Sprayers vs Drippers


Well-Known Member
I just changed my system over from DWC to psuedo-aeroponics (just using sprayers to spray the roots, not true misters).

I have a sprayer head in each bucket and have had some trouble with leaks. I was thinking about just putting drip emitters on the top of my hydroton/net pots and letting the water drip onto the roots from above rather than spray them from below.

Does anyone have any comments about this? Has anyone tried both methods, and if so, noticed a difference?

I wouldn't imagine it would make a difference because the water would still be getting to the roots. The only difference I can see is that the sprayers probably create somewhat of a mist when the water hits the walls inside the bucket and breaks up. I don't know how much mist is created or if it even makes a difference.


Well-Known Member
about 6 inchs from the lip of the buckett I have noticed is wher everyone else places there sprayers at a horizontal level. It must work cuz we see those pics. i am wonderig the same thing.

Sprayers is what everyone uses. I also got a bag of tor 90 degree foggers with my sprayers.


Well-Known Member
about 6 inchs from the lip of the buckett I have noticed is wher everyone else places there sprayers at a horizontal level. It must work cuz we see those pics. i am wonderig the same thing.

Sprayers is what everyone uses. I also got a bag of tor 90 degree foggers with my sprayers.
What I found is the more mist that's created from the sprayers, the more chance for leaks as the water droplets are smaller and can get into smaller openings.

Have you tried the misters and foggers? You'll need a pressure tank to run those. A regular water pump won't have the psi. I think you need around 40 to 60 psi to run those. I'd love to use real misters and foggers but I've never used a pressure talk and don't really know how to set it up.

If anyone wants to post some instructions on using pressure tanks with real misters to create a true aeroponics system, then please feel free :-)


Well-Known Member
man I have anebb an flo table right now and that is a big committment for me! A pressure tank sounds like a huge commitment. S

Stinkbud has a thread about aero nft that rocks. I think that aero nft has what looks to be the happy medium between performance and man hours,

remmeber you got babysit the PLANTS too for 3 months!lol

i gotta a root porn addiction prob too. As soon as you hear more oxygen increases its bud you gotta get all you can hehe

good luck sounds awesome and i bet you can pull it off though if you want!


Well-Known Member
man I have anebb an flo table right now and that is a big committment for me! A pressure tank sounds like a huge commitment. S

Stinkbud has a thread about aero nft that rocks. I think that aero nft has what looks to be the happy medium between performance and man hours,

remmeber you got babysit the PLANTS too for 3 months!lol

i gotta a root porn addiction prob too. As soon as you hear more oxygen increases its bud you gotta get all you can hehe

good luck sounds awesome and i bet you can pull it off though if you want!
Thanks :-)

My system works great. I'm working out the small issues as I go along (learning things as I go).

I use sprayers in all three boxes. I get roots from clones within two days using nothing but water (although I do use a cloning gel when I first cut because I push the stems through peat plugs and I want to protect the stem as I'm pushing it through). The gel washes off in a metter of seconds though.

Everything grows so well (and fast) in the system I've got set up, so I hate to change anything. The dripping here and there has been reduced to a minimum so I may just keep it as-is :-)

Check out some of my other threads if you want to see what I'm running.