Join the unemployed club here:


Well-Known Member
I perked up when you said this...
In the right area, 90% of the work would be shipping/receiving pallets of dirt and nutes. It would be just in and out, you get a couple big clients and your set.

Keep yourself legal, keep your customers happy, and you will have a very profitable business.

The key is the location, who wants to drive twice as far if someone opens up a shop with the same products.



Well-Known Member
Look, idk if allu's fucks work or what not, cuz i only made it to page 6. But as far as all u fucks that don't work for a living, think of all the needy's and shit. Pepes like flam, lots of pepes. 90% of the fucking world works damn hard for a living, and all u massive growers think u can just live on welfare checks and social security? What the hell is wrong with this world? I mean I aint one of those super dank crop growers, just grow for some bomb ass personal, but hell I've read more than enough of this thread to give me diahreah for a month. I mean seriously, it doesn't matter what happens to the economy? what the hell man, the economy is the reasobn no one will hire a lazy ass fuck like u, and the reason a hard working fuck like me cant get any work. If ur not part of the problem then ur part of the solution man(s)
english much? lol :bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I Love getting Laid Off :) :) :)
Sit back for a few months while it's cold out side, and collect an Unemployment Check.
I'm in the Union. I get Laid off after every job.
Some years I've worked for more than 12 Employers, and probly been laid off 20 times
or more in one year.
Getting laid Off is No Big Deal.....
hell yea, work like a fucking grunt for 9-10 month then laid off for 2-3. just have to budget that flow man. not that i have figured it out yet. sprinkler fitter here, our union is national so i stay with the same company for the most part. just have to sit down once in a while. 58 guys sitting in my area, the highest numbers in since the 80's.


Well-Known Member
thats exactly why labor costs are so outrageous these days. i fucking hate unions, just legal organized crime.

not directed at you topfuel, just unions in general
yea i hated unions too its called jealousy. (in my case) till i finally got the job. after applying for years.

before i worked 70-80 fucking hours a weeks, babysitting grown adults doing a job most of them didnt want to do. why? because we made these company's millions. me and my crews. so we could be shit on by the suits and work check to check with no insurance. now i can feed my family, afford a vacations, pay for my children college, donate to those who really need the help. spend the extra money at the places where it will count. the moms and pops, the unionized stores and companys. sure the hell dont spend it at wal mart.

yea unions are the reason the auto company's are going under. had nothing to do with the suits refusing to get off the oil. refusing to grow with the times. all these companys going under and all these big fat cats walking away with millions while the grunts are filling out application at the local walmart.

the only thing that will save the economy is to give the power back the the workers. they are usually the only one who cares about product, the costumer, and a good job. pay a the mother fucker who sweating his ass off everyday a fair wage and bring the suits back down to earth is the only fix i see. you think that CEO making ?00,000 a year is eating at your local restaurant, shopping at the local store, buy from USA, hiring a American to do the lawn,laundry,babysitting,cooking,cleaning.

one more question? you want a non union company who hires 15 illegals immigrants to every 1 American building your schools, hospitals, and the building your mom or wife works in.

wake up man!!!!!!!!! o yea no offense to you. its just to the simple minded in general.

buy american, shop union store, and for god sakes build everything union.

and for the person going to say we do nothing. 10 people watching 1 do the work. stand outside the next construction site next time you pass and really pay attention. most people would quit in 10min if they where not making a fare wage. some of these boys sacrifice there body's for the job. find me a retired iron worker who's not beat the hell up. that wont happen. now them tinners are a different story. lol


Well-Known Member
thanks for what, the high cost of building?!? our taxes going up because of the high cost of those federaly funded projects?!? you guys get paid by the hour to stand in front of MY projects with goddamn signs because your pussy is hurt because my guys are making money and you assholes arent getting a piece. guess who determines MY rate of pay, ME, when i hand the bid to the customer. you guys will never stop me from working!
high building cost? you get what you pay for. no hack jobs here. what determines your rate of pay is how many crack heads or illegals you hire at $10 hour. or what sweat shop from china you ordered you parts from, or the $ you have to make up from the last job because the before mention employee fucked up and you had to go back and fix it or where backed charged when we had to come fix it right.

if you where in my area you would be stopped from working. never cross here. hell i will take the day off no pay and join the line. even if it was a tinner line.

union does it right the first time. thats what you pay for.


Well-Known Member
i never bashed the individual worker. and if you think about it - part of the reason cost of living is so high is because cost of building is so high because union wages are so high. if they took a lower cut, prices would drop and cost of living would go down, making it easier for the regular non-union guy to make the living he earns go further. i also dont like the fact that unions try to muscle out smaller contractors(me for instance!) unless they become union shops. thats just some mafioso bullshit IMO.

but i dont bash the union guy just happy to have a decent job in these times. the die-hards who picket my jobsites can suck me sideways.
no the problem is the fat cats are making all the money on the back of the workers. a man has to stand up and demand to be paid a fair wage. i work for a small contractor, we survive. we have no one laid off when 58 others from the big contractor are down. why are they down? all the overhead, all the suits still have there jobs. you may not be like the non union employers i described before, and maybe i was harsh. but i have yet to work site that was not fully union that was not a mess, not slopped together, or the employees looked or acted like they just got of the boat or prison bus. most the time the owner is never seen, or never see the work.


Well-Known Member
high building cost? you get what you pay for. no hack jobs here. what determines your rate of pay is how many crack heads or illegals you hire at $10 hour. or what sweat shop from china you ordered you parts from, or the $ you have to make up from the last job because the before mention employee fucked up and you had to go back and fix it or where backed charged when we had to come fix it right.

if you where in my area you would be stopped from working. never cross here. hell i will take the day off no pay and join the line. even if it was a tinner line.

union does it right the first time. thats what you pay for.
Union is nice, for the most part. I loveo how they take so much yet give so little. aka my package as a journeyman steamfitter is $51 (in/around dc) but i only get 35 on the check. wtf! i would much rather pay my own damn insurance than to have $16 an hour taken out for what? for nothing. to make someone else rich. The union likes to steal from right under our noses but we dont complain because most union members are just hicks or "not to bright" individuals. (and by "not to bright" im talking about only a HS Diploma vs a College education)

...Union. Hmmm Yeah you will always have work, But what i cant stand is being a paid slave. Its just not my gig. I would rather start my own company doing something i enjoy, and would reward me with profit for my hard work, instead of just teasing me with bull shit ass overtime (which ruins your life) just so i can make 100k a year...but i wouldnt have a life.

....Ahh idk im wrecked and its late as shit but unions suck. All work sucks. You just have to find the right medium that works for you.


Well-Known Member
Fuck i haven't worked in close to a year. Im tired of busting my ass making someone else rich. Im going to open my own garden nursery once spring arrives:-)

That's beautiful, man. I wish you the absolute best in your endeavor. :joint:
Look, idk if allu's fucks work or what not, cuz i only made it to page 6. But as far as all u fucks that don't work for a living, think of all the needy's and shit. Pepes like flam, lots of pepes. 90% of the fucking world works damn hard for a living, and all u massive growers think u can just live on welfare checks and social security? What the hell is wrong with this world? I mean I aint one of those super dank crop growers, just grow for some bomb ass personal, but hell I've read more than enough of this thread to give me diahreah for a month. I mean seriously, it doesn't matter what happens to the economy? what the hell man, the economy is the reasobn no one will hire a lazy ass fuck like u, and the reason a hard working fuck like me cant get any work. If ur not part of the problem then ur part of the solution man(s)
Dad, is that you? :-?


New Member
Look, idk if allu's fucks work or what not, cuz i only made it to page 6. But as far as all u fucks that don't work for a living, think of all the needy's and shit. Pepes like flam, lots of pepes. 90% of the fucking world works damn hard for a living, and all u massive growers think u can just live on welfare checks and social security? What the hell is wrong with this world? I mean I aint one of those super dank crop growers, just grow for some bomb ass personal, but hell I've read more than enough of this thread to give me diahreah for a month. I mean seriously, it doesn't matter what happens to the economy? what the hell man, the economy is the reasobn no one will hire a lazy ass fuck like u, and the reason a hard working fuck like me cant get any work. If ur not part of the problem then ur part of the solution man(s)

if u havnt heard thiers alot of poeple out of work alot of co.laying poeple off and alot of lazy poeple also but more hard working poeple here,, me 1800 bucks 2 sit around and get stoned and grow fukin damb nice buds and im legel 2 sell back 2 the dispenseries
now the large growers probible work harder than you,,,,and make alot more cash


Well-Known Member
hi guys can you beat 10 years plus unemployed, not saying what the plus is.hated it for the first 18 months but it has grown on me.


