12/12 from seed=1 Cola


Well-Known Member
those are some nice ass single cola plants thaey look well taken care of what strain are they if u don mind
Pazzo and SpruceZeus, I want to star a similar setup as yours. What kind of strain are your plants? They look beutiful by the way.
Thanks grodrowwithme, that strain there is White Widow, it's definately one of my favorite strains. Very high THC, easy to grow, packs on the weight.. just can't go wrong with that strain.


Well-Known Member
did you trim or topp them or something to get them to stay so small or do you just go 12/12 from clone out
as stated in the thread title, 12\12 from seed. (well actually i gave them 24 for the first few days, but less than a week all said and done.


Well-Known Member
did you trim or topp them or something to get them to stay so small or do you just go 12/12 from clone out
I pretty much did the same as Zeus, but I went to 1.5 weeks with those. They were about 1.5-2 inches when flowered and ended up at about 17" on average. After my current batch I plan on going from clone so that should be a lot more convenient. When doing this tho some strains might take longer to start flowering, with the widow for example I flowered for 9 weeks instead of 8.


Well-Known Member
Cool were gonna try and do a few like that its gonna be first in the journal the seeds have been germin for 3 days now


Well-Known Member
yeah if your starting from a seed you need to veg at least 20" to 24" before flowering
you can put a clone in flowering stage after it has rooted and possibly get a 1 cola can
my bad for the miss understanding
this is just a suggestion
im pretty sure there are several different ways to grow from seed
this was just my preference to get the max amt of yeild from a cola can.

jeeze didnt kno theres so many haters on riu.