A question about Attitude package???


Well-Known Member
Who delivers it regular mail or ups?

Will the mail service deliver my package with a fake name on my real home address since i am using a prepaid visa gift card?


Well-Known Member
Why do people even bother using a fake name? If it is being shipped to your address they can still catch you and if they catch you using a fake name them it is a different level you just went to.

But no it comes by USPS.


Well-Known Member
I tend to agree on the fake name. I gives you a lame out. If you use a fake name why did the person whos name is on the package send free seeds to your address.
That may be just as hard to explain as to why your real name is on this package with ilegal seeds.
There is no way around the fact that ordering seeds has a certain amount of risk involved.
Lets just hope the risk stays minimal.
Good luck to everyone.


Well-Known Member
the reason why i ask if anyone comes to my home address and ask for the person and i will say you got the wrong name but right address. I am also using a visa gift card which can not be traced to my bank. I will just say someone just bought the card and mailed the seeds to the wrong address. I will not have any supplies either so i am not growing anything. I like to stay top secret at all times even when i am smoking out in the world because people keep telling me i smelled that shit down the street... Get my seeds then start growing so they won't have anything on me...

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
the reason why i ask if anyone comes to my home address and ask for the person and i will say you got the wrong name but right address. I am also using a visa gift card which can not be traced to my bank. I will just say someone just bought the card and mailed the seeds to the wrong address. I will not have any supplies either so i am not growing anything. I like to stay top secret at all times even when i am smoking out in the world because people keep telling me i smelled that shit down the street... Get my seeds then start growing so they won't have anything on me...



Active Member
you want to be super low key and yet you are posting on a web forum that if need be your isp adress can be linked to very easily... haha some people crack me up.


Well-Known Member
well the idea of a fake name is a good idea for the purposes of the court system. If for some reason they decided to charge him with purchasing marijuana seeds then it wouldnt be able to hold up in court becaues the defense would simply argue that his names not on the package so anyone could have ordered it. I dont personally use a fake name because they dont give a fuck about some seeds but for the extremely paranoid, yes its an okay idea to do so.


Well-Known Member
well the idea of a fake name is a good idea for the purposes of the court system. If for some reason they decided to charge him with purchasing marijuana seeds then it wouldnt be able to hold up in court becaues the defense would simply argue that his names not on the package so anyone could have ordered it. I dont personally use a fake name because they dont give a fuck about some seeds but for the extremely paranoid, yes its an okay idea to do so.

Not true, if it is being shipped to his address then he can't fight it.

They can also say he committed fraud by using a fake name.


Well-Known Member
Yeah your right about that fraud part and i am a little paranoid as you can see hehe.. I just heard about that indiana couple being busted for seeds but i don't know how many they ordered but they can't get you for nothing if you don't have the seeds in your position anyways.....
They were already growing and it reeked like weed in front of their house so the cops busted them.... Just careless not taking care of that odor....


Well-Known Member
Yeah your right about that fraud part and i am a little paranoid as you can see hehe.. I just heard about that indiana couple being busted for seeds but i don't know how many they ordered but they can't get you for nothing if you don't have the seeds in your position anyways.....
They were already growing and it reeked like weed in front of their house so the cops busted them.... Just careless not taking care of that odor....
Well they also said how there seeds arrived at the airport, I mean the detail they gave us was very limited, I am sure there had to be more to that.

I would just use the real name and get your seeds and act normal.


Active Member
you dont have to be so worried. unless you are ordering hundreds of seeds at a time the feds dont give a shit. if customs finds the seeds as they are coming through they just take them send you the rest of the package along with a note saying that if you would like to claim the rest of the package call a certain number which you obviously wouldnt do and nothing else happens. my uncle use to work in a DEA office, he wasnt an agent but he worked in the office. He claims that the DEA has much bigger things going on than a closet with 6 pot plants. Local cops have nothing to do with the mail service so you are ok there. I wouldnt worry so much is all i am trying to get at.


Active Member
Not true, if it is being shipped to his address then he can't fight it.

They can also say he committed fraud by using a fake name.
WRONG!!!! Anything that is sent to your house via USPS that you did not order you can keep (unless you are honest). So.. they can't charge you if something is sent to your house by mistake.