Well-Known Member
I can. Last time I worked officially was around 97 I think.

But I don't mooch of the guvment, no disability yet on the edge of qualifying. Been taking care of my mom is all, she had an anurism and now cancer and shit..

So I guess I'm working really hard actually but I just don't get paid. Sometimes I do under the table stuff you know, construction and the like but actually I was a CNE and MCSE
before the divorce and bankrupcy.

The wife took every posession I owned which was everything I had ever wanted basically, dune buggy, quads, garage full of the best tools and high end stereo and biggest tv ever, etc left the dogs and I loved the dogs but lived in an apartment and had to give them up to strangers and one to the pound the only thing she left of value was a trailer I built myself to haul the dune buggy and quads and put it out for sale locked to a pole and it was stolen and I got stuck with a morgage that was worth less than I owed still, then met a girl and fell in love finally, she smoked herb too and we started a huge grow in a 3000sf house while I worked too but two harvests and then because she blabbed to a relative and then he threatened to turn us in for our own good, so we had to shut down and then couldn't keep that place and ended up homeless was a little stressed and drank too much one night to a blackout first one I ever had at 30 years old, stole some shit out of some dudes truck apprently, don't know what that was about don't normalsly steal, got busted lost job because of it got misdemeanor theft and criminal record, then was stuck living with her parents and she had a shopping addiction I found out and maxed out all my credit behind my back, had an rollerblading accident and was down for three months with back injury, was gonna marry her but then she wanted to have babies for me and couldn't live without more kids and I couldn't do it so I had to let her go but I still miss her all the time and still love her, she's married now though and got mmore kids like she wanted so that's ok I deal, then moved in with mom and live like a teenager, developed pancreatitus from drinking, had to have surgury to remove gall bladder, not every supposed to drink any more, did not drink for a year but then did for a few months a little only aon weekends, but pain was too much from pancreas and nowI dont' drink except going out in public like playing pool I can't seem to resist so I rarely go I actually have to drink to play pool cause of back pain, but then I pay for it for days later, around this time grandma died, my favorite family memberr she was so so sweet and should have lived longer and I couldn't even go the funeral, and then drank too much again but didn't realize I was even buzzed got a dui so can't get the theft expunged and can't afford a lawyer, and basically am a hermit cause often don't have money to do anything, watch a lot of TV, was in another bad accident, this time motorcycle, forced into a guardrail at 40mph, broke back, three vertibrae crushed, couple of disks collapsed some to half size, broke finger broke nose, lots of road rash, chronic pain, can't do opiates I get addicted too easy and didn't really like em anyway, hard to get a job now not having worked in 10 years, can only do limited sit down type jobs long term but I can force myself for a little while to suffer and do the construction and I actually like doing that but have to kind of work slow so charge by the job and pace myself, I can handle a week or two of labor is all then I get to where I just can't have the back pain any more so live on the couch for a while, so much competition out there I'm always beat with no recent experience, criminal record and dui, my certifications are all expired for computer support stuff and everything changed in that time and I need to learn the new stuff and take cert exams but have no money for it,

All along I was developing fibromyalgia crept up on me, mom has it, get pain for no reason in different spots, always seem to have a kink in my neck that hurts a lot, rub that all the time to try to loosen it up but it will nevergo away, can't afford meds for fibro they are $50-0 a month or some thing and they have side effects and tried every anti depressant on the market and nothing is good, and don't have money for any xmas gifts, and

Oh and then I got interested in this really really hot girl that played tournament pool like me on occasion and we hung out a couple times casual and I never picked up on the clues, and she turned out to be a dude.

And then I didn't look at a girl for 3 years and no sex and then had a moment with a girl like fireworks but was too scared to date again, now can't find her doesn't work there or something.
Had to edit this a few times cause I remembered more stuff.

