Welcome New Members!


Well-Known Member
Im a begginer i have never posted but theres a few things id like 2 know about growing,
i have planted 2 seeds after being germinated ,i hav thm in my wardrobe im new to it,
im just testin at the minuted because i got sum seeds off a mate
...1 of them is about 3 inches very thin an its only been in soil for 3 days .I Noticed On My Smaller Of The 2(about 1.5 inch) Is looking nice (so i think Lol)ive notices small ganja looking leaves coming thru after the 1st normal lookin leaves .On The Taller Plant It Has No Ganja Looking leaves ...Is This Bad?....my setup Is S**t I hav a 50 watt uv light n a box with tin foil around it ...does anyBodie think igg Gt a bit of smoke outa them Haha

Ps im Just Hopin There Femies :D:)..Many Thanks DeweY..x


Active Member
HI, im pretty new to this... i just had my 3rd harvest yesterday. i have a walk in closet dedicated to grow. I have a 4' flourescent light i use forn cloning and seedlings, i use a 2' 4 bulb t-5 for vegging and flowering with great results IMO. just yeilded 1.5oz from some sort of sativa bagseed, and before that about 18grams off of some kind of indiga i have now dubed sour berry :weed:. I now have a couple of clones going off both of the above and a strand i sexed by accident my first grow. im in the midst of getting a 4' 8 bulb fixture. im a huge t5 beliver seeing thats the only light ive used but with great results. this is the first time for me posting though i have lurked/ searched consistantly everyday. Ide like to thank everybody her on RIU for making my dreams possible! happy growing :joint:


Well-Known Member
Newbie doing my first hydroponics grow. Two weeks in with some White Widow and some bonus seeds from the seed bank.. All looks good so far when I went on a trip 5 days ago. Sprouted and in the dripper/ bubbler for about two weeks now. Using the Mr. Green on You Tube as a guideline...... No pics so far will try later.

magikal chronik

Well-Known Member
Newbie doing my first hydroponics grow. Two weeks in with some White Widow and some bonus seeds from the seed bank.. All looks good so far when I went on a trip 5 days ago. Sprouted and in the dripper/ bubbler for about two weeks now. Using the Mr. Green on You Tube as a guideline...... No pics so far will try later.
Hey go to the Hydroponics/ Aeroponics section sub-forum. Start your own grow journal, sounds interesting. Also, people can help you out as you go along.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Im a begginer i have never posted but theres a few things id like 2 know about growing,
i have planted 2 seeds after being germinated ,i hav thm in my wardrobe im new to it,
im just testin at the minuted because i got sum seeds off a mate
...1 of them is about 3 inches very thin an its only been in soil for 3 days .I Noticed On My Smaller Of The 2(about 1.5 inch) Is looking nice (so i think Lol)ive notices small ganja looking leaves coming thru after the 1st normal lookin leaves .On The Taller Plant It Has No Ganja Looking leaves ...Is This Bad?....my setup Is S**t I hav a 50 watt uv light n a box with tin foil around it ...does anyBodie think igg Gt a bit of smoke outa them Haha

Ps im Just Hopin There Femies :D:)..Many Thanks DeweY..x
Welcome Dew, get rid of the tin foil and the UV light. Check out the grow FAQ for excellent info on what lights to use. CFLS are really cheap if you are on a budget. Lots of good CFL growers here too. Goo luck :peace:

HI, im pretty new to this... i just had my 3rd harvest yesterday. i have a walk in closet dedicated to grow. I have a 4' flourescent light i use forn cloning and seedlings, i use a 2' 4 bulb t-5 for vegging and flowering with great results IMO. just yeilded 1.5oz from some sort of sativa bagseed, and before that about 18grams off of some kind of indiga i have now dubed sour berry :weed:. I now have a couple of clones going off both of the above and a strand i sexed by accident my first grow. im in the midst of getting a 4' 8 bulb fixture. im a huge t5 beliver seeing thats the only light ive used but with great results. this is the first time for me posting though i have lurked/ searched consistantly everyday. Ide like to thank everybody her on RIU for making my dreams possible! happy growing :joint:
Glad to hear we could help! Welcome to RIU, stick around:mrgreen:

Newbie doing my first hydroponics grow. Two weeks in with some White Widow and some bonus seeds from the seed bank.. All looks good so far when I went on a trip 5 days ago. Sprouted and in the dripper/ bubbler for about two weeks now. Using the Mr. Green on You Tube as a guideline...... No pics so far will try later.
Sounds like fun, Mr. Green's set up is not really optimal for a flood and drain but will probably work fine for a first run. After that you will want to look into improving the design slightly to massively increase yield. Stick around start a journal!:peace:

what up I'll been growin my plant for 6months and it is 6ft but not budding what should i do
You are going to have a lot of bud! :lol: Take VV's advice! I hope you have 12ft ceilings ;-)


Active Member
ok not sure what im doin on this page yet. how do i start a new thread? or am i doing it? anyways i have 4 powerplant seedlings a week old in peat moss. threre lookin healthy tap root came out bottom so i put on top of some mg in a small cup so the taproots could grow. when should i put in soil? thinkin bout not using mg reading peoples comments about it.


Active Member
Hey all ima new member/grower :) Just wanted to take a little time to say hello!! Looks like a cool place to be and i need a few problems solved so ty very much. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member


Active Member
hello fello pot heads,
My name is zrickmo and my goal in life is to produce the best maryjane around. Unless of course I go next door in which case. His or hers will be as good as mine if not better. And that my friends is it.


Well-Known Member
whats up everyone just reg today
been smoking for a long time,grew before but really never got anwhere.seeing how an ex girlfriend of mines threw the plant out a second floor window.:0( and others just limped over and and thats it but now i had have put like 5 seeds in some marical grow soil and and 4 of them sprouted but 3 of them got big and the 4th one just stayed as a sprout so i threw it awayand i didnt even germanate them just droped in soil.for a time i just used the window on the porch and they grew now they are in my room not even my closetand im useing a12v 10wbulb plant light real small and sence theres no heat n my room ive been useing a philips clear infrared heat lamp 250w so i have some heat for the plants and they are still growning one plant looks like it might not be doing good
cuase the leaves are changing like has some yellow and the shape is going diff now too
so i aint worried about that one too much now cuase i think it could be going so i rather help the other 2 the biggest one i have just turned 12 inches and the small one looks the best and it aint to small but i dont know right off hand now how big .but i spray them down with a water bottle spraye thing when they look dry and water the with reg water and some maricalgrow stuff i think food that i have to mix i use that stuff most of the time just till i see the soul moiste and i use the some stuff to spray on the leaves too im working on the humidifyer but right now i have 1 plant in a fish tank at the bottom and have some water around it and have aluminum foil wraped around the plastic or glass whatever it is and at night time i move the big one away from the lights so it aint under directly and put the other one under it cuase i only have 1 small grow light and heat lamp hoping things still goes ok. let me know what ya think please
thanks for hearing me out clowdy


Active Member
High there:) how is everyone doing ?.. Well Im basically not your average 20year old stoner... All my friends are still in their senior year ( for like the 3rd time!!) Im a different story though,.. Im into sports and staying healthy. Weed to me,.. well Ive been smoking for 5years now and I think its a much better idea than alcohol. I wont make a car accident when im stoned, I wont fight, sleep with random people or anything stupid like what people do when they are drunk. I have just started my first 3 plants and they're growing up so quickly!! Everyday they look an inch taller!!
I've read up alot on the net so far and cant wait to start growing properly with light nutes etc. Any advice is welcome.

Have a wicked xmas and new year:):weed:

magikal chronik

Well-Known Member
welcome, welcome.
you should start a grow journal, and post pics. People can help you out, and you can show off other people what your working on.:mrgreen:


Active Member
hello everyone, im fairly new to growing -(got sick of paying for sandy or tampered weed) and have started a small flood/drain setup for the best result grows, can anyone tell me how often i should flood the tray & how long for(should this increase as plant grows/matures),and the specific ppm levels for each and all growth stages?
just rooted - weeks 1-2
veg weeks 3-5
transition weeks 6 -7
flower week 1
flower weeks 2 - 4
weeks 5-8
final push weeks 9 - poss 10 (or described in simular way)
then obviously flushing is required-should i reduce nutes gradually, or stop em all together in 1 go? and should i use a flushing agent?
obviously im out to spend as little as poss-same old story im afraid.
ive had a look around but can only find staggered answers to my questions, and often contradictory at that.
many thanks all, appologies for any poor spelling lol!