first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture


Well-Known Member
here are the pics i promised from this morning

and vandettaz im not quite sure, in my oppinion i think the pots are a good size for now but how long should i wait to transplant to bigger pots, and how big should the final pot size be taking into consideration that im growing them to about a foot to 18 inches b4 i start flowering

thanks everybody for all the positive feedback



Well-Known Member
Your plants are looking good, I use CFL too. When do you plan on changing on your pots?
They aren't CFL's. Look at his grow box on page 1 of this thread. He's using T5's.

I use the same light but I have a total of 8 bulbs. The are brighter than CFL's (lument to watt ratio) and can be kept close to the plant since they don't get too hot


Active Member
how much did you get your t5 for? at my local hydro store they're 120 for a 24 inch 4 bulb fixture, bulbs incl. wondering if they can be found cheaper online:weed:


Well-Known Member
here are some pics, i took some pics with a tape measure so you can see how big they are (well how wide anyways, both of them are about 5 inches wide by 3 inches high) :weed:
im also really happy that my third plant, that i thought was a gonner but held onto it anyways, now its living again and seems healthy, im going to transplant soon cuz its only in a 1" rockwool cube on about an inch of soil topped with hydroton pellets... :-|

tell me wat yall think



Active Member
I would change pots as soon as you can while your vegging. Im not sure on the pot size to grow ratio but i have seen it around here some where in the general growing section.

Yeah i also found the T model lights cooler then CFL.. way cooler. I got two T8's complete light fixture for $15. Had to wire them up my self thou. I really wish i had 5 of them now.


Active Member
dam man, mine's just a baby compared to everyone else's. just needs time i suppose. today (day4), it finally grew taller than one inch


Well-Known Member
dam man, mine's just a baby compared to everyone else's. just needs time i suppose. today (day4), it finally grew taller than one inch
Don't worry. As your plant gets larger it will have more foliage. As you get more foliage your photosynthesis increases and your growth rates will shoot through the roof compared to when you had just a few leaves.

Keep at it :)


Well-Known Member
here is the update for you guys
14th of dec (17 days vegg) iv put up a pic of both my babies ill keep you posted on the third one as it progresses slowly but healthilly
thanks for the input and comments, keep em comming bongsmilie



Active Member
yo i added 3 cfls to my grow, on the box says each bulb is 26w/1750 lumens, so thats approx. 5250 lumens, paired with my t12 fluorescents which together are only about 1900 lumens, so that should suffice for now. i plan on adding 3 more cfl's too. am i doin the math correctly, just add the lumens from each light source to get total lumens?:?


Well-Known Member
hey guys here are some more pics from tonight
this is just before watering, you can see my first plant (pic 3) is a bit drooped...i think its cuz its been 3 days now and the soil is dry about 3 inches down
i gave them nutes this watering as well, @ 1/2 strength
i replanted the 3rd plant and i had no more soil so i ripped up a bunch of 1" rockwool cubes, soacked those pices in ph5.5 water then mixed them in with some hydroton and planted my 3rd plant into that, i saw some nice roots coming out the bottom of the original rockwool cube but i forgot to take a baked bongsmilie what id like to know is how often should i wated the plant in the rockwool/hydroton?? and always with nute water or switch back and forth between ph'd water and nute water??

pic 1 is of plant # 2
pic 2 is a closup of plant # 2 (you can see lots of undergrowth starting)
pic 3 is of plant # 1 (a bit droopy)
pic 4 is of plant # 3 before transplant
pic 4 is of plant # 3 after transplant
pic 5 is of plant # 3 after transplant showing whole container

please give some good feedback
thanks, keep smokin :weed:



Well-Known Member
here are some pics, i noticed some yellowing on both plants on the bottom 2 leaves, is this normal or should i be worried
they are growing very well other than that
please give some input

pic 1 - plant 1
pic 2 - plant 2
pic 3 - closeup of yellowing leaf on plant 2 (the brownish spots you can also see are from before when i spilled nute water on the leaves (at leaset thats wat i think its from)



Well-Known Member
here is an update for today
after watering last time they still seemed wilted and at the end of the day got worse :cry: i decided to inspect my soil and found that it was dense, i quickly grabbed a long skinny piece of metal and kinda worked the soil a bit and gave my plants a second watering but added some H202 into the water and this morning after lights on they where happy as hell and so was i :weed:
i deff need to get some perlite but wat id like to know is should i take these babes out and transplant to soil with perlite now or wait till they fill up the pot a but more b4 i do that, and are there any threads on here that explain how to transplant realy well

my 3rd plant isnt looking so good, not to much to see so no pic, transplant shock most likely, nothing i can do ATM

id like to get some responses if possible...


Jesus H. Christ

Active Member
You're going to kill them with kindness if you go too crazy mothering over every little thing. So sayeth the Lord! That looks like a little nute burn. Maybe back off your fert strength to 1/4, or even zero for the next couple waterings. Otherwise... the Lord thinketh your children are beautiful.

Peace & Love

Jesus H. Christ

Active Member
Also: Your soil does look very dense. Dig through the holy scrolls for pot-up recommendations for your transplant into bigger pots. The Lord mixes 25% perlite with his soil. This hath worked well for the Lord.

Peace & Love


Well-Known Member
thanks for the tips, ill deff back the nutes to zero the next watering and 1/8-1/4 the watering after that
im going to be getting perlite, i just dont feel the need to replant my plant to a bigger pot for at least a week, should i remove my plant, shake out the soil, and replant to this pot with the perlite/soil mix then later re-pot to bigger or just wait a week or maybe 2 with this soil and then re-pot??
thanks for the response


Well-Known Member
dec 18th, 21 days into veg, here are the pics
and please give me an answer to my transplant question i asked before
i dont know how my 3rd plant is going to do, the bottom 2 sets of fan leaves got purplish and just really started wilting down, but the top has some promising new growth... i cut off the bottom leaves today seeing as they where now comletely drying out, hope it pulls thru

