I don't gamble so it's Replay Poker for me.
In Ca. You pretty much have to go out of state for on-line and sports betting, neither is allowed, even on tribal lands. But Nevada is just next door.
The last two bets I placed were many, many years ago, one was a horse race, I had just moved back home from college (Humboldt State) and saw a horse named "Humboldt County", maiden race, 25 to 1 longshot, I put $20 on her, and she won! Went on to be a pretty successfull horse. The other was a sports bet, in about 1980, I was in Nevada and put $10 on a 100 to 1 bet that the 49er's would win the superbowl, and darned if they didn't!!! I play table games (craps/blackjack) and slots when at a casino.Do you bet and how much?
https://www.replaypoker.com/Link to replay poker please... How many people are on this site? How do you deposit money?
Yes.Isn't this for fake chips?? .... Do you bet sports?