The rh is ok so far. What I was trying to say is AI is wrong, you can get it to both say yes and no on things. It does not dry and cool at same time which is a curve ball. Im thinking use a temp or rh controller as a safe way to toggle the two devices as needed.
IE turn ac on when hot but turn off dehuey and when temp reached, turn dehuey back on and ac off. Is this safe? afaik those controllers are meant to be safe that way as they could house high amp devices. Its all I can think of as of now or just manually do it or buy those two small dehueys for same circuit.
@Absorber I forget if it was you I think it was, youre an electrician right? This sound good? Do you know what a compressor on a 152w dehuey will surge to when starting? If the fuse doesnt blow when testing it, is that my answer?
So far it didnt happen with my 380w dehuey that could surge to 800w, 1000 or 1200w or more.. Probably 800w or it would surely blow fuse. They say 3x the watts for peak watts but thats obnoxious for a 800w fridge or ac unit, that typically needs only 15a.. Any thoughts?
If I can have two 152w dehueys on same circuit it would help alot unless its 456w each surge watts. Even thats not bad but barely could be too much, Im thinking about when power goes out and back on. I dont want it to blow fuse but if it doesnt during a test than idk if thats good.
I know I had eveything on but the dehuey to clean filter so it surely would of blown fuse when starting back up. My continuous watts are 1500w but can be 1000w easy. Lately been realizing its a bit overloaded.