Dry Ice!!!


Well-Known Member
My room is 8.56cf. I want to add CO2 to my room using dry ice. I want to use dry ice because It is available to me at almost no cost. I plan to build a box out of some 1 inch sheets of stryo foam with a few hoses coming out for direct distribution of the CO2. The dryice i have available to me is in pellet form. How much dryice will i need? Would it be better to put the styro box outside of the grow room and run tubing inside to the plant (to keep the dryice from melting faster)? How big would the styrofoam box need to be for one day's dose? Also one sort of stupid question, When should CO2 be added? Thanks for all the input.


Well-Known Member
if i were you i wouldnt try to make any elaborate-ass device to direct feed the co2 i would simply put some in the bottom of your styro cooler and simply place it in front of your circulating fan somewhere in one of the corners of your growroom, this should help to keep the temp down also, im not sure about how safe or amounts of dry ice tho, im no expert, but the room is pretty small this method should suffice.


Well-Known Member
and as for how often to feed, you can feed co2 constantly just be sure not to over do it, your plants need oxygen just as much as they do co2


Well-Known Member
only feed co2 when the lights are on thats when the plant uses it you would just waste it during the dark period. you can add it when vegging it can only help but flowering is when your plant needs it the most


Well-Known Member
dry ice... seems as if everyday this is being asked. i dont think dry ice is a very good way of adding co2


Well-Known Member
I agree with you on that. But since I gat it at next to no cost then I belive it would be a better solution than the yeast and water method. If I keep the ice in a seald box with only a few hoses coming out then the evaporation would be cut down. Any one have any idea how much ice i would need to supply the plants for a day?


Well-Known Member
Dude, theres too many variables to determine how long it will last.
You dont mention lighting, but I assume that you have an HID lighting?
If you are using any other type of lighting, your wasting your time.

Dryice is superior to a tank and about any other method out there, in my opinion. The limiting factor of course is cost. Dryice can be difficult to find at a wholesale price.

One pound of dry ice will produce 8.7 cubic feet of gaseous CO2. You’ll need to provide about .04 cubic feet of CO2 to the garden per day for every cubic foot of grow space. That means that a 1 pound block of dry ice will provide one days coverage for a 217 cubic foot garden, which is slightly larger than a 5’ x 5’ x 8’ area. The trick is to leave the cooler open just enough to let the dry ice sublimate at the rate you want.


Well-Known Member
No i am not using a HID at the moment. Heat is an issue with the hid in my room but with the aid of the dryice and the benefit of the co2 i belive that I can use the HID. So with your numbers I should use about .10lbs of ice a day. Thanks Video.

sempre verde

Active Member
Hey guys Ive been buying dry ice intermitently from a local grocer at $1/lb Ive got a 6x8x8 room with 1000wroom temp at 70 F. exhaust fanvariable speed and only to maintain temp., so fairly random quantity of air movement. So at 12/12 13 lbs with quality styrofoam cooler opened at "sunrise" closed at "dusk", the next morning there was hardly any left. And the cooler is sm-med but 100% sealed.
So there is something to start off with "it goes pretty fuckin fast!"
No hyjack intended but also what about a co2 block once a week? Obviouly some help but how mucH, eh?

Good luck to all. keep on growin'!!
No i am not using a HID at the moment. Heat is an issue with the hid in my room but with the aid of the dryice and the benefit of the co2 i belive that I can use the HID. So with your numbers I should use about .10lbs of ice a day. Thanks Video.