Newbie - Is she ready - Bruce Banner #5?


is that an auto? and what week of flower are you on. Doesn't look ready to me.
Yeah its an auto. Today is end of Week 8 for flower.
Did you see the whole plant photo because im not sure it loaded correctly from my end.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its an auto. Today is end of Week 8 for flower.
Did you see the whole plant photo because im not sure it loaded correctly from my end.
I would like to see a better more close up picture if the tric's to really say if she is ready or not, but you are in a good chop week. I suggest getting a better microscope like this one that will plug into your phone.,aps,156&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1

Oh and yes, I do see the picture of the entire plant,


Not close, at least a month left. Run them as long as you possible can outside and forget marketed days and weeks.

You need to expect at least 4 weeks extra growing outdoors.
Wow, that suprises me. What makes you suggest another month to run?


Well-Known Member
Wow, that suprises me. What makes you suggest another month to run?
Plants take longer to ripe outdoors compared to indoors in a controlled environment. If you look at trichomes for ripeness starting out you will harvest too early since you will find amber trichomes even a month from harvest but that doesn't mean the plant is ripe.

When every other marker for ripeness is at place like pistils retracting and flower clusters fully swelling and form then you start looking at trichomes for clarification(all milky and swelled with easily visible amber)

She's only really started consuming the leaves closest to the stem so you still got time left. Is the local climate stopping you from not letting her fully ripe like it's getting to cold or humid at night? If that's not a problem I would let her go as long as possible.