Mattso's La Confidential Grow


Well-Known Member
So far 4 comfirmed males 4 unknown but pretty sure one will me fem if not all and 3 culled males
Fed them last night
.5 once of pure blend pro
10ml of cal-mag
10ml of grozyme



Well-Known Member
Hey ther still vegging these girls. I got 5 confirmed fems 3 unknown. 2 of them are really slow growers and will most lily culling them the other migh be a male that I might keep around for pollen collection. I will be tranplsanting into 3 gal pot this weekend and taking clones of the 5 fems. After that one more week of vegg then flower. these girls have extreamly tight node spacing. They reek too like Soapy Skunky Kush. flowring is gonna be fun!



Well-Known Member
Here they are again. I have 6 comfirmed fems and two unknown still. They might be fems too. I transplanted them into 3 gal pots and the two little ones in one gal pots. I also topped all 6 fems. After the holidays I will cut clones and flower these ladies. The fun is about to begin



Well-Known Member
should let them veg for a week more after you take clones let the inside branches reach out to get a better yeild, i flowerd my LA,s befor they branched out and i regret it. ill be lucky to get a oz of each. here are some top pics.



Well-Known Member
should let them veg for a week more after you take clones let the inside branches reach out to get a better yeild, i flowerd my LA,s befor they branched out and i regret it. ill be lucky to get a oz of each. here are some top pics.
I lolypopped them all and put them into flower today
I have six females



Well-Known Member
Damn they lookin healthy, cant wait to em them in full bloom, good luck, im really lookin foward to this grow! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
vary nice my fellow ontario grower
Day 3 of flower
All is well
I fed yesterday with
120ml pure blend pro gro
60ml pure blend pro bloom
40ml cal-lag plus
45 ml of growzyme
all mixed up in 4 gal of water each plant recived 2000 ml of nutrient solution. They are responding well:clap:



Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1858528]Damn that green color is amazing! lookin good, keep it up :leaf:[/quote]

Its a nice deep rich color isnt it! If you could only smell them!


Well-Known Member
dont yyou just love the pure bled pro imo its the best bang for your buck
Your right great line of nutes! I always use cal-mag as well. along with other stimulants. I have never had a problem with these nutes but my plants eat alot of them so it can get a little pricey sometimes