Well-Known Member
I was wondering, if you boiled bong water on low until the water evaporated, would you have resin? Would that resin get you baked? Just a question I was wondering about that as I emptied my dark bong water out today.
No he won't. I've done this, but for the amount comparison of THC to carcinogens and tar in that resin. it's not worth it. and it tastes like you are smoking gasoline.gonna throw up!
No he won't. I've done this, but for the amount comparison of THC to carcinogens and tar in that resin. it's not worth it. and it tastes like you are smoking gasoline.
If you don't have anything else go for it. But remember. you're taking in about 10 times more heavy elements(mainly corcinogens) than normal smoke. Remember that a bong filters your smoke somewhat, which is why it feels smoother. when you smoke that bong water you're taking in all that shit that made your smoke feel ever smoke a cigerrette?
no thc at all, but plenty of carcinogens and tar
and whne you ain't got nothing to change your head, that small amount of thc is as good as gold...
What I've used in times of need when I'm trying to collect resin is instead of using a class pipe I just find something as a bowl, and then put some polyurethane tubing as the stem. For some reason resin sticks to this tubing more than it does to glass. After 2 weeks of smoking out of my homemade and then my glass bong I got double the resin out of the polyurethane stem than the glass one.i only scrape after atleast a week or two of smoking and dirtying a pipe... i don't know if that one nug(though pretty) is gonna leave you enough resin
though maybe i'm wrong?
don't push yourself man, remember everyone has a another 3 or four the water is getting cloudyier, I am so baked though, but for the sake of science I must go on. must not quit....