When men talk shit to your wife in front of you (a very angry rant)


Well-Known Member
Oh joy, the holidays are here and so is waiting in line for 10 minutes at the checkout line.

So my wife and I are expecting a little baby boy and we went to the store to buy a few outfits. Everything was going great this holiday season when my mother, my wife and I decided to go to a department store that I'll not mention on this thread.

So we are waiting in the checkout line and we wait and wait for like 10 minutes. The clerk opens up another line at the store to lighten the load on some of the other cash registers. So my mother goes to get a place in the shorter line. I made my way through the crowd of people to get in line behind her. My wife was behind me and had to make her way through the crowd of people also.

At this point we are waiting in the next line, the shoter line, and we wait for about 15 minutes. Everybody is waiting patiently, and right when we are about to pay, this old fucker who was listening to my conversation between my wife and myself started talking shit to my wife. "I thought you were together," he started, referring to my wife and I being together. "You should have got to the back of the line", he begins with. "You have seperate purchases, blahblah", he said something to the effect of "you were cutting in line, now go to the back." He was very condescending about it. He continued to say, "I'm in a big hurry." Well old dickhead, it was not a separate purchase. I informed the guy that the purchases were together, as if it was any of his business in the first place.

Immediately, I feel my heart pounding through my chest. The adrenaline is flowing through my veins, I'm so angry at this point. Who the fuck does this guy think he is, he's like 50 or something talking shit to my wife who is half his age. I immediately told him, "I am warning you. You don't need to talk to her that way. And you better stop right now."

The old fucker starts in on me, talking shit to me to instigate me. He told me he could talk to my wife any way he wanted to. I then got about 4 inches from his face, and very sternly warned him to shut his fucking mouth before I broke it shut and he would be enjoying his christmas dinner through a feeding tube in his vein. He starts looking around, and at this point people in line are starting to look concerned--it was as if they were kind of scared, but hoping at the same time that they could watch somebody get their ass kicked.

The old guy starts trying to antagonize me, and with every stupid word that came out of his mouth, I just got closer to his face, and let him have a piece of my mind. I told him I was going to give him a fresh bruise for christmas, to which he replied, "Bring it on , Son". Then I told him to take the first shot so I could send him away to the hospital as a christmas present. He tried to patronizingly laugh at me, and then I just got really close to his ear and began yelling as loud as I could at him, "You fucking dick, you should fucking die, don't you ever fuck with a man's wife, especially not in front of him, so shut up, do not say another word, you stupid motherfucker, you piece of old shit, and if you open your fucking mouth again I will make you bleed out of your fucking asshole." That's not a verbatim transcript of the conversation, but it was kind of similar to what happened. I actually shouldn't post all the details on this website. There is such a thing as "criminally threatening" somebody, and that is exactly what I did to this guy. Technically it was breaking the law. Technically the joint I smoked last night was a crime. Technically gay people in Texas are breaking the law when they sodomize eachother, does that mean I should give a fuck??????

So the old man shut up at that time. I was shaking because I was so mad. The store clerks, at this time, were concerned. I was giving this old man the glare of death--you know what I mean? I told the clerks, right in front of the old guy, "Oh no, I put this old man in his place, see he's not talking anymore shit to my wife because he knows he is walking on dangerous territory." The clerks looked very nervous, and then they were finished ringing up my purchase. When I walked past the old man on the way out, I told him one last thing. "Suck a dick, and you better hope I don't run into your redneck ass in the parking lot."

I am determined that he was only mad because my wife is clearly Mexican and I am clearly white. We've ran into these kinds of people before--I've dealt with them the same way every time.

Sorry if this post pisses off any moderators. I just had to vent. Come on people, support a brother. Post your responses.


Well-Known Member
Way to stick up for the familia!!

