The American Constitution is toilet paper


Well-Known Member

As bad as you think the state of American justice is, as much as you think America's Federal Government ignores the rights of citizens, it's even worse than you think.

America has become the fully fledged Fascist Authoritarian State we have been warned about since the Constitution was written.

America is now clearly, obviously, incontrovertibly no longer just, moral or operating under the rule of law. Both major parties have colluded in this state of affairs.

We are ruled by monsters.


Well-Known Member
Is it expensive toilet paper, or the old brown stuff that used to be in park toilets?

Assange is the jackass that helped smuggle Snowden and the data files out of America and into Putin's hands that are being used to great affect to divide us using our online data. He is not a journalist, he is a dickhead blogger pushing a Russian op.


Well-Known Member
Nah kid smuggling the equivalent to the new millenniums nuclear bomb designs out of America, don't go to some dictator somewhere relatively not scary to America, come bring it to Putin who is looking for something to attack the worlds democracies with!
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Julian Assange has said he advised the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden against seeking asylum in Latin America because he could have been kidnapped and possibly killed there.

The WikiLeaks editor-in-chief said he told Snowden to ignore concerns about the “negative PR consequences” of sheltering in Russia because it was one of the few places in the world where the CIA’s influence did not reach.

In a wide-ranging interview with the Times, Assange also said he feared he would be assassinated if he was ever able to leave the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he sought asylum in 2012 to avoid extradition.

He accused US officials of breaking the law in their pursuit of him and his whistleblowing organisation, and in subjecting his connections to a campaign of harassment.

WikiLeaks was intimately involved in the operation to help Snowden evade the US authorities in 2013 after he leaked his cache of intelligence documents to Glenn Greenwald, then a journalist with the Guardian.

Assange sent one of his most senior staff members, Sarah Harrison, to be at Snowden’s side in Hong Kong, and helped to engineer his escape to Russia – despite his discomfort with the idea of fleeing to one of the US’s most powerful enemies.

“Snowden was well aware of the spin that would be put on it if he took asylum in Russia,” Assange told the Times.

“He preferred Latin America, but my advice was that he should take asylum in Russia despite the negative PR consequences, because my assessment is that he had a significant risk he could be kidnapped from Latin America on CIA orders. Kidnapped or possibly killed.”

However, Assange’s story appears to be at odds with reports from the time, which detail a plan hatched to whisk Snowden from Russia, where he was stuck in the transit area of Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport after his US passport was revoked, and into political asylum in Ecuador.

In a statement issued as the drama unfolded, WikiLeaks said of Snowden: “He is bound for the republic of Ecuador via a safe route for the purposes of asylum, and is being escorted by diplomats and legal advisers from WikiLeaks.”

But the plan unravelled after Ecuador’s president, Rafael Correa, declared invalid a temporary travel document issued by his London consul – in collaboration with Assange – after other Ecuadorean diplomats said in leaked correspondence that the Wikileaks founder could be perceived as “running the show”.

Correa went on to criticise the consul, Fidel Narvaez, telling the Associated Press that to have issued the document – which was thought to have been used by Snowden to travel from Hong Kong to Moscow – without consulting Quito was a serious error.In his Times interview, Assange also outlined his own fears of being targeted. He said that even venturing out on to the balcony of Ecuador’s embassy in Knightsbridge posed security risks in the light of bomb and assassination threats by what he called “unstable people”.

He said he thought it was unlikely he would be shot, but that he worried that if he was freed he could be kidnapped by the CIA.

“I’m a white guy,” Assange said. “Unless I convert to Islam it’s not that likely that I’ll be droned, but we have seen things creeping towards that.”

Ecuador granted the Australian political asylum in 2012 under the 1951 refugee convention.

He believed he risked extradition to the US from the UK and Sweden, where he is under investigation for his involvement with WikiLeaks. He also faces extradition to Sweden for an investigation into an alleged rape.

He has remained in the embassy for nearly three years, with a round-the-clock police guard thought to have cost more than £11m. Assange believes his situation will be resolved in the next two years.


Well-Known Member
Is it expensive toilet paper, or the old brown stuff that used to be in park toilets?

Assange is the jackass that helped smuggle Snowden and the data files out of America and into Putin's hands that are being used to great affect to divide us using our online data. He is not a journalist, he is a dickhead blogger pushing a Russian op.
WikiLeaks spread the information to the whole world. That's called journalism.


Well-Known Member
WikiLeaks spread the information to the whole world. That's called journalism.
Nah it is a website funded by Putin (or better yet the hard work of all the citizens of the nation Putin is dictator of) that was used to push lies and bullshit narratives into the world.

Shit by these standards the local oil shop should be able to claim 'journalism' if the cops show up when they run a chop shop after hours.

But I get it. A whole lot of money went into selling the narrative to amplify the messaging that Assange/Snowden were not actively helping the attack on our nation. It is not unbelievable that people would actually think he was somehow a (lol) hero.