The 6 Deadliest Creatures (That Can Fit In Your Shoe)


Well-Known Member
this made me laugh:

So you're on vacation in Australia, drinking a Fosters, chasing dingos away from your babies and arguing about what things are and are not knives. You sign up to go on a scuba tour of the Great Barrier Reef. After a quick tutorial on what you can and cannot touch that you didn't even understand (they are speaking Australian after all), you're down in the ocean exploring the reef. One small and particularly beautiful shell grabs your attention and you pick it up out of curiosity. That's when you feel a pinch on your palm.
Congratulations, you've just been stung by one of Australia's deathly toxic residents.

those blue ringed octopuses are pretty cool....i saw a show on them once....


Well-Known Member
funny stuff, .................

"Will I Be Alright?
It's called the fucking deathstalker. What do you think?"


Well-Known Member
3of the 6 come from austrailia.....makes me want to go to the great down under right now.....i was reading somewhere that 8 of the 10 deadliest spiders in the world come from austrailia....what a wonderful sounding place eh?


Well-Known Member
3of the 6 come from austrailia.....makes me want to go to the great down under right now.....i was reading somewhere that 8 of the 10 deadliest spiders in the world come from austrailia....what a wonderful sounding place eh?
i've heard they have birds that will eat you. :shock:


was reading a michael chrichton book, i think it was "state of fear"

and they had the little blue ringed octopus in a bag and puposely stung people to paralyze them

thats fucked up


Well-Known Member
i use to always want to visit Australia, until i started watching the discovery channel alot, FUCK THAT , spiders/snakes/reptiles/sharks/jellyfish/manowar/plus a TON of other shit that WILL kill you. NO THANKS


Well-Known Member
3of the 6 come from austrailia.....makes me want to go to the great down under right now.....i was reading somewhere that 8 of the 10 deadliest spiders in the world come from austrailia....what a wonderful sounding place eh?
Yeah, but they're just spiders. You can kill 'em with a shoe. How the fuck do you squash a Grizzly bear with hiking boot?


Active Member
Imagine that the stresses of life finally get to you and, after months of depression you snap. You make that final decision: You're going back to Australia again.

yeah this article deters me from ever going to Australia