Fuck I just started to cry, haven't felt depressed in a while but reading this made me...

I should get off weed too, addicted to coca cola, smoke cigarettes every 5 minutes, have athsma, allergic to all kinds of plants in summer, fibro makes me freeze in winter can't stand cold any more, damn I can't conti

didn't wear gloves, got a rash from handling potting soil or cow manure or something not sure one of those, itched like mad for a week and had to go to the doctor, tried one med didn't work, tried another and it's clearing up but still itchy all over.

I keep coming back in here to let it all out... probably good to vent.


Well-Known Member
I can. Last time I worked officially was around 97 I think.

But I don't mooch of the guvment, no disability yet on the edge of qualifying. Been taking care of my mom is all, she had an anurism and now cancer and shit..

So I guess I'm working really hard actually but I just don't get paid. Sometimes I do under the table stuff you know, construction and the like but actually I was a CNE and MCSE
before the divorce and bankrupcy.

The wife took every posession I owned which was everything I had ever wanted basically, dune buggy, quads, garage full of the best tools and high end stereo and biggest tv ever, etc left the dogs and I loved the dogs but lived in an apartment and had to give them up to strangers and one to the pound and I got stuck with a morgage that was worth less than I owed still, then met a girl and fell in love finally sorta, was gonna marry her but then she wanted to have babies for me and couldn't live without more kids and I couldn't do it so I had to let her go then moved in with mom and live like a teenager, and basically am a hermit cause often don't have money to do anything, watch a lot of TV, was in a bad accident, broke back, three vertibrae crushed, couple of disks collapsed some to half size, broke finger broke nose, lots of road rash, chronic pain, can't do opiates I get addicted too easy and didn't really like em anyway, hard to get a job now not having worked in 10 years

Oh and then I got interested in this really really hot girl that played tournament pool like me on occasion and we hung out a couple times casual and I never picked up on the clues, and she turned out to be a dude.

I am not kidding guys this is all real welcome to my life.
WOW! fuckin hell dude :joint:


Well-Known Member
i have been out of work since july and i live in my grandmothers basement. and worse than that when it rains, it floods. im sitting in a puddle as we speak................


Well-Known Member
The reason everything cost so much is due to "Inflation"
not because some building cost a few extra bucks to build.

Trickle Down Economics doesn't work. It has to come from the Bottom up.
If we had more of a middle class I don't think we'd be hurting as much right now with the economy. But Everything has "made in China" on it. The tag should say "Fuck You".
I would pay more for a product made in the U.S.A. Keep the money in

Back in the 50's and 60's America produced 60% of the worlds products.
about 60% of the nations work force were in unions. The numbers have gone down ever since.
We all forget sometimes that "We" You, and Me Are the Power.
The big company you work(ed) for isn't shit with out People.


Well-Known Member
I can. Last time I worked officially was around 97 I think.

But I don't mooch of the guvment, no disability yet on the edge of qualifying. Been taking care of my mom is all, she had an anurism and now cancer and shit..

So I guess I'm working really hard actually but I just don't get paid. Sometimes I do under the table stuff you know, construction and the like but actually I was a CNE and MCSE
before the divorce and bankruptcy..........................
If you ever wanna come up to BC and grow some serious dope PM me. I need more space to grow.



Well-Known Member
I'm sick to death of the current wave of anti-union sentiments. People are so quick to blame organized labor for all of America's woes, yet the fucking crooks that really got us into this mess receive billions from the gonvernment. Unions didn't conceive the shitty cars that Detroit has been putting out for decades. Unions didn't hand out loans to people that couldn't afford them. Unions didn't forge the laws that effectively deregulated the financial sector. Unions build things. Companies like AIG and Goldman Sachs just shuffle money around.


Well-Known Member
I've been unemployed for about 3 months after I got laid off my carpentry apprenticeship :(,, how shit but i did get a bonus But that went a long time agooo :)


Well-Known Member
my on paper education failed, but prior to that i was being suggested for one of the best universities in the world - adding to the irony. i have no references - jobs haven't been the kind to collect them

i hate being unemployed because i have no normal contact with the real world - feel entirely separated and alone.

get up, apply to some more, no responses, feel unproductive, go back to bed. repeat. horrible