Putting seeds in freezer before germinating?

cannabis is not frost tolerant...........why would its seeds even know what freezing weather is?
no.....cannabis does not need cold stratification. probably kill the seed.
if it worked, dude.......people would be doin' it. i get 90% germ rates, my way. i don't need no freezer.
I freeze my seeds prior to germination and it works for me. By no means am I an expert grower, I'm on my first growth with high powered lights... I fill the ice tray, put one seed in each slot of my ice tray, in my case the ice tray has 14 cube slots.. and then I freeze them over night, thaw them for a day and then plant into a peat pot with soil. All 10 of my first plants came out female.
I wouldn't freeze it to germinate it, but to store seeds long term it's fine in the freezer. My uncle has kept seeds from 20 years ago in the freezer and they still sprout no problem. He has them all categorized by different year and cross breeds them.
i mean in theory it does make sense to me.. think about how nature works.. a plant gets prego in summer or so, develops the seeds throughout fall, then drops them on the ground in late fall...
the seeds have to go through late fall then winter time before spring comes back around and the seeds germinate..

so yah, in theory, it makes sense to me.. am i going to try it?? idk about that, lol... :D
Freezing seeds for storage I've heard of but to germinate....idk......I'll try it:). I like to soak in water for at least 24h,then plant as desired..mo:)Happy growing!
High THC strains have always come from tropical zones..with the exception of Afghan and some others...however long term storage via a freezer works great as long as your NOT using a frost free freezer which actually warm just above freezing briefly to knock out the frost....chest freezers are the only way to go.
Temps under 32 degrees F. will kill seeds. However, growers who need to store seeds for long terms
will keep them refridgerated at 40 degrees.

I wouldn't freeze it to germinate it, but to store seeds long term it's fine in the freezer. My uncle has kept seeds from 20 years ago in the freezer and they still sprout no problem. He has them all categorized by different year and cross breeds them.
Does he share,....
i thought it was stupid too but i read it eithe in this website or another marijuana growing foum...i HAD to see if peope were buyin it or not
I heard it can bring seeds out of dormancy sometimes if they are harder to sprout. It's tricking the plant into thinking it went from winter to spring. But not just putting every seed in their first as a ritual, because if a seed is viable it will sprout regardless of all the voodoo and mumbo jumbo hahaha
I had some seeds from the 80s that would not sprout, nothing would work, but people suggested putting them in the fridge, putting them in the freezer, soaking them in giberellic acid, sanding the shell... Nothing worked lol
I heard it can bring seeds out of dormancy sometimes if they are harder to sprout. It's tricking the plant into thinking it went from winter to spring. But not just putting every seed in their first as a ritual, because if a seed is viable it will sprout regardless of all the voodoo and mumbo jumbo hahaha
I had some seeds from the 80s that would not sprout, nothing would work, but people suggested putting them in the fridge, putting them in the freezer, soaking them in giberellic acid, sanding the shell... Nothing worked lol
Yeah it can help break dormancy also some ruderal stuff actually needs it the real seed company there Siberian would normally go through this and has adapted to it also some Himalayan varieties have some germination inhibitors in them as well it pretty much only happens in stuff that has to face tougher climactic conditions obviously most modern stuff germinates easily Vs that kind of stuff