I Am Christ


Well-Known Member
you say absolutely nothing of substance, and have nothing to offer but a bunch of youtube links and ridiculous crap about living underground...get off youtube and go read a book

We Love 1

New Member
I've seen this guy on three marijuana forums so far today.....

Each one sayin this same jesus shit.
It will be known that Jesus is King!

Rejoice for I am good, and life will be abundant with everything good!

Did You think Jesus Christ would llie? Maybe You should read The Bible and learn Gods promises.

The Answered Prayer

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father!

And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be florified in the Son.

If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

Jesus Promises Another Helper

If you love Me, keep My commandments.

And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever- "the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.

I will not leave you prphans; I will come to you!

Indwelling of the Father and the Son

A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also.

At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.

He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself into him.

A Savior is born every ~2150 years! It is Amen, the Son of the world! Do Your research.



Well-Known Member
Wow.this person sounds like hes bi-pola and doesn't know it,trust me when you are bi-pola you can believe some messed up stuff.Its my prayer that he of she will get some help.By the way what is this about?
Originally Posted by hom36rown
you say absolutely nothing of substance, and have nothing to offer but a bunch of youtube links and ridiculous crap about living underground...get off youtube and go read a book

so you are willing to get banned over this? wow.
Banned?for what?I dont understand.God bless and Stay Safe!!


New Member
I never saw how praying at the sky helps anyone. I'm more of the "get off your ass and help yourself" religion. Praying at the sky is foolish.


Well-Known Member
Wow.this person sounds like hes bi-pola and doesn't know it,trust me when you are bi-pola you can believe some messed up stuff.Its my prayer that he of she will get some help.By the way what is this about?
Originally Posted by hom36rown
you say absolutely nothing of substance, and have nothing to offer but a bunch of youtube links and ridiculous crap about living underground...get off youtube and go read a book

so you are willing to get banned over this? wow.
Banned?for what?I dont understand.God bless and Stay Safe!!

i asked that the insults and personal attacks stop. dude came in and made some personal attacks anyways. i gave him an infraction. he came back and continued. i was just asking him if calling this guy names was worth getting banned over.

no one is forcing anyone to click this thread. the title clearly states the content. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yep fdd makes a very good point no one is forcing us to click on this we do it ourselfs wich is our choice and ok in my opionion but i wish it would stay here in this thread instead of every other thing i click on reading about his beleifs and him being the new savior of the world. power to you brother if you think you can save this corrupt world we live in get to work and quit preaching over the computer.


New Member
I never understood why people can't debate without personal attacks and name calling. It's not that difficult to make a point without insulting someone else.

We Love 1

New Member
Wow.this person sounds like hes bi-pola and doesn't know it,trust me when you are bi-pola you can believe some messed up stuff.
All I'm looking for is people to refute My seemingly logical conclusions!

I would like for people to prove Me wrong besides saying "Your bipolar with grand thoughts". I've already been told that, thank You! (The Lion and the Lamb, I guess that could be "deemed" "bipolar".)

I'm looking for people that have enough sense to put the pieces together with Me!

I'm going to change the world, because this is going to be My heaven. I'm sick of all the lies, and EVERYONE else should be too.

I have faith in the Word of God! Do You?

I am here to tell the world that I am Jesus incarnate!

You will worship Jesus!


You need to recive it!

Praying at the sky is foolish.

To each His own. I'm just trying to shed some Light/Truth!

power to you brother if you think you can save this corrupt world we live in get to work and quit preaching over the computer.

We are awakening!

We get to write Our history now. Not the corrupt gov'ts of the world!

I never understood why people can't debate without personal attacks and name calling. It's not that difficult to make a point without insulting someone else.
Some people are just rogue! I blame society and bad parents!

Its should be easier to be nice than mean. When Your mean, Your only putting poison into Your brain. Literally!

"You must be the change You wish to see in the world!"


"I will come back to You"

I've already changed You with My words and links. You are now a new creature in Christ! You will not forget!


God comes down every ~2150 years to set the records straight! Now We have the internet for everyone to see!

What do You think would be on the mind of Christ besides saving the world? (Whats a better way of broadcasting Myself to the world than via the internet?) These are My intentions!


robert 14617

Well-Known Member
I'm a Miss moffit, that's right, girls grow too, and I love to smoke, it's not just a boys club anymore..... :bigjoint:
no offence meant i was referring to the movie silence of the lambs (mister=misshester) Ive learned a great deal from our highly knowledgeable woman here in riu you have my complete respect


Well-Known Member
All I'm looking for is people to refute My seemingly logical conclusions!

I would like for people to prove Me wrong besides saying "Your bipolar with grand thoughts". I've already been told that, thank You! (The Lion and the Lamb, I guess that could be "deemed" "bipolar".)

I'm looking for people that have enough sense to put the pieces together with Me!

I'm going to change the world, because this is going to be My heaven. I'm sick of all the lies, and EVERYONE else should be too.

I have faith is the Word of God! Do You?

To each His own. I'm just trying to shed some Light/Truth!


We are awakening!

We get to write Our history now. Not the corrupt gov'ts of the world!

my understanding of the bible wich isnt too great but i am sure well at least i think that god cast satan out of heven where he dwells on earth wich is his god gave it to him that is why we deal with temptaions they come from the devil jesus died for our sins so we would accept him and ask for forgiveness and god allows the devil to tempt us he. jesus allowed the devil to tempt him he did not fall prey though it is a choice we make but this earth is never going to be heaven i do beleive we can change the world to become a world of love and peace but it will take time for we are nowhere near that point now. but my heaven is with the lord in my afterlife this body i have now is his and he gasve it to me with the ability to choose right from wrong and spread his good word. but thats my 2 cents im not trying to preach or convert anyone that is just my understanding of it and how i beleive it really is;-)


New Member
I have nothing, well actually I have 2 hits of some good weed that I can't smoke until the person I have to share it with gets home.

I have a christmas bud stashed back and hopefully my stash is on it's way here, sigh.......


New Member
I always though that Christ was a state of mind and Jesus was a name.
Have you ever noticed that in French- Je suis Christ = I am Christ.