Powdery Mildew - What’s your hot take on treatment?


Well-Known Member
Hey gang,

Like every year, looks like I’ll lock horns with Powdery Mildew again. Yes, air flow is good (I’m outdoors) and humidity is typical for a Toronto summer.

I’m also about 4 weeks into flower. This said, I’ve heard it all and likely used some combination over the years. What I haven’t found is a solid assist in the remedy. I understand that once you have it, it ain’t going away, so what’s the best treatment?

Feels like Potassium Bicarbonate might be my safest bet. It’s only on one of the six plants, but we all know….

Thanks team. Appreciate the feedback!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Hey gang,

Like every year, looks like I’ll lock horns with Powdery Mildew again. Yes, air flow is good (I’m outdoors) and humidity is typical for a Toronto summer.

I’m also about 4 weeks into flower. This said, I’ve heard it all and likely used some combination over the years. What I haven’t found is a solid assist in the remedy. I understand that once you have it, it ain’t going away, so what’s the best treatment?

Feels like Potassium Bicarbonate might be my safest bet. It’s only on one of the six plants, but we all know….

Thanks team. Appreciate the feedback!
https://www.arbico-organics.com/product/arber-bio-protectant-disease-control/natural-organic-plant-disease-control or Regalia, both are Reynoutria Sachalinensis.


Well-Known Member
Hey gang,

Like every year, looks like I’ll lock horns with Powdery Mildew again. Yes, air flow is good (I’m outdoors) and humidity is typical for a Toronto summer.

I’m also about 4 weeks into flower. This said, I’ve heard it all and likely used some combination over the years. What I haven’t found is a solid assist in the remedy. I understand that once you have it, it ain’t going away, so what’s the best treatment?

Feels like Potassium Bicarbonate might be my safest bet. It’s only on one of the six plants, but we all know….

Thanks team. Appreciate the feedback!
Look into 3% ho2o or better yet zero Tol if you can get it there.


Well-Known Member
Battling it also. 3% peroxide works but damages good leaves too......maybe diluting it would help but then it's not as effective. I use a bio fungicide that also helped with spreading..... although a better preventative I never think to use it till too late :eyesmoke: Bacillius amyloliquefaciencs strain D474 is in a few products I use the Bonide Revitalize brand. Probably can't use that up there either?
Good luck! Shit sucks :wall:
Look into the 60/40 milk method...I've never tried it but hear it helps.


Well-Known Member
My local grow shop carries Lost Coast. I've heard good things and its safe to use in flower, so might give that a whirl. It really, really sucks. Did the added silicate during veg to help build resistance, canopy is airy etc. Kick in head. Oh well. Onward we march!

Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 10.44.08 AM.png


Well-Known Member
My local grow shop carries Lost Coast. I've heard good things and its safe to use in flower, so might give that a whirl. It really, really sucks. Did the added silicate during veg to help build resistance, canopy is airy etc. Kick in head. Oh well. Onward we march!

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If you spray that on buds plan on tasting soybean oil when toked, That is no good on late stage buds I have used it yuck! look into citric acid or ho2o for late stage flowering.


Well-Known Member
A lot of folks use a sulphur spray.

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Well-Known Member
A lot of folks use a sulphur spray.

Not in flower!


Well-Known Member

That sounds wonderful, unfortunately, I’ve got that Canada thing working against me…:(

I'm from Canada too, I use a drop shipper to get my fix.

I also use an Airros machine to kill PM and bud rot.



Well-Known Member


I'm from Canada too, I use a drop shipper to get my fix.

I also use an Airros machine to kill PM and bud rot.

How much did that run ya?


Well-Known Member


I'm from Canada too, I use a drop shipper to get my fix.

I also use an Airros machine to kill PM and bud rot.

Witch unit did you go with hobbes Are there filters that need to be changed.


Well-Known Member

Lol not shipping, how much did the unit cost. You can dm me if you don't wanna post it

LOL! I just got confused.

If memory serves it was around $1,700 USD, with exchange and tax it was around $3,000 CAD.

You can get a quote from this page - black box with white writing on the left side of the page.
