GreenX How to's... How to Water Cure (w/pics)

hell yeah! I'm gonna give it a try! I have plenty of herb that I just threw away due to both mold & little critters. As a matter of fact I just threw away three ounces just two days ago. To much God Damn Mealy Bugs' inside!!!!!

So hopefully I get good results from this new dry & curing method? After I drop my kids off at the school bus stop. I'll come home and start the process this morning!!
Hearing some good feed back guys and girls!

It sounds like the message that it's 'personal preference' is finally starting to sink in! Hahaha.

A lot of questions are being asked multiple times (especially the one 'does it lose potenct?') - these have been answered multiple times so hopefully someone can answer them instead of me for awhile :D or just copy paste/quote an answer from another page in this thread or my other thread:

Cheers all!

Wine and lemonaide go down well as when you first wake up haha, now I'm getting my bong, my mega-jet lighter, and going on a Salvia trip!

P.S - Anyone know where to get Salvia divinorum seeds from? I wouldn't mind growing that shit
hell yeah! I'm gonna give it a try! I have plenty of herb that I just threw away due to both mold & little critters. As a matter of fact I just threw away three ounces just two days ago. To much God Damn Mealy Bugs' inside!!!!!

So hopefully I get good results from this new dry & curing method? After I drop my kids off at the school bus stop. I'll come home and start the process this morning!!

those bastards

share with us you success story of curing molded bud when you are through with it
what kind of water,tap,distilled,well water,ro water,mountain spring,, wondering what the diff would be from tap with chlorine and fluoride and all the other crap in it to distilled or ro?
would the chlorine help rid of impurities or add the other crap? sorry if this ? has been asked but i must have missed it in the faq or in this thread
also lets say i get 10 joints from 1 air dried bud wouldnt i still get 10 joints from the water cured bud i understand the weight diff but not the mass
again my sincere apologies if the ? has been asked before..........:peace:
I have never done it before, but just using the guiding principles of keeping everything as neutral as possible so the weed can be enjoyed as weed, I would go with Distilled water, although Spring water would probably be better than tap. Just my opinion/guess. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:
Tap water with chlorine/flouride, I would assume, is bad.
Hence why I say to 'burn off' those nasties by bubbling it for 24-48 hours in an open topped container before using it.

It has been covered somewhere in these threads, I'm just being too lazy to find it and instead giving you a quick, basic answer lol. Hope it helps!

The distilled/spring water would be better options if readily available but if not then there's actually nothing (to my knowledge) that proves tap water to be usually bad if all it contains is shit from the treatment plants.
I'm not sure how chlorine and flouride act in/on the bud once its fully dried off?

Any scientist want to put in their 2 cents, be my guest!!!

heh ill get someone in here that could help us out with that he also told me why buds dry so fast atfer u water cure, alot of the cell structes n organelles break down makin it easier for the inside moistre to break thru
Hey I am on my 6th day of a water cure and the buds are still semi-floating. This morning they were sitting on the bottom of my jar but I changed the water and they seem to still be floating a bit and I was wondering if this means they need longer in the water. Does anyone know anything about that?
started today, no flush,fresh off the plant,tap water set out 24hours,pickle jar with holes in top...mmmm pickled bud.... the buds i used r not that great but should give me a good idea thanks for the info..heres a pic=


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started today, no flush,fresh off the plant,tap water set out 24hours,pickle jar with holes in top...mmmm pickled bud.... the buds i used r not that great but should give me a good idea thanks for the info..heres a pic=
dude? how long into flower were those "buds"? it kinda looks like about 3 weeks.
almost 12weeks at 12/12 lights with an mh bulb 400 watt
i could tell you about the nuts seeds inviroment and blah blah blah etc etc etc and so forth but this is not my thread....
also feel free to criticize my underdeveloped buds i dont mind and they cant read:cuss:
but why get an MH light if you don't have HPS?

You can veg+flower much better using HPS, plus the HPS bulb itself is not that expensive, if you already have the ballast

anywayz, the idea is water curing, so we are waiting for cluch's experience :) his bud should be cured and dried up in about 5 days
almost 12weeks at 12/12 lights with an mh bulb 400 watt
i could tell you about the nuts seeds inviroment and blah blah blah etc etc etc and so forth but this is not my thread....
also feel free to criticize my underdeveloped buds i dont mind and they cant read:cuss:
no hate intended, i was just curious.
imo, the problem wasnt the light it was the lake of additives wich i did not have at the time, but do now for grow 2.. kool bloom florioucious plus,flora blend etc..
oh and the lake of training the buds to the light.......etc etc
i will be making mostly oil from this grow....
have you flowered with an MH and got better results?

It makes perfect sense to have weak buds when flowering with MH, it's just the flowering plants don't really make use of the light spectrum the MH light provides

infact those buds remind me of low light CFL grows I've seen

is that on the pic a squirrel? is it dead?
other buds on the plant r better than that in the jar. some r good some r bad
ive never flowerd any thing before, and the squirl has been on that piece of wood for over 15 years..
day 3 water cure......
It makes perfect sense to have weak buds when flowering with MH, it's just the flowering plants don't really make use of the light spectrum the MH light provides

This is true! :P

...Something's likely to go wrong first grow anyway so no real harm. And FYI, additives are nothing special, a good nutrient regime will take you a lot further than additives, but seen as you have the additives now, may as well add them to the mix!
