The 6 Deadliest Creatures (That Can Fit In Your Shoe)


Well-Known Member
Did you know they can run at about 40km/h (25mph). Not just in short burst either. They also (like the Koala) have big nasty claws. But then, I think I'd rather tackle a wombat than a Mountain Lion.:shock:
is it true that wombats cause the most car accidents in australia and that they will bear down and smash into your hand if you stick it in a wombat hole?


Well-Known Member
Imagine that the stresses of life finally get to you and, after months of depression you snap. You make that final decision: You're going back to Australia again.

yeah this article deters me from ever going to Australia
I know this may sound strange, coming from the country with all the deadliest nasties. But, did you know that most Australians have no idea that the Blue Ringed Octopus only paralyses you temporarily (as does the cone shell but in nastier ways). If you maintain CPR for about half an hour or so, victims will get up again and walk away. Problem is, as the blog article states, if you get bitten you can't tell anyone. You just lie there all frozen and zombie like...and suffocate because you can't move your muscles to breath.

Lots of old folk used to die here from Funnel-webbed spider bites...until the message sunk in that the little fuckers love to live in garden beds and that you need to wear thick, strong leather gloves if you're planning on putting your hands in the dirt.

I'm surprised no-one has mentioned the snakes. One of our most common urban snakes, the Common Brown Snake, is also responsible for the most deaths of humans by snake bite, including my father, who didn't even see the snake before it darted out from under a small bush and bit him twice on the ankle.
He was Ok because he knew what to do with snake bite. Him and his mate met the ambulance half way to the hospital (they were an hour away from treatment) and they replaced the compression bandage. But, when they got to the hospital, the nurse removed the compression bandage to swab the site for venom...and didn't replace the bandage! She walked away and didn't come back for 15 minutes. That as when dads mate turned up at the hospital and saw him. he said. "I don't feel real good...". His mate got the nurse and then they realised their mistake.:neutral:

It took two weeks to kill him...

...anyway, come to Australia! It's a great place. The natives are real friendly...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
is it true that wombats cause the most car accidents in australia and that they will bear down and smash into your hand if you stick it in a wombat hole?
No, not the most. But if you hit one, you WILL come to grief. Same with big koalas that can get nearly as big as a wombat. They are VERY solid kegs of muscle. They are far more solid than a pitbull. Imagine a pitbull, but four or five time more bulk, with short legs. None of it is fat, except for the Southern type in Winter. But then they just get harder.

Ummm, if you were of the inclination to stick your hand or head in a wombat hole, then I guess you should expect to have a 90 kilo ball of fury heading in your direction at great velocity. One of their main defences is to rush and barrel things over.


Well-Known Member
Thats sad stuff Gryphonn.. There used to be a show on called Venom ER.. some nasty shit happens from snake bites... the necrosis, swelling ... most people think snake bites are fatal fairly quick, but that is seldom the case...
heavy duty shit when you think about a 15' king cobra....


Well-Known Member
I dont know what they are called but they look like scorpions but are prolly spiders. I had a scorpion in a shoe box and then found one of these things. This thing kicked the scorpions ass. On its head were a set of jaws like a t-rex. Im serious its true.Anyone know what that is?


Well-Known Member
Thats sad stuff Gryphonn.. There used to be a show on called Venom ER.. some nasty shit happens from snake bites... the necrosis, swelling ... most people think snake bites are fatal fairly quick, but that is seldom the case...
heavy duty shit when you think about a 15' king cobra....
The snake that got dad was only about three foot long. He stepped out of the vehicle he was in, put his foot on the ground and it came out from under a bush and hit him twice.
When the hospital in question eventually gave him antivenene, they were giving him about a tenth the dose they were supposed. To top it off, they gave him a Tetanus shot. He was allergic to Tetanus shots.

Eventually, his liver, kidneys, and digestive system failed due to the venom. After that he got septicaemia and his body couldn't cope.

My mother settled out of court after five years of legal battles with the Queensland government. She wanted a public apology and an assurance that basic snake bite first aid would be taught to trainee nurses.

Instead they paid her off because she was getting too old to fight.

Enough of this. How's them damned Camel Spiders in Iraq? Fuck that!


Well-Known Member
Here's a little preying mantis that we found earlier... Just a little one.

View attachment 273531
As awesome & beautiful as mother nature is, she can fuck you up quick.....
Lets hope that the sad event of your dad has taught them some important lessons.. Like on that TV show the Dr. who's not just a Dr., but a venomous snake expert and knows about how fast treatments must be and the different anti-venoms..


Well-Known Member
As awesome & beautiful as mother nature is, she can fuck you up quick.....
Lets hope that the sad event of your dad has taught them some important lessons.. Like on that TV show the Dr. who's not just a Dr., but a venomous snake expert and knows about how fast treatments must be and the different anti-venoms..
In a country where snake bite treatment is a standard part of first aid courses and is usually written on a card in every first aid kit you buy, you'd think that it would also be one of the first things taught to a nurse working in an emergency room in a hospital. I mean, our youngest kids know that you NEVER remove a pressure bandage until absolutely necessary. If you have to swab the bite site, you do so, then replace the bandage. It is very basic stuff.

I have no fear or hatred for snakes. They are beautiful animals. BUT, we educate our kids on how to avoid being bitten and what to do if bitten. We try to spend a lot of time in the bush, so it's common sense to do this. We also carry pressure bandages whenever we go bush walking or hiking. It's all about respect for the animals, not fear.

This is something that was taught to me by my father, so the mistakes they made really shouldn't have happened. But, what's done is done. All the whinging and complaining in the world won't change what happened or bring him back. I would hope that the same mistake hasn't and won't be made again.

One day I'm going to go through all the records (i have a copy of them ALL), and I'm going to document it on a web page. It might help prevent an unnecessary death.

It's funny. The rest of my immediate family have a fear of snakes, more so since dad died. I however go all CSI in an emergency room and double check everything they do.


Well-Known Member
While playing golf one day a guy was looking for a lost ball in the woods when he feels something going up his pant leg... suddenly he feels a pain..upon inspection he sees he's been bitten on the knob by a snake... he starts freaking and yelling for his friend to find a DR. Amazingly there no Drs. at the course that day but theres a guy who says you have to cut between the holes then suck out the venom with his mouth, or he'll die........ upon his return his friend asks,
" what did the Dr. say..?" "you're going to die" replies friend..


Well-Known Member
While playing golf one day a guy was looking for a lost ball in the woods when he feels something going up his pant leg... suddenly he feels a pain..upon inspection he sees he's been bitten on the knob by a snake... he starts freaking and yelling for his friend to find a DR. Amazingly there no Drs. at the course that day but theres a guy who says you have to cut between the holes then suck out the venom with his mouth, or he'll die........ upon his return his friend asks,
" what did the Dr. say..?" "you're going to die" replies friend..


Well-Known Member
I have found one of those poisonous shells when diving for shells off Bazaruto Island in mozambique... (the most beautifiull diving experience ever).

Luckily I flipped it over first with another shell, or I'd have been a gonner...