It's the end of the world! now what?!


Well-Known Member
Ah man, this is getting interesting. I haven't been on here in a couple weeks and BAM!


Out of everything in this world the thing that pisses me off the most is....

As soon as a female goes on the internet she gets asked for cyber sex, Asl, Pictures.

I mean do you really have no life where you have to ask innocent people that kind of information?

I swear to god people these days need a fucking background check and a IQ test before they can even use the internet.


Well-Known Member
Lol, it just seemed so far away. lol.

Every generation always thinks its the end of the world.
I mean people thought in 1999 that technology would die out because they didn't think they would work in 2000 like with clocks and shit like that.

People thought the world was going to end in 06/06/2006.


Well-Known Member
Out of everything in this world the thing that pisses me off the most is....

As soon as a female goes on the internet she gets asked for cyber sex, Asl, Pictures.

I mean do you really have no life where you have to ask innocent people that kind of information?

I swear to god people these days need a fucking background check and a IQ test before they can even use the internet.

Lol! It happens.. Alot. but it's not like i put myself out there so yeah, it's a bit awkward lol.


Well-Known Member
For Christs sake, whats the matter with you people?

I'm a good person! How do you think Christ would act?


1. Who said anything about Christ? I doubt Christ went on Marijuana forums saying how cute girls were, I have a sneaky suspicion he didn't.
2. Good people don't randomly ask other people how old they are to see if they will give in to Cyb3r S3x because people are to pathetic to go get someone they know.


Well-Known Member
For Christs sake, whats the matter with you people?

I'm a good person! How do you think Christ would act?

i think he would be pissed.
i mean, realy pissed. rebukes upon rebukes.
i think he would also think the above what's-her-name was cute, but, being jesus and wise, he might choose to keep it to himself. he would also be way stoked to get a braun beard trimmer for his birthday. it's the 21'st centurey for pete's sake; trim that beard.


Well-Known Member
Lol! It happens.. Alot. but it's not like i put myself out there so yeah, it's a bit awkward lol.

You do have a reason to feel awkward and now a days it does not matter if you put yourself out there or not. As long as there is a Female on the internet people will see how far they can get with that.


Well-Known Member
i think he would be pissed.
i mean, realy pissed. rebukes upon rebukes.
i think he would also think the above what's-her-name was cute, but, being jesus and wise, he might choose to keep it to himself. he would also be way stoked to get a braun beard trimmer for his birthday. it's the 21'st centurey for pete's sake; trim that beard.

... Alie XD

yeah. lol. it's cool.


Well-Known Member
You do have a reason to feel awkward and now a days it does not matter if you put yourself out there or not. As long as there is a Female on the internet people will see how far they can get with that.
And of course, it only keeps happening because some girls let it.


Well-Known Member
Yup, there was this huge lawsuit that ended up in Federal Court that has been going on for the past year and a half.

However we can not prove the accuser guilty.

oh jeez, lol i didn't actually think that was real.

show's where i am at this point in my life. lol.