Kids say the darndest things...

Wow, how's that for some smart kids!

I'll bet they don't have to put much more than that on their college admission letter to MIT or Stanford. Full ride too.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
So Lil Neo plays soccer now. And she had a good game. So I took her out for a slurpee. We're sitting in my truck enjoying the slurpees when I noticed at the car wash next to us a very strapping and ripped young man. Couldn't have been older than 18. She will be 12 at the end of the year and is becoming a young lady. So I was curious if she would notice him and what her reaction would be. Just as I'm about to ask her to look she notices him. Checks out for about 5 seconds and then goes "I bet one paper cut and he's finished". Lol. It made me literally laugh out loud.
She will be 12 at the end of the year and is becoming a young lady...

My 6 year old grandson is sitting by side me on the couch and playing a game on the iPad , so I started talking to him about something just to aggravate him and he said very calmly “ your weird “ and I replied “ would I still be weird if I let play in peace “ to this he replied “ yeah but I would enjoy my game more “ . They are such word smiths. Ohh btw he is the star of his fall travel ball baseball team.
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Crazy huh? We've know each other a decade +.
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Wow! It seems just last year she was born, time flies.