Well-Known Member
My personal Opinion on this subject is very stong...
First lets examine how AIDS got started... NOONE!!! really knows for sure.
The basic theroy is that someone ate some monkey meat infected with AIDS.
I personally think this is total bullshit due to the fact that if this were true
people would have been infected with AIDS way earlier in history.
But I do agree that AIDS is very real... Duh anyone with a brain would know that. But what I do not agree with is what our government wants us to beleive how it got here, and that there is no cure.
Magic Johnson (spelling) Just magicall (no pun intended lol) Didn't die from aids? Sounds like a load of crap to me, we all know that money can buy almost anything out there.
My thoughts on this is that Aids is a man made virus. Now I do not know much about viruses and science blah blah but it makes perfect sense to me. First of how the hell does this virus coem to us through "monkeys" lmao.
My thoughts on this is that AIDS in a man made virus probbably impletmented by our own governments as a way to control the earths population. Now some of you might be thinking.... But Live2Die420 man Aids kills you slow and takes a long time to die how could it control the population that well?
The first method is yes it kills you. therefore lowering the population..
Secondly, We scare all our childeren in Sex education classes that sex is bad, unprotected sex leades to aids which KILLS. Scare kids away from Sex enough your reproduction goes wayyy down.
I dont really know but it does make perfect sense and I think it is really a bunch of bull and a coverup of some kind. Am I scared of Aids, you bet your ass. Do I think it came from monkey? Absolutley not.
Fly high everyone
First lets examine how AIDS got started... NOONE!!! really knows for sure.
The basic theroy is that someone ate some monkey meat infected with AIDS.
I personally think this is total bullshit due to the fact that if this were true
people would have been infected with AIDS way earlier in history.
But I do agree that AIDS is very real... Duh anyone with a brain would know that. But what I do not agree with is what our government wants us to beleive how it got here, and that there is no cure.
Magic Johnson (spelling) Just magicall (no pun intended lol) Didn't die from aids? Sounds like a load of crap to me, we all know that money can buy almost anything out there.
My thoughts on this is that Aids is a man made virus. Now I do not know much about viruses and science blah blah but it makes perfect sense to me. First of how the hell does this virus coem to us through "monkeys" lmao.
My thoughts on this is that AIDS in a man made virus probbably impletmented by our own governments as a way to control the earths population. Now some of you might be thinking.... But Live2Die420 man Aids kills you slow and takes a long time to die how could it control the population that well?
The first method is yes it kills you. therefore lowering the population..
Secondly, We scare all our childeren in Sex education classes that sex is bad, unprotected sex leades to aids which KILLS. Scare kids away from Sex enough your reproduction goes wayyy down.
I dont really know but it does make perfect sense and I think it is really a bunch of bull and a coverup of some kind. Am I scared of Aids, you bet your ass. Do I think it came from monkey? Absolutley not.

Fly high everyone