Matrix Reloaded/Silo Grow Method

It’s great that you managed another successful harvest.
Thank you, Bro!

Peace and goodness to your loved ones! I hope that your home was not affected by this tragedy!

I don’t want your thread to be locked for political talk, but you are being misinformed, and spreading misinformation is dangerous.
Let's agree once and not come back to this.

Bro, I'm not relaying propaganda here, I'm only saying what I know and am sure of.

The $750 you speak of is being given for *immediate* needs: such as food, medicine, and clothing. Insurance will cover the other larger expenses later.
once again: I only speak about what I hear and what I know

You will probably agree with me that the hurricane in Florida can be compared in terms of local destruction to the war in Ukraine?

If you agree, then I will continue: I have been living in the area of the natural disaster for almost three years. This is where everything around is collapsing and breaking.

And I can tell you exactly how the government should eliminate the consequences of natural disasters.

When the war began and there was complete hell all around.. and I bow low to such an organization as the "Red Cross", which.. actually UNDER FIRE distributed food and clothing to all those in need.. FOR FREE!!! Then mobile trailers appeared, which began to distribute FREE delicious food with meat and free bread.

Let's move on: I recently told you about an explosion that broke two windows of my father-in-law... not broken, but tore out the plastic frame with hinges, he fixed it himself in 2 hours. A week later, the government gave my mother-in-law, father-in-law and wife $250 each - for two damaged windows. He bought vodka with this money and drinks it... plays in a casino))

food in Ukraine costs 2-3 times less

Now I'm asking a question - do I live in the richest country in the world or you?)))

And one more question: what does propaganda have to do with it?)))

Just like you, I watch TikTok, where those affected by the hurricane express sincere gratitude to the government for their support. ))

I can see for myself how much they love you, I know it myself!))

Bro, I'm sorry if my thoughts somehow offend you!

There is much more to the complete story, and there is a lot of noise being made by a single political party here, trying to make the other look bad
Yes, I completely agree with you, you don't have parties, but two packs of wolves who are ready to tear each other's throats out for power. They don't shy away from any methods, even murder. Remember Kennedy. There, too, the secret services were involved. And so history repeats itself again...

But it seems to me, Bro, that we got a little carried away... )))

Don't forget that here we can't speak about those we don't talk about.

We need to do better. Love thy neighbor, or some shit, right?

Absolutely right!

Politics is shit! Family is everything!
I bow low to such an organization as the
Over these almost three years, we have accumulated so much free humanitarian aid that if you add up what I have and what my father-in-law and mother-in-law have, it will probably be 100 kg.... maybe 200 there is a mountain. These are non-perishable products, cereals, canned goods. If everything around us is covered with darkness, then we will be able to live autonomously for several months without leaving the house... I have prepared a ton of drinking water.

But that's not what I'm getting at. One question has arisen in my head, to which I cannot find an answer. I have tried products from all over the world... even Australia food was in humanitarian aid. But I have never seen a single American food brand, except for Jewelin... not a single one!

My condolences to the victims! Let's hope that your government will allocate more funds for disaster relief and payments to the victims. For 750 you can only buy a 1X1m tent and a Samsung lamp and live there - it's ridiculous!
$750 is immediate cash up front to help with food and any other immediate needs. FEMA can then write up to $84,000/person (in checks) and that is JUST the beginning. Then they become eligible for rebuilding support grants etc...... They money is much better and easier to access then the Landers/Big Bear quake where I lost my home's chimney and others lost their homes. But disasters are fully funded here. This would be the kind of post that is pretty political as then we get to the only administration that actually withheld disasters funds (45th presidency). So let's not go there, thanks.
Americans, I want to tell you a secret! I'm surprised you don't know about this yet. Everyone here has known about it for a long time.

What is Putin's might and strength? Why is everyone so afraid of him? Nuclear physicists have been unable to find an answer to this phenomenon for a long time. It turns out that Putin has "Thermionuclear Fart Syndrome."

