has the flush worked????


New Member
don't really know with a 600 but some strains respond well to topping and some don't, it could increase or decrease your total yields not sure with your strain


Well-Known Member
I'm back Bro had to go out of town for 2 days,[emergency].....but I'm back now ...looks like they are doing better Bro......cheers...


Well-Known Member
I would wait a minute ,or two, let's let them get a little bigger......And yeah everythings ok...Bro thanks for asking....

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Your plants look magnificently healthy. I'd address just one issue: you may be overfeeding with N, since your older leaves are very very dark green, especially compared to new growth. I'd just lower the N concentration in their food, you wouldn't want your buds to taste like ferts...


New Member
looking really nice man!!! Same as what doc ^^^ says though, the leaves do look really dark green, doesn't look like they are suffering from it yet but you'll want to lower the nitrogen anyway for the taste (or just lower the dosage of nutes if its all together like mine)


Active Member
took into account thank you both a you i was using canna a and b with ratio of 5-4-3 what flowering nutes would you recommend first grow so slightly unsure??

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
something along the lines of 2.5-10-9 is good. Any variations of this ratio are ok. Just make sure that N is not more than 10-20% of the entire solution and that K and P have each 40-50%.


New Member
is that the coco range? my last grow (in coco) with canna a + b did the same thing, but got to the point where the leaves started to get disfigured, i flushed and gave them less nutes, and everything was fine, get that sorted you should get some quality smoke:weed:


Active Member
yeah its coco range anyone got any products i just got some halo from grow shop he said the results were amazing buts its a foliar spray and im a little unsure any past experiences???

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I'm inclined to be skeptical when it comes to the efficiency of foliar sprays.

For now, just lower your nute concentration to 1/2-3/4. Can't help you regarding a specific product since I don't live on that side of the globe...

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Mine burnt severely and the leaves still look crap - but the things are nearly done now with AMAZING looking buds on them! Think I'll be getting at least a half per plant this time instead of a quarter - I can't compare the 2 grows though coz EVERYTHINGS different (strain, new lighting, different soil I think, partly different nutes...)

I'd quite happily do exactly the same again though from the looks of them!


Active Member
they didnt burn but they looked shit those other pics were from about a week ago ill update later with new pics they still look abit iffy but wahey hope it works out how big do you let your plants get to get half(you do mean pound dont you)???


Active Member
another quick one does anyone like a certain nute for flowering im going t buy some tomorrow and slightly unsure my mate uses ionic bloom i think he said???