parapalegics Medical Rhino Diary


Well-Known Member
so i added some vinegar to my soil in order to lower the ph from 7 to 6.8 and added 1 teasppon epsom salt to help with a mag def, heres some newpics of the three put in flower yesterday and my ones veggin. i also picked off like 50 leaves in all from all of them becouse of how bad this problem has goten i think im finally starting to win the war tho ass color is returning and there has been no new signs of ne def for two days now.



Well-Known Member
Good to hear things are getting better!

Some nice strains you got there too.

And I think I owe you some rep mate.


Well-Known Member
Hey titan I appreciate the bad reps for trying to help...but because what I was saying Wasn't what you wanted to hear you didn't like it.....I see you are still having problems....oh well like you said in my comment [ i'm a fucking idiot] right.... every one should be aware that they will get - rep if you don't agree with them .......any way good luck with your grow you are gonna need it..............


Well-Known Member
Hey titan I appreciate the bad reps for trying to help...but because what I was saying Wasn't what you wanted to hear you didn't like it.....I see you are still having problems....oh well like you said in my comment [ i'm a fucking idiot] right.... every one should be aware that they will get - rep if you don't agree with them .......any way good luck with your grow you are gonna need it..............

hahahah ok guy, be sour about some shit that has naaathin ta do with you! my grows none of your got proud of your self and started talked shit because you that in IDEA was stupid?? and yes it wassent a good idea, but we were just discussing it not trying ta sell it to the masses.. i was just stickin up for my fellow para, im sure my strains and crop will be muccchhhh tasty! what strains do you grow "sagebrush"


Well-Known Member
yeah you're grow is a fucking joke so more power to you and jah.....HA...notice how that rhimes????????????
you'll grow up one of these day's you little punk , and listen to someone that knows what there talking about.......


Well-Known Member
yeah you're grow is a fucking joke so more power to you and jah.....HA...notice how that rhimes????????????
you'll grow up one of these day's you little punk , and listen to someone that knows what there talking about.......

like is said the only thing here thats a joke is how high n mighty you think you are. you act like you know something everyone eles doesn't?? neway stop trying to have a kitty fight with me if your so grown up, and im growing the strain that won cannibis cup, so hows my grow a joke? all those problems i was haveing are gone, thanks to peaple on here with good information.

neways the three rhinos under my 600watt are blooming nicely and it seems like every night they grow 2 er 3 inches , that co2 in a sealed room makes all the diffrence.


Well-Known Member
who cares what strain your growing ,you won't listen to any one ,so I'll bet my life that bullshit {you} call canabis won't win any type of cup .The only cup It will see is the bra cup of some crack whore.....I'm thru fucking with your Ignorant, foolish ,know-it-all ass ,....get a life and get real.................Oh and while you're at it at least learn how to type english,,,,,even if you cant speak it are really a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
who cares what strain your growing ,you won't listen to any one ,so I'll bet my life that bullshit {you} call canabis won't win any type of cup .The only cup It will see is the bra cup of some crack whore.....I'm thru fucking with your Ignorant, foolish ,know-it-all ass ,....get a life and get real.................Oh and while you're at it at least learn how to type english,,,,,even if you cant speak it are really a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dam foool your still crying about who the fuk cares guyyyy! you act like you know shit about fuk neway??


Well-Known Member
I'm not crying ,,,,you are the one crying some new pics {not ones from the web} with a sign with your name on it ....I want to see these super plants you're growing ....and by the way I do know shit about fuk, what ever that means??????????? you and babyboi would make a good team.............

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I was into this thread til this page. Good luck on your grow, and damn dude go start your own fucking thread and quit bashing his. If you think he's such a dick fine, you told him. Now fuck off and let him write his own story.....


Well-Known Member
yeah well maybe you can teach him something , you and him can write a farie tale together.......this is what this site is NOT about.........people who are just starting out and know everything.....


Well-Known Member
I see a sign in front of some sick plants .........I would be proud of those'll learn one of these days ...I doubt it though....listen to people who know and not those who praise you for a half assed atempt....anyone can do that...and I take that back you'll never learn.....I'm thru wasting my time with you I have better things to do than spend time trying to teach a self proclaimed idiot.......


Well-Known Member
I see a sign in front of some sick plants .........I would be proud of those'll learn one of these days ...I doubt it though....listen to people who know and not those who praise you for a half assed atempt....anyone can do that...and I take that back you'll never learn.....I'm thru wasting my time with you I have better things to do than spend time trying to teach a self proclaimed idiot.......

THESE look like sick plants hAHA LOL:bigjoint: CHEERS MATE

ps. and if neone can grow then why do you act like your a better grower or that you know more then everyone?? and who would ever ask you to teach them nething? jah knows i dident, i dident even ask you for advice on nething? your a sad little man PLUS i havent even seen one shot of nething youv grown.... how do we even know if youv even grow a tomato?



Well-Known Member
It's obvious you can't comprehend the english language .......I rest with my previous post........never said I know more {then} as you say,everyone, just more than you............continue yor pipe dream farie tale and have a nice have got it all under control.........


Well-Known Member
It's obvious you can't comprehend the english language .......I rest with my previous post........never said I know more {then} as you say,everyone, just more than you............

nice you teach english and ill grow weed. i think since you dident respond to nething iv'e said that this means i was right about you haveing zero crop. and if you do its a shitty strain fluffy as the day is long. not counting the haze of course lol have fun smokeing your magical red bud.

wtf would you know about growing in soil neway looks to me like you only do shitty hydro setups with cfl lighting....even if im wrong your more of a newb then i am by looking at your other posts......iv got a whole patient network of growers to turn to for help as well as veteran growers i know here on rollitup, i think it would be just great if your posting just stoped on my grow log...its alwready fuked by this waste of an arugment with YOU. merry christmas bro, n forget this thread even was born..


Well-Known Member really got me then ,...didn't respond??WTF?? I'll let you have the last word because it won' make any sense