When he was little and went to the toilet, when he ate a lot of fruit, Putin's fart would sometimes lift him up and carry him upwards. Once he hit his head on the ceiling. After that, Putin's parents bought him a level 2 tactical helmet to avoid injury.

Time passed, Vladimir grew up, his farts became more and more thermonuclear, so that even the thick chains that chained Putin to the toilet could not withstand them during toilet procedures. His parents were very sad and did not know what to do. They even ordered a toilet made of titanium alloy with high-strength steel from Krupp. It didn't help.. the toilet cracked on the third day.. Scientists got involved in the matter.. nuclear physicists.

After several years of hard work, through joint efforts, the nuclear physicists came to the conclusion that Vladimir needed to take a shit in a missile silo, from where rockets are launched into space.

It was a sensation.. they wanted to nominate the scientists for the Nobel Prize, but they couldn't because of the project's secrecy. This project had been in development for several decades. During the testing, various accidents occurred. Once they miscalculated the fart and Putin lost his course... they searched for him for a long time on reindeer sleds and found him in the tundra.. beyond the polar pole, completely by accident. A local hunter was hunting in those areas, mistook Putin for a saiga, and opened fire to kill. Putin got scared and stepped on the gas.. then Vladimir broke the hypersonic barrier for the first time.

He was picked up by the Tuaregs in Africa, he was dying. He lived with the Tuaregs for two years. They cured Vladimir and got him back on his feet. And they also taught him ancient wisdom and voodoo teachings. He returned to his homeland in a couple of fart revs, because he learned wisdom and never strayed from the course... he flew straight to the Kremlin.

During the two years that Putin was staying at the Tuaregs for rehabilitation, scientists studied the missile shaft where Putin farted, took fecal samples, and derived a formula. Then the Dagger hypersonic missile appeared. And that's why the US can't make a hypersonic missile.

The CIA and MI 6 carried out an unprecedented operation, using their best agent Jason Bob. He penetrated the toilet shaft where Putin farted through the sewer pipes. He managed to take a small sample, but the reactive gases and radiation damaged his skin by 80%. A week later, he died in the hospital in agony.

I ask you to be very careful, I heard that Putin was recently launched into outer space. For this, Mexican dishes were added to his diet. The experiment was a success!

$750 is immediate cash up front to help with food and any other immediate needs.
Yes, Bro, I understand that perfectly well. But $750 is a paltry sum for such a payment for the US, no matter what you tell me! For the richest country in the world - don't forget that!

Recently, a dam burst beyond the Urals due to abnormal rainfall. It flooded a lot of populated areas, they were paid $750 and are also promising to restore their homes. But people are very outraged by this. And they understand that they will have to wait a very long time for the rest of the payments... as always. But the standard of living there is 2-3 times lower. For them, this is $1.5-2, so you understand. I know a person who sailed out of his house... on a boat.))) It's not funny, of course, but that's how it literally was. He told me about these payments, just like you.

Bro, I know all this, and that's why I'm surprised that it's so little.

Sorry if I said something wrong!

This would be the kind of post that is pretty political as then we get to the only administration that actually withheld disasters funds (45th presidency).
To be honest, I have no idea. Who is the 45th president.. But I feel it with my ass.. Who are you talking about.)) Bro, please... I'm seriously asking! Leave me alone with your two idiots.. One is a decrepit old man who can't stand on his feet and hardly understands anything normally, and the second one behaves like a 16 year old teenager.. uncultured and ill-mannered.. like a farmer from Texas!

Are you talking to me about them? Bro, I am deeply uninterested in both of them and the processes that are happening with you are uninteresting! I want the war to end quickly! Everyone here wants this, no matter what you say!

With respect!
Damn, I probably offended the farmers from Texas.. Sorry, farmers from Texas. We have such an expression, I just got used to it, without realizing what I was saying.

