
Seeds cracked after 24-36 hours in paper towel but no progress since. It’s been about 5 days now.
4 out of 5 seeds did this. Strange. View attachment 5430177
Well, shieeeeet....yep, normally seeds show some roots in like less than 24 hours. Yet I once got dat seed germinatin on me after freaking 18 days when I've forgotten about it....maybe try planting in very small cups with some decent soil...if they will - they will, if not - the soil will remain usable


Well-Known Member
I always put seeds in a beaker until the radicle pops out and have had very good results.

I started a new grow a couple of weeks ago. Three seeds in the beaker, two popped so I added three more, none of which sprouted. Both of the two that sprouted weren't in very good shape so I tossed them and started over, .

Five seeds, different strain, different vendor. Plop plop into the beaker of water and five for five in 24 hours.

Sometimes you get the bear; sometimes the bear gets your.


But either way maybe I will throw a couple of them into dirt. It’s not often I buy seeds as I’ve got thousands of them so I really wanted these lol. Especially at $70 for five


Well-Known Member
Paper towel looks too wet, if it's too wet they can't breath. Try rinsing them off with hydrogen peroxide, then soak them in water over night. If they sink to the bottom of the cup of water right away then put them on a new clean damp paper towel for a day or two and check on them here and there. If they still don't pop open, then gently crack them open with your fingers or your teeth like opening a sunflower seeds, but be gentle you don't want to rip it open... Just crack it until it pops open at the seam so water can get in, then either plant them in soil or put them on a new clean paper towel to observe them. I am trying to pop seeds that are 4, 10, and 20 years old. The 4 year old seeds sprout about 75% of the time within 24-72 hours, the 10 year old seeds will crack and pop a tiny Taproot, then the clear sack around the head of the seed fills with water and they die off, the 20 year old seeds about 5% open but that's it they die before anything emerges. I have tried everything, it is a struggle! ✌


Well-Known Member
I soak my seeds for 24hrs in 1 part 3% peroxide to 2 parts water.....then into paper towel overnight and they are almost always ready to go next day. Some take an extra day.
The peroxide kills off bad stuff, softens shell, and oxygenates


Well-Known Member
Next time, wring-out the paper towel a little so it's damp, but not sopping wet. I then put the paper towel in a sandwich ziploc baggie so it doesn't dry out. I also put them on a heat mat with the temp at 80F. A lot of people skip the heat mat, but I've found it tends to speed the process along (heat is a catalyst after all). Anything that doesn't show a tail, or cracks but stalls-out after 2-4 days is a lost cause usually.


Well-Known Member
Next time, wring-out the paper towel a little so it's damp, but not sopping wet. I then put the paper towel in a sandwich ziploc baggie so it doesn't dry out. I also put them on a heat mat with the temp at 80F. A lot of people skip the heat mat, but I've found it tends to speed the process along (heat is a catalyst after all). Anything that doesn't show a tail, or cracks but stalls-out after 2-4 days is a lost cause usually.
I mostly agree but will say the mat is so-so is awesome for clones but might of dried them out faster. I didnt baby them but recall damn it seems harsh and dried out before usual.

I just keep in a small bathroom kept at 65-70F is warm enough for me. Rh above 45 but below 60 kept it from drying out in a bowl with a plate over it in bathroom cabinet. My new go to spot seems to work as Ive been cloning forgetting how to do seeds lol.


Well-Known Member
I spray and dump excess water and just check it every morning and evening. It dryback slow enough that I can add more water as needed but yea too much water is bad but too little will kill them too.

I have a similar story but with a street bag of weed full of seeds I just popped them for fun and killed them as it wasnt good time to grow at that time.

Tolerance Break

Well-Known Member
You could also try manually opening them. I've done it before, and it saved a couple plants.

The first thing I saw was how wet the paper towel looked, so I'm in that camp.


I was kind of just showing you guys these seeds that cracked but didn’t progress further. Thought it was interesting (and shitty because I wasted $70 lol)