Lowryder Dwarf Mix HPS & CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
I chopped the shorter plant last night.

would be nice if i could find out the strain but im still happy i bought the mixed pack.

here's a few pics of before during and after the operation. it took a good hour or more but it was succesful :lol:

im happy with my first crop, yield was less than i had first hoped for but to be honest its mine and i grew it so im happy :-P

wet weight was 55 grams so i guess i'l prob get about a half maybe a little more.

enjoy the pics, and i'l do another update on the other plant when i chop it.



Well-Known Member
cheers lads cant wait to see what she smokes like,

other will prob come down in the next week. im going to leave the last one until its at least 50/50 or more on the amber side.

i want it to send me to sleep :weed:


Well-Known Member
The smell from mine is taking the piss lol.

my whole flat stinks when you come in you can smell it walking up the stairs :cry:

iv had 2 comments from neighbours about it, luckily enough they smoke but i just had to say that iv been getting alot of green at the minute lol.

iv bought three air fresheners one in the room and two in the hall and it still stinks.

anyone any idea how i could dry them still but keep the smell down? there in the bathroom now lol with the window open.


Well-Known Member
You need an extractor and carbon filter in ya growroom mate, then you can hang em to dry smell free at the end of each grow, they can dry in complete darkness then too.

Cant have ya neighbours smellin shit Fyfe. Youl be found out in no time. ;-)

Edited to add: The apple spice plug-in air fresheners from asda work quite well to, some times the smell gets a bit too much for the c/filter to handle here, but they mask the smell quite well (weve tested all the different smells) lol

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
I chopped the shorter plant last night.

would be nice if i could find out the strain but im still happy i bought the mixed pack.

here's a few pics of before during and after the operation. it took a good hour or more but it was succesful :lol:

im happy with my first crop, yield was less than i had first hoped for but to be honest its mine and i grew it so im happy :-P

wet weight was 55 grams so i guess i'l prob get about a half maybe a little more.

enjoy the pics, and i'l do another update on the other plant when i chop it.

good job my dude.. buds look good ... +rep


Well-Known Member
You need an extractor and carbon filter in ya growroom mate, then you can hang em to dry smell free at the end of each grow, they can dry in complete darkness then too.

Cant have ya neighbours smellin shit Fyfe. Youl be found out in no time. ;-)

Edited to add: The apple spice plug-in air fresheners from asda work quite well to, some times the smell gets a bit too much for the c/filter to handle here, but they mask the smell quite well (weve tested all the different smells) lol
i had a look for the apple spice air freshener things in tesco as we dont have asda here but couldnt find any, so i moved all the buds up to my uncles :eyesmoke: he's away for the week so im looking after the plants and the cats. so his place can be stinky lol.

cheers for the advice londoner, i wont be growing again until i get a proper grow area sorted with proper extraction. i wasnt expecting them to stick as much as they did lol.


Well-Known Member
i really dont know whats happening with the other plant, i checked trich's and it still has a majority of clear compared to cloudy, its ten weeks and showing no sign of finishing soon except the yellowing leaves :bigjoint:

im guessing its going to go 12 at least, strange that a ryder is going this long?


Well-Known Member
im guessing its going to go 12 at least, strange that a ryder is going this long?
Ya could try knocking an hour of light time off the timer mate, see if that speeds up her finish, but im not entirely sure of how an auto would react, but i cant see it doin any harm for the last week or two ;-)


Well-Known Member
Ya could try knocking an hour of light time off the timer mate, see if that speeds up her finish, but im not entirely sure of how an auto would react, but i cant see it doin any harm for the last week or two ;-)
got to be worth a try eh mate? im sure it wont harm them and it might kick it in the ass abit to get it to finish earlier. :wall:

you said it westy :lol:

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
you cant rush your girl when she is getting ready for you lol:weed:
:joint::bigjoint:puff passs happy new year if i dont see you before


Active Member
:oops: thank you mate, i think they look very purty to :hug:

i took the smaller one down last night, it maybe could of done with a couple days longer but i dont think it would have changed things much, there was a nice blend of orange and cloudy trichomes.

i think it looks amazing with the fan leaves off, i'l post some pics now.

again thanks for the comments am/pms
No problem! You'll have to let me know how your first smoke of it goes.

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
cant believve she is still going lol, those riders love it, tell ya one thing though i wont be growing them again. just aint worth the yield i dont think.