purple leaves?


Well-Known Member
Hey ppl, ive been having some problems with this plant. this is what i've done:

1. At first i had a nute burn, u can see residues of that on some leaves
2. I flushed
3. I added a small amount of nutes and epsom salts

Now i got this purple leaves

I just flused n repeated the process above.

What do u think i should do, this is still going on



Well-Known Member
I dont see the nute burn-I see deficiency from those leave tips. probably by flushing you hastened it. she is flowering right? feed her regular strength flower nutes and andd some cal-mag, fine dolomite lime to the soil or foliar feed with epsom salts or all of the above.


Well-Known Member
thats just what i had been doin when tips burnt, lot of the plant burnt well fan leaves, when i flushed it stopped. then the purple thing started


Well-Known Member
I see a pretty progressing mg deficiency. the purpling is most likely p deficiency. unless you have cold temps at night.

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
mix wood ashes with a gallon of water till kinda mudddy looking,half cup of wood ashes not garbage!THEN YOU NEED TO DROP THE PH FROM 10 DOWN TO 6.0THEN APPLY TO YOUR PLANTS THEN WAIT A WEEK FOR RESULTS.


New Member
Yes, if you are growing outside and having cold weather at night, the leaves will purple up as well as the buds. many plants do this.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hey guys do you know much on pruning? I am just about into week 12 of vegging and im goin to start flowering when i get back to school in 3 weeks. So excited to see them! Feel like its a real child haha. ANyway im thinking topping the plant atleast to get more yield just dont know a ton about it yet. Anything?????


Well-Known Member
I wonder if wood ashes would work in hydro. gonna try it as I have plent of em.
Do you have plants to try it on that have mg deficiency or are you trying it on healthy plants?

It seems like it would nasty up your reservoir. It also probably wouldn't be the best thing for your pumps.

Interesting experiment. Please keep posted on how it turns out +rep


Active Member
how do you get all these nutrients like nitrogen or potassium. where do you find it and how do you apply it to plant


Well-Known Member
how do you get all these nutrients like nitrogen or potassium. where do you find it and how do you apply it to plant
Nutrients and fertilizers, whether they're cheap ones at home depot or high end products found at hydro shops, are rated by N-P-K numbers. i.e. a nute that has a NPK of 7-2-3 would be high in Nitrogen and a nute with a NPK of 2-1-8 would be Potassium

Here, I just pulled this off a website but its accurate:
N = Nitrogen
Nitrogen is the first major element responsible for the vegetative growth of plants above ground. With a good supply, plants grow sturdily and mature rapidly, with rich, dark green foliage.

P = Phosphorus
The second major element in plant nutrition, phosphorus is essential for healthy growth, strong roots, fruit and flower development, and greater resistance to disease.

K = Potassium (Potash) The third major plant nutrient, potassium oxide is essential for the development of strong plants. It helps plants to resist diseases, protects them from the cold and protects during dry weather by preventing excessive water loss.


New Member
its def cold temps @ night! im dealing with the same now, purple leaves=purple buds=yum :)
I used to come across this weed called Okeechobee Purple in Floriduh. It seems to have some sort of reputation. I tried telling this one fellow that more than likely it was being grown to take advantage of the cold snaps, just like oranges. anyone can do it...he was not believing me. It must be magik for him... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Active Member
purpling is not necessarily good, it can also be a sign of P deficiency, which i just fought in my own grow. if after the leaves start to purple, they also get brittle and/or yellow, your prob have a deficiency


New Member
Yes, that is completely correct but if you just had a cold snap and they turn on you it's the temp. more than likely.

I don't think the color does a thing to THC content, it's all in the bag appeal...

out. :blsmoke: