Cannabis and Kidneys


Well-Known Member
Chemo is out as of now. Tumors found in other locations.
Whole new ballgame.

Picked up wood and trellis netting. The lantern flies seemed to have moved on.
Temps in 70's nice day for the garden.
God damn man.. fuck cancer, so hard and thoroughly at an angle that causes the most discomfort.

I killed a spotted lantern fly with a slingshot from 20 yards the other day. Lucky shot, but the wife was impressed. Not bad for $7 at harbor frieght. We went there for a dolly for my 5gal pail of water, came across that slingshot and said "yes please" I love being a kid.

Very beautiful day, you're right. I was just out in my garden watering and picking fans off. I'm going to be cleaning plants for weeks. Luckily almost all my outdoor from last season is gone, so I have about 70 1/2 gallon jars ready to go.

Can you share any pictures of your garden, or your birds? We would all love to see them
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Well-Known Member
God damn man.. fuck cancer, so hard and thoroughly at an angle that causes the most discomfort.

I killed a spotted lantern fly with a slingshot from 20 yards the other day. Lucky shot, but the wife was impressed. Not bad for $7 at harbor frieght. We went there for a dolly for my 5gal pail of water, came across that slingshot and said "yes please" I love being a kid.
I walked out of getting a blood test and there was a dozen on the ground just outside the door. I tapped danced a few to the great beyond...

conor c

Well-Known Member
God is found at the 50 foot mark from the apex of turn 1 when your brake pedal goes soft.

My Maui Wowie turned out to be an autoflower, so I have no idea what it really is. But one bud was done and now in drying process.

One of my birds jumped out of her cage yesterday, and didn't freak out. Just hung out on table looking for food. Overturned the mealworms and had a feast, the other bird was going nuts trying to join the party. She is starting to understand that I provide food & water and loosing her fear.

Need to get outside some of the plants need support and some of the bamboo after the rain is blocking the sun.

Overall I feel pretty well just don't want to over do it. Chemo starts next week.
My son come home from camp on Tuesday and heads to college on Saturday, I get a few days of manual labor from him.
But I have a pile of cooking to do......

hope you doing well
Pure speculation bud but I know nirvana seeds do a auto version of it idk where your seeds come from just thought id throw it out there mate