has the flush worked????


Active Member
i had two plants that were suspectly nute burnt here they are;

the two in the middle were the ones with nute burn i know they still have burn on the lower leaves this is why i asked if thats normal and when would you pros put them in flower i have 180 cm of room so thats not a prob????


Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Yeah, looks like they're on the road to recovery although that looked more like a zinc/magnesium/iron/copper deficiency. If the problem reappears, add some molasses (1tbs/1gallon water). What nutes we're you using and at what concentration (full strength, half strength)?

I (who am not a pro) have a golden rule when it comes to changing the light cycle. I always induce flowering when I have 6-8 internodes, or the plant has reached somewhere between 20-30cm/8-12 inch for a pure indica to 50-60cm/20-24 inch for a pure sativa.

The way your plants are looking, I'd give them another 1 1/2 - 2 weeks.

Keep us posted on your plants growth and on their recovery.


New Member
yeah get your plants fully recovered before flowering, what lights do you have cause if you go too tall the lower parts will not grow good, but you could top while in veg to fix this. if you have the space and time i'd let it mature so you see preflowers


Active Member
Yeah, looks like they're on the road to recovery although that looked more like a zinc/magnesium/iron/copper deficiency. If the problem reappears, add some molasses (1tbs/1gallon water). What nutes we're you using and at what concentration (full strength, half strength)?

I (who am not a pro) have a golden rule when it comes to changing the light cycle. I always induce flowering when I have 6-8 internodes, or the plant has reached somewhere between 20-30cm/8-12 inch for a pure indica to 50-60cm/20-24 inch for a pure sativa.

The way your plants are looking, I'd give them another 1 1/2 - 2 weeks.

Keep us posted on your plants growth and on their recovery.
thats the thing ive only just started using nutes but im using half strength canna a and b,thats why i couldnt understand when ppl told me it was nute burn but wahey if there looking ok al settle for that

cheers doc

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
It was probably a mineral deficit caused by temp fluctuation or low/high pH, that seemed to have balanced itself right.

Keep up to good work and your plants will grow strong and healthy and show some nice lady parts later on.


Active Member
use some cfls,or attach some florecent lights to the walls down low?
i have know idea about cfls but were can you get them because ive seen them on ebay and there like 250w and need reflectors and stuff but i thought when ive seen them on grow journals there just single bulbs that can be postioned close to the plant????

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
My friend, that's really not good.

Temps are ideally at 68-77F during daytime (never go over 80F) and 61-68F during the night (don't go under 58F). RH should at first be pretty high (around 70-80%) and slowly drop during vegging so that at the beginning and during flowering it stays under 40-50% in order to avoid bud rot...so I guess humidity is great for when you'll be flowering, but still a bit low for now.

Such high temps and dry air can burn your plants in time. Leave some glasses of water or open bottles around the plants so humidity rises and use a stronger fan (don't point it straight at the plants).

Let us know how things worked out.


Active Member
My friend, that's really not good.

Temps are ideally at 68-77F during daytime (never go over 80F) and 61-68F during the night (don't go under 58F). RH should at first be pretty high (around 70-80%) and slowly drop during vegging so that at the beginning and during flowering it stays under 40-50% in order to avoid bud rot...so I guess humidity is great for when you'll be flowering, but still a bit low for now.

Such high temps and dry air can burn your plants in time. Leave some glasses of water or open bottles around the plants so humidity rises and use a stronger fan (don't point it straight at the plants).

Let us know how things worked out.
ive put a couple of bowls of water round the tent and pointed the fan at the light im waiting for my extractor fan should be here monday but that should sort things out shouldnt it

plus rep for ya all cheers

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
i have know idea about cfls but were can you get them because ive seen them on ebay and there like 250w and need reflectors and stuff but i thought when ive seen them on grow journals there just single bulbs that can be postioned close to the plant????
yeah go with the spiral bulb cfls they sell them at hardwear stores and yes you can get them real close to the plant,they dont put out a lot of heat:-P

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
One more thing, won't matter now, but still, you should know.

I took a closer look at your second picture. My final conclusion is that it was either a very severe and sudden mineral deficit, that balanced itself out or heat bleaching (aka heat burning).

Like I said, best you know for the future.


Active Member
thank you again it is good to know just can wait for the fan to come and ill call at the hardware store tomorrow surely it cant hurt to put the cfls in now not just for flowering???


New Member
in terms of light penetration you should be good with 600. what do you mean by rh. and maybe like buggs said use some cfls dotted about, but what strain are you growing, as long as its one that doesn't respond adversely to topping i would recommend it


Active Member
in terms of light penetration you should be good with 600. what do you mean by rh. and maybe like buggs said use some cfls dotted about, but what strain are you growing, as long as its one that doesn't respond adversely to topping i would recommend it
room humidity,im growing barneys blue cheese from seed(feminized)and topping????whats best way to do it and when would you do it?its not a prob if they grow tall


Active Member
you top during veg but i think you would be arlightjust growing it normal if you can't be bothered
no no a acn be bothered but ppl have told me if i can let it grow tall then let it grow tall they said that you should only top if you cant let it grow too tall whats your take on matters im all ears???

cheers for the input though am grateful:mrgreen: