Setting up dtw coco 2.5x5 tent


Well-Known Member
So I must say I think I got a clue. I forgot to say that when I emptied the reservoir and was getting the pumps out and last bit of water left behind.. It was very yucky cloudy like white.

I almost paused realized that was when I already knew it was cloudy, was about to delete. Then realized thats still a clue lets see if it does it today or tomorrow even though it looks refillable now.

If its suddenly cloudy almost white again then yea Im just perpetuating the unkillable bacteria/pathogens. That over power the res and makes for unfeedable food. Will update tomorrow.

Im trying to get a feel for how to make it last to the weekend with 3 more plants, full garden. Well actually it should be easy with 3 25 gal res vs 60 Il have 25 more gal.

Drop That Sound

Well-Known Member
Having hard water in your pool can also present a problem when you go to shock it.
If you add a product that has a high level of calcium to a pool that is already pretty high in calcium hardness, you're likely to end up with water that's clouded by calcium particles.

Your best option, if you have hard water, is to choose a pool shock that doesn't contain calcium hypochlorite.
Calcium hypochlorite shock products might not only be an issue for you if you have hard water.
The quality of this type of product tends to be lacking, mean it leaves a fair amount of undissolved solids floating about in the water.


Well-Known Member
That would explain why it can be a little cloudy but not smell rancid in any way like it will when its bacteria/slime related. It did have some slime even when I cleaned it a lil over a week prior.

What would be a easy formula someone like me can follow? For example .3gs pool shock per 10 gallons is real easy for me to figure out. Anything else I struggle. I do have calcium hardness water though.


Well-Known Member
My res is crystal clear tomorrow day 7. It was about day 11 that it got cloudy but I took down a bunch of plants so it lasted longer than the usual 3 days that I just refill res.

Then suddenly cloudy. I would just refill every 3 days and was I guess always a tiny bit cloudy because ever since I cleaned it best I can.. It really is night and day difference.

Drop That Sound

Well-Known Member
"Shocking Hard Water
Shocking is a process that makes use of calcium hypochlorite. Hard water is a result of high calcium concentration. Now, imagine injecting a compound of calcium into water already concentrated with calcium – a cloudy residue. To avoid this, you shouldn’t treat a hard water swimming pool with calcium-containing shock.

Most times, after using a calcium-containing shock, you would discover floating solids (made of calcium compounds) in the water, making it look unkempt. The shock products that dissolve quickly are the ones that are chlorine-free or contain fine particles."
I've never really dealt with having to shock or use hard water sources.. so don't take my word on it, but... many sources say not to use cal hypo with it. I'm just curious if using regular bleach with your mix\water might hold up better, and not cloud up as bad, etc..

I would always just add around 3-5pmm worth (sometimes higher if I actually had root funk going on) of regular unscented clorox bleach once or twice a week, using those online calculators to figure out the exact amount needed per gallon\liter. Depending on whatever brand you got, the strength can be a little different, and some are more or less concentrated by a few %.

Like this one:

Just punch in the numbers, and set it for mls and it will tell you how many to add for whatever size res you got, and then dose accordingly..


Well-Known Member
I should say this. Feeding plants nothing but bacteria/pathogen rich water all its life could of geen what caused super brown roots and cola death? Sudden cola death overnight which I learned to discard.

Plus a gnat infestation. I feel like staying on what Im doing now might make a big difference. Lost half a plant to somethin.


Well-Known Member
Idk how the calcium and other factors in my tap water effect ph but I dont even check it anymore. My ec I use plus my tap just makes a good 5.8ph. 1.8ec. I could adjust if I have to but..

With no bacteria virtually I now dont have to check it after setting it. A clue of bacteria? I used to check it daily and it could go out of range almost overnight.


Well-Known Member
These floraflex pots a pain to feed can only really feed so much. Im feeding from 8x to 4x a day ec out is a bit high but I cant really do anything about longer runoff.

They just overfill and spill. Maybe set timer to feed then off then back on for a shorter time. To flush out. Or I can feed by hand and flush it when I change reservoir weekly like I do now.

Just did it again everythings crystal clear. I cleaned out basement veg rezzy just because and didnt really need it. I just somehow get a lot of foreign debree in it unlike my flower rezzy.

The veg rezzy is cleaner it made a diff. Just no cloudiness like the warmer flower rez. Just a lot of floating shit making it seem cloudy. Its better now that I deep cleaned.

All that water just needs to leave and swapped. I can top it off indefinetly with the cool temps it sits in. Just need to get all that foreign debree out.


Well-Known Member
Then H miles bugs are some ventureres made it all the way to my dresser tent far above ground. Thats like around the world and back to them! I welcome them theyre helping with the bugs.

Dtw coco here yall if youre new to growing beware bugs. A food chain of bugs can arrise. Between the h miles microbelift bmc and fy traps its ~ok~.

I didnt have any bug issues for like a year just hobby growin. Just a thought before you take this too seriously. Many spiders in veg tent helping there. Can count 30 easily without trying.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit Im reading lots of reviews these nearpow timers defective or break and worst yet it can stay on. Fuck that, glad I still have a extra 60 gal its gonna be my runoff bin. It will hold all water if the stupid timers stay stuck.

Some yall were saying never heard it happen while someone said it happened to them.. Im reading reviews of it happening to people alright! Fuuuuck that. Sorry to curse but thats how yall know Im serious. This could end my grow.


Well-Known Member
Flex tape on the hole in the water tray and tent floor possibly, should do right? People successfully using it for inflatable pool dog bites and many other reviews of heavier duty jobs. I just need it to hold and only let a little bit of water through or none at all.

Obviously preferably no leak at all and flex tape seems to be right foe the job? Just in the event a pump fails. Maybe only spill 5 gallons on the floor idk. Ill notice it soon enough.


Well-Known Member
Crap I think its true what one said the adjustable flow orbits suck vs full flow. My full flow orbits are infact doing better now that I have 3 of them 2 have been in use for a while.

I should swap for a full flow two plant and see if I get better flow. It works but meh its weak but it works because the 1 gal pots being so rootbound it puddles. It would bother me in veg but my floraflex does them good I dont use it for veg.


Well-Known Member
60 gal rezzy 60 gal dump tank. No spilly willies. No space for any other reservoir maybe a 10 gal res and dump. So far all my strains like the same treatment anyway.


Well-Known Member
Week 3 I think since I started cleaning out weekly. Feels good feedin water youd drink yourself. Man, gots to think, if humans can die or get real sick drinking tainted water makes me wonder. If I get clean results must wonder if this was part the problemo.


Well-Known Member
Its a job but was refilling topping off every 3 days ph daily but now I just sit back all week no ph it stays stable since no bacteria. I waited till clean up time to test ph once again right on the dot 5.8-6.0 gold yellow with gh test drops.

I went from 8x a day fed to 5 but if I never did 8x a day and it lasted weekly this would be more work comparing to that.

Its whatever it dont take much its a 5hr dryback cycle Its done by next feed. Maybe 30mins cleaning 30 mins refilling. I just top of veg only deep clean like once a month. Just to refresh it of debree otherwise its still clear. 64F temps there.

Feels like a lot of work that takes 5 hrs but its not. I wish I could just top it off but it must be in flower room where its just warm as hell. Might be cooler this cool seasons but will see.