First time ever grower wants to do hydro ...

Drop That Sound

Well-Known Member
You can use those single inline high flow RV hose filters cartridges to instantly remove most of the chlorine and a few other kinds of impurities. Not as good as an RO would, but great for what it is rated to filter out, and doesn't waste water either..

Had a nice surprise today when I inspected the plants today after a weekendtrip. Had given theme a good shot of nuts before the weekend started and they are really bushy now ... even my little one that was behind starts to become bigger :)

Do I need to prune already the leaves from downunder? Can I do already some SCROGing with the stems? They are bushy and not stretched.





Well-Known Member
I like to do mainlining or manifolding with scrog setups. I make my own trellis with string to make 3" squares, it seems like it makes more opportunity for keeping everything where you want it, but I've honestly never tried a purchased trellis system so I really can't compare. I'd suggest looking into manifold scrog techniques. There's a few around that give you step by step instructions.

Those plants look F'in awesome though, nice job!
What I have learned so far ...

+ Germination is the most difficult part I find. Those baby plants are so fragile and need utmost taken care of.
+ Once those girls roots hit the water of the jacuzzi they are off like a rocket. They drink an insane amount of water anytime. I don't even care much bout the parameters anymore. If it's somewhere in between it's just fine.

So in 2025 I want to try some things to improve ...

+ Build me an aeroponic/hydroponic cloner. Learn about choosing good strains to clone of.
+ Build me a third system with DWC and not RDWC with each plant it's on LED or per two plants. I don't see any advance of connecting all those buckets and use the same LED for all plants. For me it's more a disadvantage to control the buffer and all the seperate buckets.
+ Learn how to train/crop those plants. So the buds downunder get even light spread.

My girls going into flowering ... :weed: Approx six weeks from germ.


Starting another batch of 4 Money Maker photos...
