smoking 911!!!!


Well-Known Member
alrite so im about 2 smoke but my lighter went out so my pipe is useless

and i only have 2 matches so i need 2 roll it in somthing but i have no paper

wat kind of alternative rolling papers can i use???


Well-Known Member
you only have one lighter? I'm revoking your stoner card.

Despite the fact that I probably own close to 15 bics (scattered throughout my possessions) whenever I go to smoke I bring two. why? because NOTHING sucks like not having that flame. walk to a gas station and buy a bic you lazy stoner.

edit: buy 5.


Well-Known Member

Dont you think that if i could get a lighter i wouldnt be asking this question


Well-Known Member
you only have one lighter? I'm revoking your stoner card.

Despite the fact that I probably own close to 15 bics (scattered throughout my possessions) whenever I go to smoke I bring two. why? because NOTHING sucks like not having that flame. walk to a gas station and buy a bic you lazy stoner.

edit: buy 5.
i have like 8 lighters rite in front of me and there all out

i would do that except the gas station is a mile away i live on a bigass hill with like a 60 degree incline and its raining... heavily :(


Well-Known Member
ya just heat up the knives and when they are red hot turn off the stove place som bud on the tip and inhale with a bottle

Adamus P.R.I.M.E.

Well-Known Member
And you know whats werse than not being high with alot of weed in front of you??

Being a little high with alot of weed in front of you
You got a stove??? Use a straw off a broom, roll up toilet paper...
MAGAZINE PAPER... roll it up and use the stove...

Voila' fire for your bowl...