I was in the wal-mart parking lot the other day and there were no spaces so finally I see someone getting into a car and leaving.....so I'm sitting there with my blinker on and the guy backs out. Along comes this fag boy and zips into the spot. I honked and honked and he knew I was waiting for it cuz I have a big truck. This fruitcake pulls in the spot, I get out of my truck and go up to the window and try to get this fag out but he wont open the door. I notice in the back seat he has a baby. My betterself took over and stopped yelling. I asked this fruitcake to come out so I can kick his ass and he shakes his head.....NO. I call him a pussy and spit on his window. Then his buck tooth trailer trash wife comes out and starts yelling at me about destruction of private property...I told her to shut your buck tooth fat ass mouth before I spit on you too.......Situation over but I still had to go shopping and so did they.
Now I have handicap tags so I can always get a spot but I try not to use it out of respect for people worse off than me.......So I go park and calm down for a second then I hunt the couple down......Not to start shit, but to pay homage to that ugly chick for sticking up for the family. Her husband was a little puss but she had the balls to stand up to me.


Well-Known Member
youre a bigger man than me ...I woulda popped him at the first sign of disrespect to my wife...if she didnt do it first. I had something similar happen at "hell mart" but it was in one of those self checkout lines. The money machine wouldnt take the cash because it was fucked up. We only had like 8 things and we were there no longer than about 10 minutes before some guy started bitching at my wife about how he has a lot to do. We got our 5 month old with us no less. I just told him to go find another line and shut his mouth. I guess when he saw that i was buying ammo for my guns he decided to change lines. There are fucking assholes everywhere especially during this time of the year. People are rude and impatient you never know what can happen. Its sad to say the least, but dont let anyone talk to your wife with disrespect. Knock that Mf out!


Well-Known Member
I would certainly be pissed off too. You don't mess with a guys family and expect him to keep his cool. I probably would have just been quiet and gave him a phsychotic stare. Usually it makes them even more pissed off.


Well-Known Member
Yeah in retrospect I wish I would have just popped him as hard as I could. Things calmed down when he saw I was seriously 1 second away from letting him have it. I'd go to jail for it in a heartbeat, knowing that even jail is not as bad as getting your ass kicked by somebody as large as me. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but if I was 40, I would not want to fight myself. I can be very ruthless if I feel like I should be. The only thing keeping that guy safe was 1) surveillance cameras, 2) witnesses, and 3) laws that prohibit assault. If those didn't exist, he'd be a dead pile of shit and garbage under my shoe.:joint:


Active Member
haha sounds like we are definitely in the holiday season.. word to that, if you believe that it was because your wife is mexican, then drop bows. Maybe a different approach next time though?

You wanna really have an impact on someone.. get pissed.. get REAL pissed.. but dont show it.. no facial expressions, only show it in the eyes.. let him smack talk. Just keep listening to it.. just keep staring him in the eyes and dont break eye contact. Unfortunately I deal with people like this all the time.. politely tell them in a low, steady voice that your going to give him one chance to make the right decision.. either he stands in line quietly like everyone else.. or your going to wait for him outside and your going to hurt him.. do not tell him your going to kill him, your not going to blow his brains out.. that just makes people instigate and can get you in trouble.

"Im going to wait for you to check out and walk outside.. as soon as i see you im going to hurt you.. im going to beat you until i cant feel my arm. I am going to make you beg me to stop..... im going to make you scream for mercy.. now.. this is your one chance.. stand there and be quiet.."

Whether or not your gonna do it dosent matter.. if you get right in his ear so only he can hear this.. with a calm steady voice, hes gonna fold. Keep the composure.. OG style.. keeping calm implies confidence.. if you give that statement confidently.. he cant help but bitch up.. Thats how shits done around here


Well-Known Member
Yeah I fucken hate rednecks, some redneck LAPD cop motherfucker beat the shit out of my dad back in the 90's, never called it in or anything, pulled him over in an empty street and beat him for being a "fucken mexican" according to that pig fuck! And he never even took my dad in, he just left him ther. If shit like that happened now we woud be rich, of course that was the Rodney King era. ++ Rep ian


