really droopy leaves and odd leaf tips

Mr. Burns

Active Member
so my baby is about 3ish weeks old and the last 2 days has drooped. Her leaf tips are brown on almost all the leaves (this has been happening for weeks) I dont think its over watering causing the droopyness (maybe though), and her leaves are dry feeling. Im reading too much N might cause the leaf tips but I dont use ferts, only the SuperSoil potting soil I got from WM. Growing under 8 26 watt clf's. What do you guys think is hurting my babies?


Mr. Burns

Active Member
Also, anybody wanna take a gander at what kind she is? I got the seeds from a friend who knew a grower so I dont have a clue. Its probably too early to tell but any guesses?


Active Member
It Looks like you have horrible drainage. Start over from scratch. I guess pot too...who really cares.


Active Member
you guys always put everyone down and try and makeurselves better? there fine! theres no need to start over!!!!! less water lil more air flow and bring lights closer, your leaves will spring right up! the browned leafs tho... cut em off at the stem they wont survive and are just hogging up ur plants juice trying to repair themselves!!! have a good one


Active Member
you guys always put everyone down and try and makeurselves better? there fine! theres no need to start over!!!!! less water lil more air flow and bring lights closer, your leaves will spring right up! the browned leafs tho... cut em off at the stem they wont survive and are just hogging up ur plants juice trying to repair themselves!!! have a good one
I agree fo sure milkdawg69, some people...... but as far as the plant, looking good i wish mine were that bushy! lol

Mr. Burns

Active Member
I agree fo sure milkdawg69, some people...... but as far as the plant, looking good i wish mine were that bushy! lol
Thanks, I try my best to get as much light as possible 1" from the top while keeping it under about 85 degrees so she stays bushy and hopefully short.

So now her lower leaves are lifting back up about half way to normal. I guess I must have gone a little heavy on the last watering. Nobody said anything about the brown tips of the leaves though. Nearly every leaf has a tiny bit of brown on the leaf tips. :?:


Active Member
yea if just the tips are browning , u can even just rip the little brown part off with your fingers... just be careful lol but lol u dont want them too bushy, id suggest even moving the light farther away, then ur leaves can strech some more, therefore growin more room on the stem for more leaf/bud sprout, are u using chemicals or just "o natual"? lol

Mr. Burns

Active Member
yea if just the tips are browning , u can even just rip the little brown part off with your fingers... just be careful lol but lol u dont want them too bushy, id suggest even moving the light farther away, then ur leaves can strech some more, therefore growin more room on the stem for more leaf/bud sprout, are u using chemicals or just "o natual"? lol
shes bushing out even more now. Shoots all over the place coming out of the foliage. :-P Just looking at all the newly visible tips makes me happy.:weed: I might try moving the lights up a bit soon.

As for the chemicals, just some potting soil I got from Wal Mart