First Time Shroom Grower PF-Tek


Well-Known Member
Thats great you've got pins, you should post up some pics. I had that happen with them fruiting on the bottom when I grew in the bag. They were pinning on the sides and a couple on the bottom.


Well-Known Member
Thats great you've got pins, you should post up some pics. I had that happen with them fruiting on the bottom when I grew in the bag. They were pinning on the sides and a couple on the bottom.
I wonder what makes them pin on certain sides??? I suppose that is part of why casing is more productive. I would love to post a pics but I have no camera I even threw out my crappy webcam. They just look like really tiny mushrooms, it is pretty cool to see the entire life-cycle of this fungus. Truly a remarkable organism. :peace: I wonder if I could load pics from my phone, does anyone know how to do that? Oh well I'll just take another bong rip bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Lol, thats cool about the pics. I think that the light and moisture is what makes them pin on the sides and shit. I agree that watching them is just down right fascinating! Lol burn one for me guys, cus this town is dry again.


Well-Known Member
hey everybody..its a beautiful sunday afternoon, i hope everyone is enjoying their day bongsmilie

ive been lazy and havent gotten started on anymore jars, but Ive got a good amount of freetime this week so ill cook some jars maybe tomorrow or tuesday morning

here is a pic of the tray



Well-Known Member
if im doing WBS in pint jars, should i fill up to 3/4ths so i can shake them later
or are pints small enough to not need shaking?
im about to simmer up some birdseed now..:joint: going for 4 pints, and going to try to do 3 quarts later today or tomorrow.
i need to get more birdseed probably

also I have some decent chucks of myc in my LC, how do I go about using it?
stupid question I imagine but my 1st grade teacher always said theres no such thing as stupid questions :-P

I just got a sweet Xmas present from a fellow shroomer..check it out



Well-Known Member
if im doing WBS in pint jars, should i fill up to 3/4ths so i can shake them later
or are pints small enough to not need shaking?
im about to simmer up some birdseed now..:joint: going for 4 pints, and going to try to do 3 quarts later today or tomorrow.
i need to get more birdseed probably

also I have some decent chucks of myc in my LC, how do I go about using it?
stupid question I imagine but my 1st grade teacher always said theres no such thing as stupid questions :-P

I just got a sweet Xmas present from a fellow shroomer..check it out
When using LC, when you have a nice chunk of myc growing...shake the LC to break it you will need a syringe with a 16ga needle(because the myc will get clogged up in a 18ga) and fill it up and inoculate your jars. The good thing about LC, as soon as you noc up the takes off because you dont have to wait on the spores to germinate. Congrats on the X-mas present!


Well-Known Member
Thats cool bro! Nice santa :wink:

I cooked 5 more half pint jar last night. I really have the water ratio down for using whole brown rice and the mycelium is colonizing these cakes super fast.

Can you continuously inoculate new jars with the same mycelium?
Or do I eventually have to gather spores from the fruits?

I really like mycelium culture its keeping my little grow perpetually producing fruits. The cake I have in the chamber now is pinning all over. There is one large fruit almost ready to harvest maybe another day or two.


Well-Known Member
I'm finally getting around to firing up the PC...5 pint jars of wbs
Ive got enough seed to cook up 1 maybe 2 quart jars, Ill try to do that tomorrow
Then I will innoculate all the jars at the same time

Where would one find a 16 gauge needle? I'm guessing that all the needles I have are 18ga:confused:

NewGrowth..why not take a print with that large mushroom


Well-Known Member
16ga syringes at sporevisions... I dont know about the tips themselves, you might just have to get the syringes.


Well-Known Member
I ate one of my shrooms last night. It was pretty mild but it was only one shroom. I went outside and the snow was incredible! Got some other cool effects too, can't wait to take a full dose. I should be adding 3 more cakes to my fruiting chamber in a couple of days. The first flush on this cake is producing quite a few good size shrooms. It looks like I will have one or two aborts. How much stronger are the aborts?


Well-Known Member
im still waiting for some pins...nothing has happened in a few trying to stay patient but ill be leaving soon for the holidays