What is wrong with this picture?


Well-Known Member
They are both dieing and i cant figure out why.

First off I already know that it looks stretchy. I have fixed this by lowering the light 1 week ago.

Notice the tips turning brown in color. I touched them and they are not dead but just brown in color. Also there are brown spots forming on the leafs. And the bottom two "Feeder Leafs" are turning really brown. The plant is starting to sag. It hasn't grown in a week now and is not getting better or worse for the past week or less.

This all pertains to the taller plant on the left. The short one on the right seems okay... although i think it might be suffering from something too. Its starting to appear a little light in color.

What is wrong with this?

Any input appreciated



Well-Known Member
First of all move those cfls up 3 more inchs and throw a small fan barly blowing the plants good luck peace:weed:


Active Member
look into potassium deficiency... withering and spots....potash would do the trick if it is indeed a potassium issue

need more info for a better diagnosis - soil used, nutes used would be great help


Well-Known Member
What are you watering with ???tap, distilled, RO, and do you have drainage holes in those cups??????


Well-Known Member
Im watering with tap water that I let sit out for a few days. I have 3 holes in the bottom of the cups for proper drainage(works really good). I USED to water them every day until I heard that i could damage them that way. I have not watered them for 3 days and I plan on giving them some sort of tea in the morning. I have added no nutrients up to this point. I only put a little soil on top and i transplanted the taller one in the taller cup from a styrofoam cup to the one it is in now.

I was told that i should move the plants as close to the light as i can get them unless the light feels to hot to my finger (which it doesnt even if i keep my hand on the bulb for excess periods of time)

Should i move it furthur away (currently it is around 3/4-1 in away)?

Should i go ahead and use this tea (50/50 soil/water mix) in the morning, or use water, or wait another day to water?

I was also told that i did not half to add nutes untill they are 2-3 weeks old... The tall one is 2 weeks old today and the short one is 9 days old now.



Well-Known Member
Im watering with tap water that I let sit out for a few days. I have 3 holes in the bottom of the cups for proper drainage(works really good). I USED to water them every day until I heard that i could damage them that way. I have not watered them for 3 days and I plan on giving them some sort of tea in the morning. I have added no nutrients up to this point. I only put a little soil on top and i transplanted the taller one in the taller cup from a styrofoam cup to the one it is in now.

I was told that i should move the plants as close to the light as i can get them unless the light feels to hot to my finger (which it doesnt even if i keep my hand on the bulb for excess periods of time)

Should i move it furthur away (currently it is around 3/4-1 in away)?

Should i go ahead and use this tea (50/50 soil/water mix) in the morning, or use water, or wait another day to water?

I was also told that i did not half to add nutes untill they are 2-3 weeks old... The tall one is 2 weeks old today and the short one is 9 days old now.
u need 2 move those cfls 4 sure , had mine that close plant look same as yours all burnt and dry keep 3-5 inchs away with a fan blowing is best and use a very light nute feeding something high in N


Well-Known Member
I would transplant into way bigger pots and bury right up to the first set of leaves,but thats just me,dont worry bout the dicots dieing thatll happen.


Well-Known Member
Just use water for now and keep your lights close as you can ......you want the cups to feel light when you pick them up buy you don't need to let them get bone dry they ......DO NOT NEED NUTES!!!!!! and you have time to let them get a little better established before you transplant...........hope this helps Bro........


Well-Known Member
I would transplant into way bigger pots and bury right up to the first set of leaves,but thats just me,dont worry bout the dicots dieing thatll happen.

There are also spots on the other leafs that dont apear to be natural.

By the first set of leafs... do you mean the two that are dieing on the bottom... i think you call them dicots


Active Member
it appears to be nutrient burn what is the n-p-k on the soil? you know......the numbers. the light is ok. imo. otherwise i think things look ok. i think your plants will be ok. only use water for now!


Well-Known Member
it appears to be nutrient burn what is the n-p-k on the soil? you know......the numbers. the light is ok. imo. otherwise i think things look ok. i think your plants will be ok. only use water for now!
I havent added any nutes .... this is the soil i am using... i havent added any tea either...



Well-Known Member
i moved the light so that it is around 3-3n1/2 in away from the tops...
also... i usually left the light on 24/7 untill the past few days which i adjusted it to 18/6 ... since the light was on already i felt that i could water them without turning it off... could i have burnt the top with water...



Well-Known Member
look at the bag in the first pict.....it's not a nute burn....and it's not a deficiency...there are enough nutrients in almost any yard dirt to sustain a plant at least to the early veg stage....


Well-Known Member
Are you watering until you see a little water trickle from the bottom of the cups??????

yes I do... I watered them every single day like that until 3 days ago... that's when i stopped watering them all together... they are nearly dried out now.. but i can tell that the soil is still a little damp in the bottom of the cup by feeling it with my finger and also looking thru the holes in the bottom of the cup

EDIT: thats why i figured i would water them in the morning.. and maybe just water every 3 days instead of every day


Well-Known Member
OK ...good idea...the heavy watering every day has them weakend it will take a few days for them to recooperate....you also might want to check with your local water dept.....some cities use chloromine as an additive to keep the water pure.....this bonds to the chlorine molicules, and keeps them from evaporating......you can solve this problem by boiling the water for AT LEAST 20 minutes.... hope this helps and keep me posted I want to see how they turn out....


Well-Known Member
I keep mine at about 2 inches ...like I said earlier you have to try to stop them from streching....oh by the way you do need a fan blowing gently on your plants to strengthen those that have streched a little...if you don't already that is...


Well-Known Member
i put a box fan on them everyday once i get home.. 2-10hrs of it... thanks for all the help... i hope they have a speedy recover... tomorrow morning ill water them with straight water.. afterwards ill start to boil the water before i stick it in the jug.. thanks for all your alls help... let me know if i need to do anything else

thanks family... thanks bro


Well-Known Member
No problem Bro just make sure you boil for at least 20 min. you can also filter it thru activated carbon if that would be easier for you...