Well-Known Member
haha sounds like we are definitely in the holiday season.. word to that, if you believe that it was because your wife is mexican, then drop bows. Maybe a different approach next time though?
You wanna really have an impact on someone.. get pissed.. get REAL pissed.. but dont show it..
The dick definately knew I was pissed. I could have been more composed about it, but I was almost trying to assault his eardrum. :) I have got in some guy's face at a smokeshop, no less, when he was blatantly hitting on my wife and I put him in his place. I got about 3 inches from his face, and said "look at me in the eyes. I don't like you, and I don't appreciate you making advances towards my wife. she also doesn't like it. now you better fucking apologize to her." The guy looked like he was going to piss in his pants.

we're such badasses aren't we? haha..

the really bad thing today is that I have all this leftover money from christmas and i can't even smoke a joint for another few hours. arrghghghgh1@@!#!@!@@!~!!!


Well-Known Member
It was probably best you did not get physical, having a baby on the way and especially having your family in danger is not a good idea, you don't know if that fucker had a gun. Knowing me though, my emotions would have got the best of me and i would have broke that motherfucker.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I fucken hate rednecks, some redneck LAPD cop motherfucker beat the shit out of my dad back in the 90's, never called it in or anything, pulled him over in an empty street and beat him for being a "fucken mexican" according to that pig fuck! And he never even took my dad in, he just left him ther. If shit like that happened now we woud be rich, of course that was the Rodney King era. ++ Rep ian
If a cop ever did that to my wife, I'd kiss her and say, "i'm probably going to die now." Then I'd go for the cops gun and well... ever see the Godfather? You'd have a perfect example of Captain McClusky if that ever happened.



i just jumped into retail for the first time this year for the Christmas rush, so i see and deal with shit like this all day.... tis the season to be ..... a dick:-|

i have to give you props for handling it better than i would have in your situation.... my wife is pregnant too, and if someone were to do that to her this week, im pretty sure i would snap and spend a Christmas in the parish jail...

i hate shopping, crowds, and rude assholes; but unfortunately, you have to deal with all three during this time of year..... people are rude to me during the day, and all i do is stand at the door and greet everyone with a ridiculously good attitude, a "merry christmas", and a hershey kiss.... while i secretly hope that their horrible attitude causes them to wreck and burst into flames when they leave my store:evil:


Well-Known Member
i just jumped into retail for the first time this year for the Christmas rush, so i see and deal with shit like this all day.... tis the season to be ..... a dick:-|

i have to give you props for handling it better than i would have in your situation.... my wife is pregnant too, and if someone were to do that to her this week, im pretty sure i would snap and spend a Christmas in the parish jail...

i hate shopping, crowds, and rude assholes; but unfortunately, you have to deal with all three during this time of year..... people are rude to me during the day, and all i do is stand at the door and greet everyone with a ridiculously good attitude, a "merry christmas", and a hershey kiss.... while i secretly hope that their horrible attitude causes them to wreck and burst into flames when they leave my store:evil:
I've worked in retail, and I am usually a dick right back to the customers. The problem is that they are so stupid they usually don't understand that they are being insulted. The problem with the job market, and retail in general, is "the customer is always right." I would prefer to take the attitude of "we are in charge, you give us money, that's all. and we don't actually give a flying fuck about you or your family." That is the kind of attitude that has got me through so many shifts. It's not my fault I serve retards all day for a living. Oh brother, I hear you when you say you want the bastards to crash and die. I've thought the very same thing before.

Seriously though, if laws didn't exist, and I had a pistol or something, I'd have wasted the motherfucker. And I'd have done it with a smile on my face, then I'd go home, eat some dinner, fuck my wife, smoke a joint, and never think twice about it, never have any remorse for it :weed:

I really wish I'd have kicked the shit out of him. It wouldn't have been much of a fight. It would have been me hitting him about 14 times in the face, in the same spot, and watching him fall down unconscious. I really don't fuck around when it comes to my family!!


Well-Known Member
Oh joy, the holidays are here and so is waiting in line for 10 minutes at the checkout line.

So my wife and I are expecting a little baby boy and we went to the store to buy a few outfits. Everything was going great this holiday season when my mother, my wife and I decided to go to a department store that I'll not mention on this thread.

So we are waiting in the checkout line and we wait and wait for like 10 minutes. The clerk opens up another line at the store to lighten the load on some of the other cash registers. So my mother goes to get a place in the shorter line. I made my way through the crowd of people to get in line behind her. My wife was behind me and had to make her way through the crowd of people also.

At this point we are waiting in the next line, the shoter line, and we wait for about 15 minutes. Everybody is waiting patiently, and right when we are about to pay, this old fucker who was listening to my conversation between my wife and myself started talking shit to my wife. "I thought you were together," he started, referring to my wife and I being together. "You should have got to the back of the line", he begins with. "You have seperate purchases, blahblah", he said something to the effect of "you were cutting in line, now go to the back." He was very condescending about it. He continued to say, "I'm in a big hurry." Well old dickhead, it was not a separate purchase. I informed the guy that the purchases were together, as if it was any of his business in the first place.

Immediately, I feel my heart pounding through my chest. The adrenaline is flowing through my veins, I'm so angry at this point. Who the fuck does this guy think he is, he's like 50 or something talking shit to my wife who is half his age. I immediately told him, "I am warning you. You don't need to talk to her that way. And you better stop right now."

The old fucker starts in on me, talking shit to me to instigate me. He told me he could talk to my wife any way he wanted to. I then got about 4 inches from his face, and very sternly warned him to shut his fucking mouth before I broke it shut and he would be enjoying his christmas dinner through a feeding tube in his vein. He starts looking around, and at this point people in line are starting to look concerned--it was as if they were kind of scared, but hoping at the same time that they could watch somebody get their ass kicked.

The old guy starts trying to antagonize me, and with every stupid word that came out of his mouth, I just got closer to his face, and let him have a piece of my mind. I told him I was going to give him a fresh bruise for christmas, to which he replied, "Bring it on , Son". Then I told him to take the first shot so I could send him away to the hospital as a christmas present. He tried to patronizingly laugh at me, and then I just got really close to his ear and began yelling as loud as I could at him, "You fucking dick, you should fucking die, don't you ever fuck with a man's wife, especially not in front of him, so shut up, do not say another word, you stupid motherfucker, you piece of old shit, and if you open your fucking mouth again I will make you bleed out of your fucking asshole." That's not a verbatim transcript of the conversation, but it was kind of similar to what happened. I actually shouldn't post all the details on this website. There is such a thing as "criminally threatening" somebody, and that is exactly what I did to this guy. Technically it was breaking the law. Technically the joint I smoked last night was a crime. Technically gay people in Texas are breaking the law when they sodomize eachother, does that mean I should give a fuck??????

So the old man shut up at that time. I was shaking because I was so mad. The store clerks, at this time, were concerned. I was giving this old man the glare of death--you know what I mean? I told the clerks, right in front of the old guy, "Oh no, I put this old man in his place, see he's not talking anymore shit to my wife because he knows he is walking on dangerous territory." The clerks looked very nervous, and then they were finished ringing up my purchase. When I walked past the old man on the way out, I told him one last thing. "Suck a dick, and you better hope I don't run into your redneck ass in the parking lot."

I am determined that he was only mad because my wife is clearly Mexican and I am clearly white. We've ran into these kinds of people before--I've dealt with them the same way every time.

