Do I have Hermies?


Active Member
My plants are about 6 weeks and have been on 12/12 for 7 days. I have 6 plants in coast of maine soil and Im using Fox Farms tiger bloom and grow big. I'm also using a 250W HPS and 4 30W CFLS, and using bagseed.

All 6 of the plants are showing signs of sex already. They all have white hairs coming out of the sacs that have formed, but not on all the sacs.

Some of the lower sacs are really tiny and hav nothing coming out of it ast all.

Is it possible that I have all hermies?

Do the white hairs come out of the sacs at different times??

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
I would say watch it carefully over the next few days and if you see small clusters of pods then you have male flowers that can quickly open and pollinate. You will know one way or the other very soon though, so keep both eyes on the prize.


Well-Known Member
i would say all those in the pics are males but give it another few says...i see clusters tho


Active Member
Do males have many little sacs with nothing coming out of them and females only have one or two with hairs coming out of them??

Can females have 5 or 6 little sacs clumped together??

I'm still having a hard time, I think I have some males, but I am able to find other spots on the plant that have the white pistils on them. Is it possible that the cola could be females and the lower branches are male??

please help!!


Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
I'm almost sure you have males there. :(
But to be sure give it another day,
and post more pics as up-close as possible.
You will know for sure very soon.
My advice is to start looking for new clones.
Don't buy any untill you get a couple confirmations on the sex.
Chances are tomorrow you'll know for sure.
Since you say this is on all your plants, then there is no risk of making the situation worst by waiting for an absolute certainty.
Otherwise I would tell you to pull it right now. There is nothing worst than a rooster in a hen house :)


Active Member
I pulled two males, the rest all have nice hairs now. There is a few little sacs on a few other plants but I just pulled them off.


Well-Known Member
if the plant has BOTH hairs and ball clusters then it is a hermie. if there are only a few balls on a mostly female plant than keeping a close watch and pulling all the balls off can work. but if the balls are all over with the hairs then I think you should kill it.

what are the grow specs, because you shouldn't have that many hermies unless there is something stressing the plants.....or the seeds came from a hermie mother then they have a higher chance of being hermie too.

well good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
those balls ended up having hairs come out of them. I killed 2 males and now have 5 females that are buddin nicely. There were a few balls that I pulled off, they might be 95% female.

Everything looks good and I can't wait to smoke some bud!!

They were switched to 12/12 15 days ago, I haven't watched a plant flower before but I thought there would be more bud by now.


Well-Known Member
those are definite male pollen sacks, i had to get rid of a hermie today, was a beautiful plant too, was sad