Sensi Hash Plant - making moms

Hellafied Game

Well-Known Member
i cant wait til i have the space for a 1kw MH for veg.....such strong shoots and meristems,,,,,til then its pioneer IVjr T5. not a bad light by any means especially compared to the old spiral cfl's,,,,,but still no metal halide


Well-Known Member
here's some pics.. they're looking a bit droopy.. I think I overwatered... and the night time temps are getting into the low 60's... I just rigged up a little heater to my heat mat thermostat so it'll kick on around 68 deg. hopefully this will fix it.. also... I picked off the lower leaves & shoots.. this might have stressed 'em a bit too.. I'm expecting some explosive veg. growth in the next few days.. :leaf:



Well-Known Member
looking very good...i think i will have to keep an eye on this journal..when are you goona flower this plant off ( height ) when your ready . u goona be making clones.....? this seems like it would make a sick SOG plant...and commercial

Richard Pryor

Active Member
what the fuck is this?? hopefully just the lower leaves just dying off... any thoughts?? :-|
Hey man, very nice journal. Subscribed and also sent some rep your way (looks like I already +rep you).

Regarding the last pics... It's definitely not just the lower leaves dying off (no reason they should be dying anyway).

I noticed plants looked good on the 14th. Also, in your first post you say "R/O water with a natural ph of 6.6"... 'natural' being the key word. I'm not gonna go into a lot of depth for the sake of your journal and readers, but R/O water doesn't have a natural PH. On the contrary. Because R/O water is so pure, PH is very difficult to determine and as the water sucks in carbon dioxides from the atmosphere it lowers the PH even more.

My guess is that you have a nutrient deficiency caused by low PH. Do you have a PH meter and PH Up/PH down solutions? If I were you I would flush the plants with PH'd water (for soil between 6.0-6.5). What is your soil mix btw? Does it contain dolomitic limestone or some type of PH buffer?


Well-Known Member
Hey man, very nice journal. Subscribed and also sent some rep your way (looks like I already +rep you).

Regarding the last pics... It's definitely not just the lower leaves dying off (no reason they should be dying anyway).

I noticed plants looked good on the 14th. Also, in your first post you say "R/O water with a natural ph of 6.6"... 'natural' being the key word. I'm not gonna go into a lot of depth for the sake of your journal and readers, but R/O water doesn't have a natural PH. On the contrary. Because R/O water is so pure, PH is very difficult to determine and as the water sucks in carbon dioxides from the atmosphere it lowers the PH even more.

My guess is that you have a nutrient deficiency caused by low PH. Do you have a PH meter and PH Up/PH down solutions? If I were you I would flush the plants with PH'd water (for soil between 6.0-6.5). What is your soil mix btw? Does it contain dolomitic limestone or some type of PH buffer?
mix is sunshine #4.. the "natural" ph thing was just that I didn't have to add any ph up or down cause the ph was already at 6.4 the sunshine mix does have lime in it too.. I think I'm gonna just flush 'em good & hard & see what happens.. thanks, RP.. btw how do you rep?


Well-Known Member
just flushed them... well not flush I guess, I mixed up a batch of light veg juice.. like 650ppm.. ph'ed to 6.3 even added a little 1/3 dose of cal-mag.. i haven't fed 'em in a while so I figured this would be alright.. been giving them straight water for the last few waterings.. anyways, about 4-5 gallons of juice went thru those pots.. should have gotten rid of anything bad in there & replaced it with good stuff.. BTW I'm using flora nova grow, flora blend & floralicious plus. (little bit of cal-mag)

Richard Pryor

Active Member
Hey scottie. Sunshine #4 is a good mix... it's what I use to grow all my plants. It does have dolomitic limestone which raises the PH of the medium.

I knew exactly what you meant by natural, I just mentioned how easily the PH of (non-PH'd) RO water changes. Always a good idea to add PH up and then PH down (or vice-versa) to RO water since this will help stabilize the PH.

I'm surprised you were able to take a reading of your (non-PH'd) RO water without thinking your meter was going crazy! My digital meter goes insane whenever I do this, even after just being calibrated. Goes all the way up to 8.6, just to go back down to 6.2, and never seems to settle.

RO water is extremely pure... 1 ppm in your case! That's basically DI water, and it was devoid of all minerals. I would add that Cal/Mag thing to all of your waterings and raise the PPM to about 50ppm. The GH products are very good. That limestone in the mix also adds Mag overtime, so you have to read your plants and act accordingly. I'll be following along.

Oh, and next time sign the +rep with your user name so that the person who receives it knows who it was from :)



Well-Known Member
Hey scottie. Sunshine #4 is a good mix... it's what I use to grow all my plants. It does have dolomitic limestone which raises the PH of the medium.

I knew exactly what you meant by natural, I just mentioned how easily the PH of (non-PH'd) RO water changes. Always a good idea to add PH up and then PH down (or vice-versa) to RO water since this will help stabilize the PH.

I'm surprised you were able to take a reading of your (non-PH'd) RO water without thinking your meter was going crazy! My digital meter goes insane whenever I do this, even after just being calibrated. Goes all the way up to 8.6, just to go back down to 6.2, and never seems to settle.

RO water is extremely pure... 1 ppm in your case! That's basically DI water, and it was devoid of all minerals. I would add that Cal/Mag thing to all of your waterings and raise the PPM to about 50ppm. The GH products are very good. That limestone in the mix also adds Mag overtime, so you have to read your plants and act accordingly. I'll be following along.

Oh, and next time sign the +rep with your user name so that the person who receives it knows who it was from :)

thankyou very much!!! that just shed some light on why my meter was doing just that! I never thought of using the ph up & down to buffer & stabilize.. makes total sense..