Sorry if this post pisses off any moderators. I just had to vent. Come on people, support a brother. Post your responses.

i think you have some issues to work out. :-|:shock:


Well-Known Member
I've worked in retail, and I am usually a dick right back to the customers. The problem is that they are so stupid they usually don't understand that they are being insulted. The problem with the job market, and retail in general, is "the customer is always right." I would prefer to take the attitude of "we are in charge, you give us money, that's all. and we don't actually give a flying fuck about you or your family." That is the kind of attitude that has got me through so many shifts. It's not my fault I serve retards all day for a living. Oh brother, I hear you when you say you want the bastards to crash and die. I've thought the very same thing before.

Seriously though, if laws didn't exist, and I had a pistol or something, I'd have wasted the motherfucker. And I'd have done it with a smile on my face, then I'd go home, eat some dinner, fuck my wife, smoke a joint, and never think twice about it, never have any remorse for it :weed:

I really wish I'd have kicked the shit out of him. It wouldn't have been much of a fight. It would have been me hitting him about 14 times in the face, in the same spot, and watching him fall down unconscious. I really don't fuck around when it comes to my family!!

"if i had a pistol............. "

hahahhahahahhahahahahhah, i knew it. lol :roll:

you attitude will not get you far.


stays relevant.
nobody fucks with my lady... if they do- they WILL see me in the parking lot... some old asian dude tried to grab my lady and hit her while we were at a casino years ago... I won't go into what happened because I know the law... but he won't try that shit again.

i saw this in a 'movie' once... the dude waited til the guy got to his car to load the trunk with the christmas gifts, he shoved the dude into the trunk, doused him with gasoline, and lit him on fire in the trunk and locked him in it. some things man... just fucked up. lol.

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
I think you could have gotten away with hitting him. I mean, your wife was pregnant. And he was threatening her. Not physical harm but who the fuck orders people around they don't even know. It seems to me a lot of court rooms would be lenient to that kind of thing. But who really wants to go to that court room in the first place..


stays relevant.
I think you could have gotten away with hitting him. I mean, your wife was pregnant. And he was threatening her. Not physical harm but who the fuck orders people around they don't even know. It seems to me a lot of court rooms would be lenient to that kind of thing. But who really wants to go to that court room in the first place..

nah man you know the law is the law... the cops would've reviewed the tapes, and def would've locked this dude up... because regardless of what happens, whoever throws the first punch ALWAYS gets locked up, but hey- sometimes the instigator gets locked up too if he throws a punch also.

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
nah man you know the law is the law... the cops would've reviewed the tapes, and def would've locked this dude up... because regardless of what happens, whoever throws the first punch ALWAYS gets locked up, but hey- sometimes the instigator gets locked up too if he throws a punch also.
Yeah, I meant he'd get locked up. Just sayin I think he would have had good chances in court. But still gettin in shit...


I've worked in retail, and I am usually a dick right back to the customers. The problem is that they are so stupid they usually don't understand that they are being insulted. The problem with the job market, and retail in general, is "the customer is always right." I would prefer to take the attitude of "we are in charge, you give us money, that's all. and we don't actually give a flying fuck about you or your family." That is the kind of attitude that has got me through so many shifts. It's not my fault I serve retards all day for a living. Oh brother, I hear you when you say you want the bastards to crash and die. I've thought the very same thing before.

Seriously though, if laws didn't exist, and I had a pistol or something, I'd have wasted the motherfucker. And I'd have done it with a smile on my face, then I'd go home, eat some dinner, fuck my wife, smoke a joint, and never think twice about it, never have any remorse for it :weed:

I really wish I'd have kicked the shit out of him. It wouldn't have been much of a fight. It would have been me hitting him about 14 times in the face, in the same spot, and watching him fall down unconscious. I really don't fuck around when it comes to my family!!

i dont feel the same way about the customers:-|....... i actually like the vast majority of them; just the closer it gets to christmas, the worse their attitudes can become..... i understand why, but i am always polite in public, and expect that people shouldnt be absolute assholes without being provoked....

as far as the pistol.... disagree there too..... if i am going to go extreme and kill someone, i want to do it with my hands:evil: