Blaze & Daze

quick question the HLG 600 runs fine on 120 but I was thinking (yes yes I know it's a dangerous thing for me to do)but anyways I'm running new wire to the grow room and I'm thinking about 240 but I have concerns that I've already ran it at 120and I View attachment 5425940 don't know if it'll mess it up if I jump it up to 240 now any thoughts on this any information would be greatly appreciated as always
Call HLG they should be open soon :)
Yeah, the mood in that stadium got pretty grim by the start of the 4th.

My partners and I were being hosted by the Cowboys since they’re clients, it’s kind of hard to sit there while they’re getting beat up. Gotta find new convo topics. ‘So, anyone here grow weed?’
Especially since they paid Dak quarter of a billion. Highest paid in league,and to lose, tough atmosphere