Is It Possible...?


Well-Known Member
As a SOG grow using young plants maybe but really pushing it otherwise from what I've read on RIU.


Well-Known Member
what about witha 1000watter?
You can do about 50 to 60 plants under a 1,000 watt hps combined with a 4ft light mover if you go from clone,let the clones get well rooted then veg for one week & straight into flower,keep track of the plants & keep them on a daily rotation so all will recieve equal time in the sweet spot.

You must lollipop them & grow single cola plants,this requires lots of daily attention to the grow but if you have the time its the best yeilding method ive ever used.


Well-Known Member
okay. now 18-20 plants give or take a couple.

how well would a 1000 watt do on this setup?
Yes it will work but why the 5 gallon buckets ?

You'd be cutting your own throat using pots that large,there is never a need for pots that large if you plan on a standard indoor grow that will be harvested in 4 months or less,your way better off maximizing floor space by running more plants in smaller pots over less plants in larger pots.

A single cola sog style grow will yeild vast amounts more over a 12 month period vs growing large monster plants & is a more efficient use of the light source.


Well-Known Member
idk? i do plan on using clones.

it will be my 1st time.

how should i do it....ive herd people veg plants flower them then back to veg and take clones so you know if its a female.

or just take some cuttings off each veg'n plant flower them and see if its male or fem.?

ive seen so many diff ways.


Well-Known Member
idk? i do plan on using clones.

it will be my 1st time.

how should i do it....ive herd people veg plants flower them then back to veg and take clones so you know if its a female.
or just take some cuttings off each veg'n plant flower them and see if its male or fem.?
ive seen so many diff ways.
Do the way thats most comfortable for you.

When i go from seed i take clones from every plant,mark the clone to its mother plant,let the fresh clones take root for one week then straight into 12/12,after about 2 weeks you know which ones are female,toss the male mothers out & get it rolling.


Active Member
i had 20 plants under only 370 watts of hps and they are all over 1 and a hlaf feet and i have two sativas that are 38 inches high.... lol