Well-Known Member
Ok heres the story...almost a year ago my friend was out with his friend and his friend's date...they went to dinner and got drunk. Anyway, on the drive home, the one dude tries to race my friend on an open staightaway, loses control and flips his car. My friend saw and turned around. when he got back to the scene the guy was fine, but his date was already a goner. They called the police, but my friend figured there was no reason for him to stick around and get a dui. So like I said, all of this happened almost a year ago...but the other day the cops came and arrested my friend for vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence, and fleeing the scene of an accident with a death involved. So like the title says, how screwed do you think he is? I think he is gonna have to serve some time, but I think if he gets a good lawyer it may onle be a year or two. Any opinions? ANyone know of something similar like this, and what the outcome was?