I watch you, Americans. Everything is somehow simple for you, everything is straightforward. For you there is only black and white... and shades do not exist. Everything is clear and understandable to you.

To some extent, I envy you, because for me, the longer I live, the more things are incomprehensible. I somehow get the opposite.

If I say something about one, then I am immediately attacked for being a supporter of the second.))) This is not the first year! Do you understand what I mean? For you, there is a third?)) And for me, there is a fourth.. and a fifth.. and a tenth.. life is so multifaceted, and you are fixated on something incomprehensible.. on the number 2... I do not understand you.

You are constantly fighting evil. And what is evil? What is good? These understandings are so vague and ephemeral that from different angles they begin to play with completely different colors. Don't you understand this yourself!)))
Americans, I want to tell you a secret! I'm surprised you don't know about this yet. Everyone here has known about it for a long time.

What is Putin's might and strength? Why is everyone so afraid of him? Nuclear physicists have been unable to find an answer to this phenomenon for a long time. It turns out that Putin has "Thermionuclear Fart Syndrome."

Tell me you think it's bullshit! Say you think the author is crazy!

I'll read it too and say, hey, this guy needs to get his head fixed!

But you don't understand what I'm getting at. Very often when I listen to SNN news, my jaw drops, just like yours did when you read here! Exactly the same!

I am a small person and I am far removed from your high matter and narratives about morals and morality and which president is on the bill. . Right now, I just need to survive. For me and my family to survive, I need the war to end. You see, the logic is very simple.

Next, in the last week, there has been an unbelievably wild wave of meat hunting. My father-in-law brought me food yesterday, he says there's something strange going on in the streets. If my father-in-law is telling me this, then things are really bad. He's very worried about Ukraine. He's never said that before. This is the first time!

We call it banging your head against the wall or ... can't shit, don't torture your ass. The next step is to lower the draft age below 25.

And I'm not telling you fairy tales, I'm literally retelling what they've been saying on TV lately. Trust in the government has fallen below the floor.

I repeat, I do not retransmit any propaganda, I say only what I see with my own eyes, and what is happening around me. And what I see is that the war has been going on for almost three years. and there is no result, everything is wasted... everything... including money from your pocket that you pay taxes.... Give that money to the people affected by the hurricane. If you still don't get it, that's where I started the conversation.

We are very tired of war. It's not even about me, it's about old people and children! My mother-in-law couldn't stand the war, she's paralyzed. If the war had ended six months ago, my wife wouldn't be crying around the clock!

And what kind of president and where is the president. . . 45th or 50th, that's even more horrifying... If you say the 45th is much worse, then what is going to happen to us....if he wins....if we are nowhere near as bad.....

I hope you'll understand and forgive me if I've offended anyone.
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My father-in-law brought me food yesterday
Now for the food. What does a The Prisoner of Château d'If eat when he's under martial law.


Dry rations for a few days.


Here we see the essentials for me. Tea sugar, lemon, I know Americans don't drink hot tea, but we like to drink hot strong, sweet tea with lemon. I have long favored the Ahmad Tea brand.

Next, it's a little bit different: you see the motifs of American cuisine because it's the laziest. There's buns and what you put in the bun... you get a kind of cheeseburger in the microwave.


The rest of the milk kefir, sour cream, sweet pancakes with cottage cheese, also in the microwave... well, and beer of course.))

That's how I live.

I don't show the plants yet, sorry, I'm very tired of loneliness, I haven't seen my wife for about a month... I had a few words with my father-in-law... I didn't talk to anyone else.)) It's very stressful, believe me, it's more mental...

But tomorrow my mother-in-law will be discharged from the hospital and I'll probably see my wife.)))

Maybe it'll get a little easier..... Maybe.
I'm still alive.))))

At the very beginning of the narrative, I'd like to call attention to this series. If you have the time, I highly recommend watching it to understand something.


Just recently and suddenly experienced a sense of deja vu.

