Dwc Grow Club

after ur done reading my previuos post check out LA9's 10 myths to lighting revealed and after ur done reading and rereading that check out:
Bro heres the best i can say read the following post ive pimped many X due to the fact ive been to lazy to keep typing it...
I dont think it has a whole lot to do with lumens/sq.ft. myself...

I think what I should really be worried about is:
Total Watts/sq.ft.X Total spectrum/lumens of light source @ plants different life stages of growth..

And the Spectrumxlumens/sq.ftXlight source...

With that being said, Yes plants do use all light spectrums to grow obviously.With enuff light of any type i suppose u could grow a plant to smoke. But thru out a plants life span It grows and matures during the seasons of its environment. Whether next to the equator or not it all comes down to light being bent by the distance of the earth from the the sun that creates spectrums when it enters our atmosphere and distance from the sun also creates these seasons naturally.
Its been scientificaly proven that plants use mostly blue light spectrum (actinic ) to be exact,found in alot of m/h bulbs during early stages of life also found during seasons of spring and summer and fall. This spectrum is also found in hps and that cfl only tries to mimmick but works great if ur doing a stealth grow.
Its also been proven that during a plants latter stages of life adolescence, puberty and maturation.That a plant uses more Red light spectrum to mature and reproduce Which happens during fall and winter when the distance of the sun from the earth is greater.

Hope this helps peeps out making decissions when building a grow.

Stealth growers should be concerned with this as well:

Growth Production and Light emittence= Quality and Quantity+time
Time=money Devided by light eficiency and quantitiy.

Blue spectrum ( cfls m/h )= growth for veg
Red ( hps ) spectrum= Reproduction and maturation x quantity for flower

so red light helps with maturity. is it bad to use a lot of red light during early stages of growth?
so if i add to my 3 2700 k cfl's and my led panel some 6500 k cfl that this will make me have some sucess?
Bro start @ page 2 click on the links ive added for u concearning lighting. U have to read and research this elemant. REad and reread the links until it all soaks in. Once uve done that these things wiil make sense to you.
This aint my first time. Dont let people stear u the wrong way. If U want to grow insane jungles listen to the pros here time after time and beat these simple rules into ur head.
LIghting is just as important than method of growth when considering growing.
currently designing my first dwc for when i move in a few weeks, does this mean i can join or do i have to wait until i start the grow? :)