Blaze & Daze

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
We were living in Salt Lake when they got the winter Olympics.
They did a 10 year highway project in 4 years to get ready, that was interesting to say the least.
Overall it was an extremely positive experience. It transitioned Salt lake from a kind of backward clannish town to an international city with modern vibes.
Definitely enough for the B&D team!


Well-Known Member
So did you convert it and if so do you see a difference in the operation of the light
The LED's operate on a DC voltage so the AC input is converted to the proper DC voltage and the current is variable with the brightness knob. Changing the input voltage won't affect the voltage the LED's see. I'm not going to get into duty cycles and the rest.


Well-Known Member

Ah...."sparky" stuff. Fairly easy if you know the concept/understand wire sizes/etc. and ya turn the MAIN power off...LOL. We pretty much tore this house down to studs and rewired it/replumbed it all. It was damn scary how they had it wired.

Had a glitch in the Matrix here this weekend/yesterday. Our old, almost 15 year old pup took a downturn and we had to help him leave the rock.
Grief. What would we fuckin do without you? He did have a good life and live longer than any other dog we've had. Even so...yeah. I doesn't hurt as bad as it did before losing the boy but there is a sting there, for sure. I took a few days off from posting cus the head just wasn't right (moreso than normal...LOL)

We're trying to wind everything down in the garden. Could be some frost comin'. The weed will be fine. Gettin' there.

have a groovy day kids...
So sorry for your loss :peace:

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
Shipping worldwide?
For sure!

Shipping worldwide?
I'm hoping to make this Community Journal hoppin'

I was planning Con-US/Canada, but you're B&D fam, I got you, don't tell anyone. ;)