My wife comes to me almost every day and brings me home-cooked food, because American food didn't appeal to my stomach.)))) My stomach resents it.))

As a rule, my wife comes for an hour... and sometimes less. During today's appointment, I came across the thought that I am experiencing the same feeling I once had.....

A long time ago, in the early nineties of the last century, at a time when the big country fell apart into small pieces, our whole life changed radically, turned upside down. We were told then that we had to be patient for democracy and freedom to come to our home and bring happiness to all of us.

At that time, for the first time in my life, I experienced an acute feeling of hunger. There was no electricity... no electricity for half a day... very strong inflation and economic crisis. I literally had nothing to eat and nothing to wear.

I stood mesmerized and hungry for a long time at the windows of fashionable boutiques, which appeared in our city like mushrooms after the rain, and also looked mesmerized at the expensive cars from which respectable fashionable people got out. I thought then that this is what democracy and freedom looked like, and I too would one day be like them. I just have to be patient.

Time passed, nothing changed, and eventually, out of constant hunger and need, I plunged into crime in order to live somehow, not to survive. Criminal activity, as it usually happens, led me to prison....

And when my wife came to see me in prison once a month.

And when my wife came to see me today, I felt exactly the same feeling as I did then, an overwhelming sadness, longing, and hopelessness....

It's all over again, all for democracy and freedom. And again, you have to be patient and you'll be happy. What kind of a fool can believe it... once again.

As you can see, my mood leaves a lot to be desired.....

So I have nothing to please or surprise you.

But I don't give up, even though I'm in a groggy state of mind. I'm struggling, I'm trying.

For a long time I haven't taken care of the plants, I just watered them and put them under a weak fluorescent light.

Today my wife came and took a picture... and amazingly enough, the plants are alive, they are trying too, they are struggling too, just like me!


Tomorrow my wife has promised to give me a little more time to clean up the room together..... I didn't just start the plants, I made a mess in the room.))))))

If tomorrow everything works out as planned, I'll try to make it up to you.)))


But that will be tomorrow...


to be continued....
Tell me you think it's bullshit! Say you think the author is crazy!

I'll read it too and say, hey, this guy needs to get his head fixed!

But you don't understand what I'm getting at. Very often when I listen to SNN news, my jaw drops, just like yours did when you read here! Exactly the same!

I am a small person and I am far removed from your high matter and narratives about morals and morality and which president is on the bill. . Right now, I just need to survive. For me and my family to survive, I need the war to end. You see, the logic is very simple.

Next, in the last week, there has been an unbelievably wild wave of meat hunting. My father-in-law brought me food yesterday, he says there's something strange going on in the streets. If my father-in-law is telling me this, then things are really bad. He's very worried about Ukraine. He's never said that before. This is the first time!

We call it banging your head against the wall or ... can't shit, don't torture your ass. The next step is to lower the draft age below 25.

And I'm not telling you fairy tales, I'm literally retelling what they've been saying on TV lately. Trust in the government has fallen below the floor.

I repeat, I do not retransmit any propaganda, I say only what I see with my own eyes, and what is happening around me. And what I see is that the war has been going on for almost three years. and there is no result, everything is wasted... everything... including money from your pocket that you pay taxes.... Give that money to the people affected by the hurricane. If you still don't get it, that's where I started the conversation.

We are very tired of war. It's not even about me, it's about old people and children! My mother-in-law couldn't stand the war, she's paralyzed. If the war had ended six months ago, my wife wouldn't be crying around the clock!

And what kind of president and where is the president. . . 45th or 50th, that's even more horrifying... If you say the 45th is much worse, then what is going to happen to us....if he wins....if we are nowhere near as bad.....

I hope you'll understand and forgive me if I've offended anyone.
You have not offended me, that i know of
As planned, my wife came yesterday for a couple of hours.

At first she scolded me very much for making a mess in the room... it was impossible to get through there.. So she sat in the room for those two hours... When I came in, she said angrily: - Go out, don't bother me!

