your putting 1/4 ounce (7 grams) and making 24 cookies and your getting high off of 1/4 of a cookie?????

if this is true i was wondering if i could take enough dough of that for like 3 cookies and put like 2 grams into them both. would i get high off of one cookie if i did this?

answer both questions please