So we talked.))

But nothing, at least things got moving, and... life goes on!


the remaining clones were also planted in the installation


fishing rods are starting to turn into palm trees.)


That's all for now...see you later...exciting meetings!


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I wish the Sun, I wish the wind to the boys who have long since gone to heaven
And to those who have not been there — I wish to be alive and forever young
It is too early for us to go there, to the heavens! It is too early, friend, to the winds of sorrow
It is too early to go into the clouds with gray smoke — which means, let's breathe deeply for now!

And while, mom — your son is alive! And while I, mom, am with you
My soul, mom — it is calm that wars will not start in our home!
My soul is white, my soul is brave — lead me through my life first!
To those who are worthy, who did not cost money — I built my own spiritual home
And there, in heaven, mom, they are watching how we live: dead souls or alive
Are we on the streets or with housing; don't smoke, mom, or drink
And you can't take my God away from me, even if they give you a lot of money
Even if you meet a cold shore — my love will spread further than yours
And I have beautiful views from my window. I have no time to fulfill everything in full
Not to go there forever, there... The trouble has passed. My luck is forever
The sea, seagulls and white-white sand; children in the streets without socks
I saw there. I ran there! I was with the boys and I had a shore
The end of summer, the beginning of autumn, and our Ural mountains will freeze again
And again, again I will die — and neither the end nor the beginning will be visible there
Wai! Wai! Wai! Brother, pour me some — pu-erh leaves and ginseng are the edge
New April, new May, if you are sad, brother — don't be sad

Hey! Up there, how are you? Salam. I embrace the sky, I fall at your feet
May the earth lie in softness, may it be. At the gates of Heaven, let them not judge you sternly
I remember! This is sacred! I am with you, my guys, and I will not let you go from my heart!
Just breathe, just breathe, just breathe
And if the clouds take you, just bye, just bye, just bye…
I remember how I hug, often cry, how I die, where I fly away
I remember how we loved, how we wandered, how we stole, how we laughed
And where there was no trouble, where you and I, divided our dreams in half
And when my Brother is on my way - I will go to the grave, you tell everyone there

I wish the Sun, I wish the wind to the boys who have long gone to heaven
And to those who were not there - I wish to be alive and forever young
It is too early for us to go there, to the heavens! It is too early, friend, to the winds of sorrow
It is too early for gray smoke in the clouds - and that means, we breathe deeply for now!
Looking out the window this morning, I saw the first snow. The frost has begun.

The weather today is very cloudy and gloomy. Low, black clouds are looming from the border, a piercing cold wind is blowing, and it is ruthlessly rattling the birch tree under my window, blowing away the remnants of yellowed leaves.

Yesterday was just as turbulent. There was a lot of rumbling all day, but it wasn't thunder... a lot of destruction....

At last the central heating was on, and it became a little warmer and cozier in the room. Before that, the temperature in the room at night could drop below 10 degrees Celsius (50 Fahringheit).

I've tried all sorts of tricks... turning on the gas stoves in the kitchen, closing the supply to the room, leaving only the exhaust, opening the door to the room so the exhaust pulls heat from the kitchen... but it doesn't help much I guess.
Plants are stressed and refuse to grow.....


Let's pray to God that the heating will not be turned off anytime soon.

The wife did a little defoliation.


Now I will go every morning in the room to read spells and dance with a tambourine, perhaps it will help more than the elections in the U.S.)))))


I hope to see you again.....
the last few days have been just awful... everything is flying, last night I woke up from the fact that I was being carried away somewhere... along with the house))) phew... I got away with it.

I'm dancing with a tambourine, reading spells... when will these fucking elections end?.. Because everyone votes... even Russians.. only they vote in a very peculiar way.))) 1 missile is a hundred votes. 1 aerial bomb - 3000 kg - is 500 votes.))

This is how we live... without interfering in the elections.)))

People, what are you doing?! Do you have a head on your shoulders?! Stop it!!